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Apple IIc Meets the Modern World 

- Get ADTPro at http://adtpro.sourceforge.net/
- The cable I use to connect my PC's DB-9 port to the Apple IIc is available from RetroFloppy at http://retrofloppy.com/products.html#...
- Tons of Apple II disk images are available at http://apple2online.com/
- Modem MGR is available as a ZIP at http://apple2.org.za/gswv/a2zine/Util... - you need in INST and WORK disks to get it running.
APPLE II Programming
Tea Leaves

Programming Like It's 1979: 6502 Assembly language on the Apple ][

A brief overview of the built-in tools on the Apple ][, showing what it was like to program in assembly language before the advent of "real" programming tools 

6502 Assembly: Why? And How? 16:47

A short example illustrating why someone might have wanted to use assembly language to program the Apple ][, and how it would be used to write a short program.

Implementing fmap in Apple LOGO //?

People describe LOGO as a functional programming language. But is it? Is it really? -- Watch live at

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