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Malinov Xi-8088

Dr. Scott M. Baker
Building an Xi 8088 PC-XT compatible Computer
https://youtube.com/watch?v=MW5lApN0gWc [Embed]
In this video, I build an Xi 8088, backplane, sound card, floppy controller, compactflash adapter, and VGA. Lots of soldering. For more electronics projects, see http://www.smbaker.com/


Sergey Kiselev


RC2014 is a simple 8 bit Z80 based modular computer originally built to run Microsoft BASIC. It is inspired by the home built computers of the late 70s and computer revolution of the early 80s. It is not a clone of anything specific, but there are suggestions of the ZX81, UK101, S100, Superboard II and Apple I in here. It nominally has 8K ROM, 32K RAM, runs at 7.3728MHz and communicates over serial at 115,200 baud. RC2014 is available in kit form for you to solder together.  Through-hole components are used throughout, making soldering easy, even for those with limited soldering experience.  Along with a selection of modules to extend functionality, such as serial terminals with HDMI output, digital input modules or, simple keyboard, the RC2014 is a very adaptable computer. As soon as you turn RC2014 on you can start programming in Microsoft BASIC.  This is very easy to get started with and some very complex programs can be written.  To get right down to the metal, though, you can write your programs in Z80 machine code. Development of the RC2014 has lead to a more powerful machine with pageable ROM, 64k RAM, compact flash storage and a whole range of expansion peripherals.  With the right modules, it’s now possible to run CP/M, which opens the RC2014 up to a wide range of software.

RC2014 can be bought from Tindie:
Assembly guides can be found here:
Module information including schematic diagrams and technical descriptions can be found here:
GitHub repository can be found here:
Google Group for RC2014 owners can be found here:

Zilog Z80 Homebrew
Dr. Scott M. Baker
Building a Zeta 2 Single Board Computer
https://youtube.com/watch?v=wos_AmfgrrU [Embed]
Z80 Retrocomputing 16 - UNIX on RC2014
https://youtube.com/watch?v=1WG8zopGzaA [Embed]
Z80 Retrocomputing 18 - Z180 CPU board for RC2014
https://youtube.com/watch?v=D9u9hhNjcEY [Embed]
Dr. Scott M. Baker
In this video, I build and try out a Z180 CPU board to replace the Z80 CPU in my RC2014 retrocomputer. Aside from simply being faster than the Z80 that I'm currently using, the Z180 offers a lot of on-board peripherals (serial IO, timers, interrupt controller, mmu, dma, etc). I benchmark the 20 Mhz Z180 against my 7.3728 Mhz Z80. I'm saving exploration of the onboard peripherals for a future video. For more retrocomputing projects, see http://www.smbaker.com/

YM2149/ AY-3-8910 Sound Card for the RC2014 computer
https://youtube.com/watch?v=-iLwi9FagFE [Embed]

rc2014-ym2149 Designed by Ed Brindley
Demonstration of my sound card for the RC2014 computer. The board is Open Hardware and was produced entirely with Open Source Software (as was this video) PCB now available on Tindie:
Schematics and Gerbers for the board are available here:

RC 2014

Home-Made Z80 Retro Computer - Computerphile
Retro Computer Kit - Computerphile
RC2014 - Homebrew Z80 Computer - Retro Computer Festival 2017 - Part 2
PS/2 Keyboard TTLSerial Adapter - For RC2014 and Midi projects
RC2014 IDE adapter - an introduction

RC 2014

z80ctrl: AVR-based Z80 Bootloader and I/O Board

rc2014 video output progress'
The chips used from left to right on the breadboard, a 74ls30 and 3 74lvc245
success rc2014 video card
A working(!) VGA character display for the rc2014, the 640x480 is scan doubled with alternate lines dimmed for a nice retro interlaced effect, you can poke an ascii value into the top 1KB (actually 1000 characters) and it will appear on the screen the characters are 8x8 (but stretched to 16x16) giving 40x25 characters
rc2014 shocking news machine code faster than basic!
Playing with my new "video card" on my rc2014 I noticed that basic (the language) was very very slow at changing the screen contents. first you see basic setting the whole screen with characters 0-9, then a machine code routine does the same but with the whole character set space(32) to smiley(127)....

