/h2o/ - hydration and dubs nice

s4s minus the weebs how bout that

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i just learned my 16 yo cousin is dating a guy my age and while thats legal here apparently she was dating another fucking boomer when she was 14
jesus i barely stepped through the door and they already gave me SHIT work on thursday
also my liver hurts i think can liver hurt? cause mines doing something and im worried
and yes my ass still bleeds spontanously
also im not eating chips till new years so fuuuck my life i hope ill drink myself to death before 2020
they say s4s has turned into bee
i fucking wish
roght now its all le epic weab and a bunch of schizos
literally blacked porn would be a more merciful way to go i meqn iy
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/x/ might be a bunch of mentally lel fuggers but when i go there they can hold a conversation and offer feedback for my drawes
i hate you mot and fuck you swaglord for leaving without naming an heir
the new mods are horrendous
not ebin at all

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