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Apollo Vampire

Apollo Vampire - Emulation or Amiga AAA Salvation

First Look: Commodore Amiga Vampire v4 

Amiga Reborn! Vampire V4 Standalone 

Vampire V4 Standalone Sunday testing

Vampire 4 Standalone AOS314 SysInfo

Vampire V4 Standalone is coming ! 

Loonies "At The Movies" Amiga AGA Demo (Vampire V4) 

Apollo Vampire
MIGs Yesterchips - Folge #085 Vampire (Apollo Accelerators)
Published : 13 Jan 2019 Duration  : 29:39 13

Das Team Apollo hat mit dem "68080-Core" den, so bezeichnen sie ihn zumindest, legitimen Nachfolger des 68060er Prozessors entwickelt und in einen FPGA-Chip gepackt. Ausgestattet mit den Ingredienzien eines modernen Prozessors, sowie dem bemerkenswerten "SAGA-Chipsatz" entstand die Vampire-Turbokarte. Ein teuflisch performantes Teil, an dessen Genen sich jedoch die Gemüter erhitzen.

Apollo Vampire V4 Stand Alone
Vampire V4 SA - T-Zer0 
Duration  : 11:36
Published : 18 May 2019
Testing the game on the Vampire V4 Stand Alone in the proper way, with the CDAudio for full amazement!
With the V4 we can plug up to 4 IDE devices so connecting a CDrom drive is easy.
T-Zer0  is a nice looking AGA Shoot em up game for the Amiga published by PXL Computers in 1999.
more info: http://hol.abime.net/1551
Vampire Accelerators  https://www.apollo-accelerators.com/

Apollo Vampire V4 SA
Coffin Boot on Apollo Vampire V4 Standalone X15 Core
Published : 26 Aug 2019 Duration : 00:37
Apollo (AmigaOS 3.9+) booting from SD Card on 105Mhz 68080
Tested and Recorded by Renaud Schweingruber
Apollo Accelerators https://www.apollo-accelerators.com/
Coffin https://apolloos.weebly.com

Apollo Vampire V4
Amiga Vampire V4 - RESHOOT-R, the AROS version
Published: 25 Sep 2019 Duration: 03:14

"The Apollo Team is without any doubt making a difference on the way we live and feel the Amiga now a days . Aros is without doubt, a good way to avoid possible legal issues and so the Team embraced Aros so it can
continue to look into the Future. Of course the user needs to feel that Aros continues to be developed and that programs and games runs also.
Well, it seems that the Reshoot author is also committed to Aros..."

Amiga is ALIVE & KICKING (A1222/A1200+/VampireV4/AmigaOS3.2/MorphOSx64/Icaros64bit...)
Channel   : amigang Duration  : 02:09  Published : 21 Oct 2019
AmigaOne A1222
A-EON micro itx ppc 1.4ghz dual core based board will be launching soon at just 400 euros http://www.amiga-news.de/pics/amiga34/TaborEA-2.jpg
A1200 plus
A1200 remake with AA chipset and added modern extras
AmigaOS 3.2
Hyperion will be releasing futher classic Os updates withg AmigaOs 3.2 beig annouced
MorpthOS running on x64 AMD
Vampire v4
Amiga AGA compaitable FPGA board, standlone up for pre-order at most leading Amiga retailers
Checkmate A1500
New but classic designed kickstarted case that designed for A500, A1200, Vampire, PC and pi systems
Icaros a 64 bit version in the works 

And there lots more I havent covered, ReAmiga new motherboards for old systems, Liberoffice for Os4 soon, Amiga Forever update etc etc!!!!

Vampire V4 - A Guided Tour
Duration:11:50 Published:26 Nov 2019
This is a short preview of Vampire V4's hardware and capabilities.  This video is for those wanting to know the answer to question "Should
I buy one?".  The answer is a resounding YES!  This Amiga is simply stunning and in this video I give my reasons why. There are so many more things that could be demonstrated...Please note, that I have a development board which is missing the LEDs for Power and HDD.  This would be visible from the front of the case."

'Vampire V4 - Aros 68k and classic Amiga games - Part II
Published:07 Dec 2019Duration:23:04Channel:Cotter's Stuff
"This is the second and i think final part of the series, where I test games on the Vampire V4 and Aros 68k.
Compatibility with games is not an issue for Aros :-)
Some news, Kalamatee joined the Team and it is amazing what as been achieved in a relative short time with the development. Check yourself at Kalamatee YT Channel:"

Vampire V4 - Aros Caffeine
Published:21 Dec 2019Duration:17:18Channel:Cotter's Stuff
"Aros Caffeine, a preview of a Aros 68k build that I have been working on.
It is my lab where i test new cores for the Vampire V4 and the Aros Nightly builds.
640x256 HiRes is what we have available atm, but I have the feeling that this will soon change.... RTG? ;-)"

V4 SA, Aros 68k - Testing QuakeBreed and Clickboom Quake
Duration:10:24Published:31 Dec 2019Channel:Cotter's Stuff
"Quake Breed is an unfinished AB3D level maps for Quake. Get it from here:
Also in test is Clickboom Quake.
Lots of GFX issues, and crashes in between, but very cool nevertheless.
Aros internal CyberGfx at 320x256x8
Vampire Accelerators
https://www.facebook.com/groups/1426384837419519/ "

Aros 68k running on the classic Amiga 2000 / Vampire V500
May 9, 2020
"This was an amazing week for Aros 68k and the Vampire accelerators family.
It finally boots again on the V500 and also boots on the V1200.
I have been adapting Aros Caffeine from the Vampire V4 to optimal run on the classic vampires and the support from the Apollo Team members RonyBeck and Flype was decisive to achieve what you guys are watching today.
RonyBeck with Aros bug hunting, rom building and optimization and Flype that helped rebuild from scratch the GFX saga driver.
The GFX driver is unified for all Vampire family. 
Amazing work! Congratulations Aros Team and Apollo Team."