RC2014 Z80 8-bit computer kit + SN76489 sound chip test
Z80 Retrocomputing 14 - RC2014 Floppy Controller Board
Z80 Retrocomputing 10 - RC2014 CompactFlash

Michal Cierniak

This is a demo video of my homebrew Z80 microprocessor based computer. The project is still under construction, but some functionality can be already seen on the video. If you have any comments or questions - please leave a comment below ! Check my blog for some additional information an schematics: 
There is also a thread on elektroda.pl forum (in polish language): http://www.elektroda.pl/rtvforum/view.
ROM Monitor sources in Z80 assembler are available upon request. 

Z80 Homebrew Computer with VGA and AY-3-8912 sound
Z80 Homebrew Computer
Snake game on a homebrew Z80 CPU based computer with AY Sound

This is a demonstration of my recently built single board computer, the 6507 SBC. It`s a simple computer based on a cutdown variant of 6502. Great help for learning assembly language and developing 65xx hardware. If you are interested in this project, please visit my blog below: https://ciernioo.wordpress.com/

Homebrew 6507 Single Board Computer 11:15

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Kiwi - a 68k Homebrew Computer

Simon Ferber


These pages describe Kiwi, a Motorola MC68008-based computer system which was developed and built as a hobby. The intention was rather to start another FPGA based project, but to design a classic computer with dedicated controllers and a count of 74 TTL chips. As for design, the goal was to create a computer system which could have existed in the 80ies...

Specifications: CPU MC68008, clocked at 10MHz IFrame RAM 4MB DRAM, 512kB dedicated VRAM Video Yamaha V9990 Video Display Processor Audio dual SID stereo (MOS6581 or MOS8580) Mass storage IDE/ATA and floppy disk interface (WD177x) Time/Date Realtime clock Epson RTC72421 Network 10base-T Ethernet (CS8900a) Interfaces PS/2 compatible Keyboard and Mouse ports Two Atari style Joystick ports RS232 and parallel ports ROM 32KB EPROM with IDE/ATA Boot Code Operating system Enhanced Basic 68k or EmuTOS       

The operating system is a modified version of Enhanced Basic 68k. When the system is switched on, the look and feel is as old school as it was intended to be. One can just start typing PRINT, GOTO, LIST, LOAD, RUN like used to do two decades ago.

The design of this pages follow a free design available at Layouts4Free.com Distribution The schematics and layout artworks are distributed under the terms of the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2




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Imagine if Steve Wozniak invested in a company that builds and manufactures versions of these computers... 

 Apple II : The Revenge of Woz .

I'd buy one of these fully assembled in that metal case... $1200, would be a good price point.  then they could get a port of AROS to run on it. 


That'd be pretty funny.

Kiwi 68k Homebrew
Scroller 4:59
Boing Ball
Paint with a PS/2 mouse
Vector cube
Telnet Client
'Testing pattern mode scrolling
Twisted Oblong
X-Mas slideshow


RC 2014 video cards




RC 2014 6502 Board




You are a 6502 fan. You like the idea of a modular approach to building retro hardware e.g. a modern S-100 bus for retro 8-bit computers. You have been looking at the RC2014 community from the outside but don't want to learn Z80 programming (and hardware). This is just what you are looking for. The 6502 CPU Board allows you to run a 6502 CPU on an RC2014 system. You swap out the Z80 processor board, make a few wiring tweaks on the ROM and Serial I/O boards, burn a new EPROM with a 6502 Monitor/Debugger and Enhanced BASIC and voila(!) you now have a 6502-based RC2014. The item for sale includes only the PCB (printed circuit board). The electronics components are easily available from online sellers like Mouser or Jameco (in the USA). This new Revision B of the design brings out the R/W signal to pin 39 of the RC2014 bus for use with native 6502 peripherals like the 6522, 6551 or 6532. An A14 address jump allows you to invert the A14 signal so that you can run 48KB of RAM and 16KB of ROM with the RC2014 64KB RAM and Pageable ROM boards respectively.

