Post solicitations for hacking help, or advertisements for your hacker services.
Post comments or requests for the board in here and I'll try to accommodate.
Welcome to >>>/h4x0r/ ==H4X0R==. This is board is for Hackers, Crackers, Leakers, InfoSec Adds, Ski11z etc.
==1)== Follow the Global Rules.
==2)== No doxing or harasment of private citizens. Keep that on >>>/baphomet/.
==3)== No child exploitation material.
==4)== No Spam
==5)== Have Fun! Happy Hacking
==Acceptable Content:==
- Post links to hacking and cracking tutorials, and how to's in the sKi11Z section.
- Share tips and techniques in sKi11Z.
- Post adds for your hacker services or solicitations for hacker services in the 4ddZ section. 99% of these are usually phishing by Law Enforcement.
- Post leak documents in the 134KZ section. Classified documents will be removed.
- You tell me what you want in M3T4 and We'll work it out.
- Fi13z mp3,pdf,mp4,webm,txt,etc. Assume that they are spiked and act accordingly.
- Start your own thread and discuss a hacking topic that interests you.
-I am not a cracker, don't ask me for help.
-Freedom of speech is generally accepted.
-I will provide gentle moderation.
-Illegal/Unlawful material will be removed upon request if I am prompted by a detailed explaination.
-If you don't like it then go to >>>/baphomet/ or start your own board.
does anyone know how to contact anonymous?
==Open Z80==
Rest in peace Z80, long live the open source Z80!
Zero To ASIC Course May 3, 2024
RC2014 is an 8-bit Zilog Z80 based retro-homebrew computer kit that you can assemble and solder from scratch. It runs MS Basic, DR CP/M and other interesting software from the 1970-1980. Hardware and software is in active development from hobby hardware and software developers from around the globe.
This is the thread for RC2014 development/progress videos for both software and hardware developments. The original thread will return focus to highlight other new and less developed systems of homebrew computers.
In this thread we discuss DOS Disk Operating Systems, predominantly for i368, x86 etc,
==Topics==: MS-DOS, DR-DOS, PC-DOS, FreeDOS. How to setup, demos, internet, sound, graphics, how to's, tutorials, tips etc.
Get a NOS (new old stock) retail box once you have it all working and know how to run it well.
==6502 Computer==
Running Apple 1 software on a breadboard computer (Wozmon)
Ben Eater, Jun 3, 2023
Adapting WozMon for the breadboard 6502
Ben Eater, Nov 23, 2023
A simple BIOS for my breadboard computer
Ben Eater,Jan 7, 2024
Running MSBASIC on my breadboard 6502 computer
Ben Eater, Feb 10, 2024
==ZX Spectrum Next==
Spectrum Next KS2 - A Worthy Successor to the ZX Spectrum
The Centre for Computing History Mar 1, 2024
SymbOS Operating System (2024) ZX Spectrum Next
Modern ZX-Retro May 26, 2024
Zx Spectrum Next -Symbos next
What'sNEXT? May 7, 2024
ZX Spectrum Next: "Stagnancy" Mod Music (2024)
Modern ZX-Retro Jul 9, 2024
8bit z80 multitasking, gui operating system.
==Zeal 8-Bit Computer==
Unboxing Zeal8bit and first run
fixoulab, Mar 4, 2023
Interfacing a CompactFlash on homebrew 8-bit computer! [Zeal 8-bit Computer]
Zeal 8-bit Computer, May 28, 2023
Zeal 8-bit OS now supports C! [Z80]'
Zeal 8-bit Computer, Jan 5, 2023
I made an Emulator for my 8-bit computer! [Zeal 8-bit Computer]
Zeal 8-bit Computer, Oct 26, 2023
Get started with Zeal 8-bit Video Board and run your first game!
Zeal 8-bit Computer, Jun 12, 2024
Thread for ==Amiga== Demos,Hacks,Mods,Accelerators,Internet
==Websites / Communities/Info==
==Thug Crowd==
http://blackhatsx7jsech.onion | Onion IRC: blackhatsx7jsech.onion:+6697(SSL)
Temple OS and its forks.
Temple OS
Shrine OS
==Commodore 64==
Thread for videos and tutorials for Commodore 64
Demos Hacks Mods Internet
==Homebrew Retrobrew Computers==
Thread for homebrew and retrobrew computing projects.
Post tutorials on how to be a Hax0r or Cracker in here.
Links to good information on InfoSec,Opsec,Cracking,Hacking, Exploits, etc.
I've heard stories about people having their webcams taken over or whatever, so they can be watched without them knowing.
What i'm wondering is, if someone (me) actually wanted to have their webcam taken over & to be secretly watched, what would they do? (26/MtF)
==ATARI 8-bit==
Thread for videos and tutorials for ==ATARI 8-bit==
Demos Hacks Mods Internet
Information and videos about the progress of OpenSparc and the OpenPiton Project.
Smaug Ransomware
Multiplatform Ransomware as a Service
Here I will post links to Hak5 tutorial videos on some of their interesting topics related to hacking.
This thread is for discussing and posting info/links on the broad topic of faking credentials.
SMS/PVA Spoofing,CC,email,Identity,facial recognition, voice modulation and everything else
==Windows 95==
This thread is for discussing Windows 95, installation, drivers, customization, internet, games, etc.
Disscuss Gear for hacker,craker, phreaker, or networking,like routers, modems, firewalls, etc.
== Apple ][ ==
Thread for Apple II Demos Hacks Mods Internet
Phone Phreaking Thread.
Post links to info on phone network phreaking.
== Tandy TRS-80 ==
Thread for Radio Shack Tandy TRS-80 Computers
Post your leak documents, leak information.
Post your files with or without description in this thread.