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The people who need to be eliminated from the internet. (only post bad people)

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a fucking offensive 23 years old trans from goes by the name of Hazel or Maki. she's bullying everyone she don't like

roast her fuck her do whatever you want i have plenty of information about her

Rae is not her last name but mid name that's unknown for now but she has instagram (not found yet) twitter, discord, tumblr, twitch accounts
discord: Shemow

Date of birth: April 15 2000
Location: North Carolina, United States
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she thinks she has every right to insult and hurt people's feelings

whoever she sees mentally ill, lower life than her she instantly attacks that individual

she's simply a cyberbully she's creating a cult on her friends defender whether she's right or wrong (she is mostly wrong) she keep saying kys (kill yourself) to play with people's mind.

she also claims that she's a perfect Christian although she's not.

and her mental report on my files says the following: The mental health of Hazel has shown pretty low. She literally can't take anything and overreacts and acts upon hurting others or the people she hate/dislike.
Forgive me if I do not understand the severity, but can't you simply block & ignore? Or is there more at play?
no worries, ok so she uses her twitter account to roast people and send some leaks about the ones she hate (a photo or chatlog) she never stops always trying to find a way to hurt innocent people

remember if you encounter her do not, do NOT take her side and be nice, cause she will take advantage of you and roast you, blackmail you, hurt you in the end and never stop bothering you. never say i didn't warned you

a site dedicated to eliminate her from the internet

also includes her online image archive

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