Note that this is a hobby product and not tested for mission-critical, commercial, industrial or medical use. The 6502 CPU Board is not a beginner project. You need to have at least intermediate soldering skills along with the tools, knowledge and ability to debug digital electronics circuitry and understand 6502 assembly language.

RC 2014

Marco Macaferri

J.B. Langston


Playing around with my new Propeller VT100 board by Marco Maccaferri. It works with the z80ctrl board I
designed.  The VT100 board seems to have some problems with my keyboard though, and eventually stops responding
to it.

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RC 2014

ESP8266 Wifi Module

The ESP8266 Wifi Module allows the RC2014 to be connected to a Wifi network, either as a serial link, or to publish the RC2014 on the internet, or connect to BBS sites.

An ESP8266 ESP-12 module lies at the heart of this.  It is powered from a 3v3 regulator.  For regular use, the Tx and Rx pins are connected to the RC2014 and, enable pin is pulled high and GPIO0 (program) is also pulled high.  Two LEDs are connected to GPIO4 and GPIO5 to allow for Wifi Connected and Data Activity notification...

RC 2014
rc9918: TMS9918A video card for the RC2014

Bold MSX Demo on RC2014 Homebrew Computer 

Published on Jun 21, 2018
J.B. Langston
I got the circuit boards I designed for my TMS9918A video card back from the manufacturer today and put them together. My homebrew computer now runs the Bold MSX demo with graphics and sound 100% glitch free.

Demo file

 RC 2014

RC2014 On The Network (then Internet?)

ONETAK TCP/IP Ethernet RJ45 to Serial RS232 RS485 RS422 Converter Adapter Adaptor 


RC2014 RTC Module with LEDs Effect

"I try to build the RTC module for rc2014 computer and it works fine. I have a few digital I/O modules so I try to show the clock using two I/O modules and additional 595 shift registers. The front I/O module shows hour, the second row I/O module shows minutes and the 595 shows second...."

Z88dk C Compiler 


"z88dk is a collection of software development tools that targets z80 machines. It consists of a C compiler, a set of libraries implementing the C standard library, an assembler / linker and a variety of utilities for profiling and generating executables in a number of formats. Development in C, assembly language or a mixture of the two is directly supported."

"It contains two C compilers, an assembler / linker / librarian, data compression tools and a utility for processing the raw binaries into forms needed by specific targets. It comes with an extensive library of functions written in assembly language that implements the C standard and many extensions. It holds the largest repository of z80 code on the internet. Development in assembly language or C is completely integrated; projects can be 100% assembler, 100% C or any mixture of the two. The toolset treats both as first-class languages and is designed to make it very easy to mix them at will with C and asm functions being able to call each other or make use of the hand-optimized library functions."

"It comes with built-in support for more than seventy z80 targets. This includes customized libraries and crts so that programs can be compiled for the supported machines out-of-the-box.The libraries are extensive. The aim is not only compliance with a large subset of C11 but also to supply useful specialized non-standard libraries.

The majority of the libraries are written in assembly language. This makes them fast and small. C compiled code is in general three to five times larger and slower than hand-assembled code. By supplying libraries written in assembler, executables generated by z88dk are both faster and smaller than those generated by other C compilers. Make use of the libraries to gain these advantages!"

"Z88DK is a complete development toolkit for the z80, z180 and rabbit processors."

RC 2014

J.B. Langston

Game Boards for RC2014
Published : 26 Nov 2018
"I've successfully manufactured my ColecoVision-compatible game boards for the RC2014 now.  The TMS9918A video card I previously designed is now joined by a SN76489 sound card and a ColecoVision-compatible controller interface. Together, they allow the RC2014 to play unmodified ColecoVision games."
RC2014 Plasma Effect
Published : 08 Dec 2018
"A new example for my TMS9918 video card for RC2014. Source here: https://github.com/jblang/TMS9918A/blob/master/examples/plasma.asm. Props to Matt Sarnoff for the original 6809code this is based on."
MSX-BASIC running on RC2014
Published : 02 Jan 2019
"I've gotten MSX-BASIC to run on the RC2014 with my TMS9918 video card and my z80ctrl card emulating the MSX keyboard. I will do a write up on my Hackaday page as well, and check the code into Github.  Check out https://hackaday.io/project/158338-z80ctrl for details."
z80ctrl Board for RC2014
Published : 03 Jan 2019
"The z80ctrl is an AVR-based boot loader, I/O adapter, and bus monitor for the Z80-based RC2014 retrocomputer. In this video I explain the many features of the board and its software."

Kiwi 68k
EmuTOS with GEM preview 1
Duration  : 01:10
Published : 31 Dec 2018
Kiwi running EmuTOS with GEM. The video mode is now 640x400@4bpp (16 colours) at 25kHz. I used a 16:10 TFT to record the video to prevent too much flicker.  As you can see, there are still many bugs in the fVDI routines. But all in all it is already quite useful.
EmuTOS with GEM preview 2
Duration  : 06:50
Published : 31 Dec 2018
Nothing much to say. Just a second preview showing GEMBench and Papyrus.  Unfortunately the 25kHz mode produced much more flicker when recorded from my multiscan CRT. The 16:10 TFT is agood workaround though.

EEVblog #1205 - RC2014 Z80 Computer Kit Build
Published : 25 Apr 2019
Duration  : 36:40

Sagan assembles the RC2014 Mini retro Z80 computer kit running Microsoft BASIC from 1978.
But will it go to plan?
Power up, testing and troubleshooting at 23:00

Sagan's first time soldering: https://youtube.com/watch?v=EjpUYGRXzRQ

Forum: http://www.eevblog.com/forum/blog/eevblog-1205-rc2014-z80-computer-kit-build/

RC 2014
RC2014 XMODEM demo
Published : 17 Jun 2019, Duration  : 01:56
I've modified my RC2014 retro computer to run the primary serial port at 9600 baud. This allows XMODEM to work, as demonstrated in this video.
Details on the mod: https://www.mustbeart.com/wp/2019/06/16/xmodem-baud-rate-mod-for-rc2014/
RC2014: https://rc2014.co.uk

BusRaider V2.0 for RC2014 Coming Soon
Channel:Rob Dobson Duration:08:40 Published:11 Oct 2019 
A new version of BusRaider. No more surface-mount components. BusRaider 2.0 Features:
- Memory-mapped display  - Single-step debugging - Program storage and execution from FLASH 
- Web-based UI for program upload and control- Supports TRS-80 and ZX Spectrum display emulations  
- WiFi enabled API for remote control and debug - Web UI supports terminal emulation of ANSI and H19
And open source hardware and software here:

Z180 at 50MHz with BusRaider on RC2014
Channel:Rob Dobson Published:12 Oct 2019Duration:06:44
Exploring the fastest speed a Z180 can run Galaxy Invasion with a BusRaider on the RC2014 bus.
And open source hardware and software here:

Programming the RC2014 using the front panel
Channel:James Stanley Duration:05:50 Published:09 Nov 2019
"Demonstration of toggling in, single-stepping, and executing a program using my homemade RC2014 front panel.
My RC2014 comes up with ROM at address 0, so there is some hackery required to switch in some RAM, and then
hijack the ROM's first instruction (a jump) and have it jump to the code that we toggle in.
The RC2014 is a Z80-based microcomputer. https://rc2014.co.uk/"

RC2014 Z80 Retro Computing :SC126 Z180 Mother Board How to connect YM2149 Sound Card
Duration: 01:02 Published: 26 Jan 2020
"From I bought SC126 mother board from tindie Steve Cousin-san  in last November, I'm gradually stoked with RC2014 world.
I made SC126 Z180 mother board, SC129 degital IO board, Compact Flash Card Board, TL311 Bus monitor
Dr.Scott-san Board, and Step Executor also Dr.Scott refering board.  This time I'd like to add Sound Card with my RC2014 rigs.
But this project was confronted many obstacles regarding SC126 and Sound card matching. Then I'd like to explain how to play PS3 music through tune.com produced by Wayne Warthen-san who is developer of great RomWBW.

STEPS to play music SC126 and sound card.

1, I downloaded latest RomWBW pacage shown below.
2, Remove SD memory for SC126 and attach to your PC and format it.
   Then write hd0.img in RomWBW/bin folder utlizing Win32DiskImager.
   (Which contains in RomWBW/tools folder also.)
3, Attach the SD memory again to your SC126 SD card reader and reboot.
    Change dir to G:user 3.
    Check Dir and it shows tunes.com and many pt3 music files.
4, Try tune action.pt3 but oops! sound card didn't recognized.
5, I have changed  YM2149 sound board IO base address default $D0 to $60 for SC126 mother board to avoid
address confliction.
SETTING: JP1:2-3 ⇒1-2, JP7:1-2 ⇒2-3, (CS=A4"L") JP4:7-8⇒13-14(A5,A6="H",A7="L") 

Do you understand what I mean ?"

«Змейка» на самодельной ЭВМ RC2014 // 8-bit DIY computer RC2014, game "Snake" (10.09.2016)

"Подключение клавиатуры и текстового терминала через USB-serial контроллер терминала, установленный на материнской плате. Терминалом выступает MacBook Pro с клиентом CoolTerm. Вместо него можно использовать обычную USB-клавиатуру. Экран подключён через HDMI-интерфейс терминального контроллера. В принципе, можно вместо HDMI-дисплея выводить картинку обратно в CoolTerm, но он не поддерживает управляющие последовательности и цвет.

Процессор Z80.

8-bit DIY computer RC2014, game "Snake"
Gameplay via USB-serial controller — MacBook Pro as keyboard (input),  HDMI-display as text-only terminal (output)."

Building and programming the RC2014 joystick interface
"Building and testing the RC2014 Joystick Interface. This was a reasonably simple build, but I did have to slightly modify the board to make it work with my joystick. Also I was accidentally sent some wrong components, so now it's just a one joystick interface. The incorrect components sent to me have given me an idea for a future build though!"
NCOT Technology Jun 20, 2020

Connecting a 1980s Z80 CPU to an Arduino, making a hardware debugger.
"I'm a programmer, the CPU is a mystic black box that gets fed instructions. I'm trying to learn and work out what the CPU really does. Here I build a system to control and watch the Z80's functions. This was inspired by Ben Eater's 6502 and 8Bit CPU videos, and is what I based my Arduino code on."
NCOT Technology May 24, 2020

Retro programming! Pascal and CP/M on an RC2014 Z80 computer
"Let's investigate CP/M on my RC2014 Z80 based computer.
CP/M was an operating system before MS-DOS existed, and it requires surprisingly few resources to run. This computer runs at 7MHz and has 64K of RAM. CP/M itself fits into just 8K!
If you want the code for the Pascal Mandelbrot program, it's on this pastebin URL https://pastebin.com/ALGdMnbs"
NCOT Technology May 14, 2020

Another drivin' type thing (AY in RC2014 rendition)
"I'm still developing my driver for the AY chip / RC2014. This music is definitely a work in progress but I'm going to draw a line under this for now and work on getting some percussion sounds going. I've not yet experimented with this chip's noise generator."
Making Notes Jun 14, 2020

The Musical Box - first steps in programming the YM sound chip
"The musical box in this case is an RC2014. The tune won't win any awards, but I am very pleased with my progress on my music driver. I had already written a program to convert my music notation to a kind of bytecode. Here my driver for the RC can now play that back. Today I've been learning how the AY/YM chip does envelopes, and the answer is 'in a very limited way'. They're limited to basic ramps, and there's one envelope generator on the chip. So I've written my own envelope generator that I can apply to each voice separately, by controlling the volume. Although there are only 15 levels of volume per voice, which means that you can hear the steps, especially at the upper levels,  you can alter the volume separately for each voice, without an audible click, something that the AY/YM chips have over the SID!"
Making Notes May 25, 2020

Zombies! - Z80 Assembler game for the RC2014
NCOT Technology Jul 3, 2020

"I decided to improve my Z80 assembly skills by writing a game entirely from nothing for the RC2014 Z80 computer. I used SJASMPlus to compile the code, and it turned out quite nice.  It's based on a BASIC type-in game I found in an old book called "The Rainbow Book of Basic Programs"

Support Me: https://ko-fi.com/ncot_tech
Github Link for code: https://github.com/ncot-tech/z80-zombies
Website Link: https://ncot.uk/z80-homebrew-computer "

Soldering Up the RC2014 Homebrew Z80 Computer Kit
element14 Jul 10, 2020

"In this video, he'll look at a retro computing project that's been sitting on the back burner for too long: Spencer Owen's "RC2014" Z80 homebrew computer. In this Super Solder episode, Matt will walk through the basic design of the system, assemble its various component boards, and play around with some BASIC programs:"

Conway's Game of Life written in Z80 Assembler for the RC2014
69 views•Jul 27, 2020 NCOT Technology 
After the fun I had last time creating a game in Z80 assembly language, I thought it'd be good to have a go at writing Conway's Life in z80. While "fun" is one of the words I could use to describe the process, there are several more, but writing them here would upset YouTube. Let's just say I learnt a lot about debugging assembly language!"

Github Repository: https://github.com/ncot-tech/z80-life
Website: https://ncot.uk/z80-homebrew-computer/conways-life-in-z80-assembly/
Support me: https://ko-fi.com/C0C116W2L

Quazar presents: SID Interface, designed for RC2014
36 views •Jul 27, 2020  QuazarSamCoupe 
"Demonstration of my new SID Interface, designed for the RC2014."

Quazar presents: Graphic OLED interface, designed for RC2014.
68 views •Jul 27, 2020  QuazarSamCoupe
"Demonstration of my new Graphic OLED interface, designed for the RC2014."

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WizNet v1 Ethernet



CP/M with built in driver support for specific Ethernet adapters including WizNet.

Amethyst: 8-Bit Home Computer, Powered By An AVR Microcontroller
Matt Sarnoff 53,527 views •Dec 26, 2019
"An ATmega1284-based computer with color video, sound, built-in mechanical keyboard, and Forth interpreter in ROM. This is the first in a series of videos I'll be uploading about this project. It gives a high-level overview of the project and demonstrates its capabilities. Video captured from a RetroTINK 2x upscaler:
The Mandelbrot renderer was based on this Apple II BASIC code snippet:
Source code and schematics are on GitHub, but as of 1/7/20 there isn't much in the way of documentation or instructions. https://github.com/74hc595/Amethyst
Follow me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/txsector"

BusRaider With RC2014 Pro
"Using BusRaider to create a 3 board CP/M serial system with an RC2014 Pro Backplane."

More details are available here:
And open source hardware and software here:

myZ80 Kit SBC (RC2014 mini) running BASIC
Scott Julian Premiered Oct 8, 2020 0:56 
"The myZ80 Retro Z80 computer kit from the Centre for Computing History.
The kit came with all the components that would be needed to build a Z80 computer that ran NASCOM 1979 BASIC (Microsoft 80 BASIC) and a serial connection cable to talk to it from my Mac.

The kit took about an hour to build, and after some minor troubleshooting (poor solder join) the Z80 was plugged into the serial connector and started."

CPUville 8-bit processor printed circuit board version demo
CPUville Aug 18, 2018
"A demonstration of the CPUville 8-bit processor made with printed circuit boards. Includes a calculation of pi using floating point arithmetic. For details about this processor visit "



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