Apollo Vampire
Commodore Amiga 2000 Vampire 68080 VS pi3b+ and 4gb Pi4
Chris Edwards Jun 24, 2020

"E161: In this corner, My Commodore Amiga2000HD/68080 Vampire with 128mb fastram and 1mb chip SAGA RTG Versus: a 35$ Raspberry Pi 3B+ and a $55.00 Pi4B 4GB running system performance tests sysspeed/whichamiga/sysinfo, then the quake demo - the 3B+ had an issue with the quake demo and had to forfit, but the 4b did freaking awesome.... scores in the scroll after the tests."

Bye Bye Aros Caffeine, Welcome ApolloOS
1,166 views•Jul 10, 2020 Cotter's Stuff
"Aros Caffeine has been my test bed for Aros 68k and the Vampire family of accelerators, and it is with joy that I now kill it! :-)Well, kill is not the term, rename is more appropriate."

Aros ApolloOS testing
380 views •Jul 21, 2020 Cotter's Stuff
"Collection of video clips from Aros ApolloOS tests done on  several Amigas.
Amiga 2000, recently recapped, Vampire V500 Amiga 1200, Vampire V1200, Amiga V4"

ApolloOS Free 68K OS (AROS based) running on Amiga Vampire 4 Standalone  
929 views •Aug 8, 2020  Manuel Jesus 53:40 
"AROS Caffeine is now Apollo OS. Instead of just porting AROS from intel to 68k, Apollo OS will be a fast-specialized version that accesses Amiga chipset and the 68K directly instead of using the AROS HAL. Apollo OS will offer direct support for the 68080 to attain the best speed possible. This will provide the best of both worlds. We will have a fast and open 68k OS without the legal entanglements of OS 3.X or the slower speeds of AROS 68k. First release shown here with more releases to come over the next year. In this video key features are shown as MP3, RTG, RIVA VIDEO, FREE TCPIP, FREE Graphics drivers USB, SD card drive, AGA, ECS, and Vampire standalone."

Apollo Vampire V4 =
Wiz - new Amiga game on the Vampire V4 Standalone (and A1200)
retro techtive Nov 8, 2020 3:33

"Quick and dirty video to show how the brand new Amiga game, Wiz, plays on the Vampire V4 Standalone. Also there's a brief (and flickery!) comparison with the A1200 at the end. Both are filmed directly from real hardware.

The game can be purchased from Software Amusements here: 

Only issue I've noticed is a slight redraw issue on the left of the background playfield, which is not present on the A1200. Otherwise, plays just fine!
Note: Wiz is *not* compatible with AROS/ApolloOS that comes preinstalled with the V4. I'm running it here on a a CF with AmigaOS 3.1 installed."

A world first! Genuine Amiga MIDI on the Apollo V4!
Quetzal Jul 22, 2021

"The first implementation of MIDI input into the incredible Apollo V4 Amiga-compatible supercomputer! Demonstrated using Octamed Sound Studio MIDI input.

This is part of ongoing development for a new expansion board I am planning to make for the V4 computer."

Apollo Vampire V4
Testing USB HDMI Capture with Apollo Advanced OS
Capt. Magellan Aug 22, 2021

"Finally I had time to test the cheap USB HDMI Capture stick i bought months ago but I have no idea how to make OBS Studio switch to 4:3 on Amiga games! They look wrong stretched.... Shit!
Also the frame drop and lag is terrible!
Guess I get what i paid for...."

Apollo Vampire V4
Amiga Vampire 4 Standalone runs MacOS 8 NIGHT TRAP FMV Game
Manuel Jesus Shared May 6, 2022
"In the 90's you needed a fully tricked out PC to run this and the V4 offers that ability with a best in class 68k Mac experience of the era rivaling PPC speeds. You see back in the day FMV was the supposed to be the next big do all end all thing. This is until folks discovered you needed DVD resolution 24 bit color video at a minimum to attempt such a thing. Instead of true interactive movies we got  grainy 256 color index card sized video running on a $3000 top of the line Mac. Presented here is the turd blossom known as Night Trap from Digital Pictures. Shown here running on the V4 Amiga compatible and ShapeShifter Mac 68K Emulator. R.I.P. Dana Plato, you deserved so much better than this."


Apollo Vampire V4
Amiga OS 3.2 On Vampire Amiga with Apollo Boot Trio.
linatude Shared April 17, 2022

"This is the Hyperion edition of the Amiga OS on Vampire accelerated Amiga. It has a minimal grey theme and style. I think I like it. I am using the Apollo Boot Trio software to allow switching between, Apollo OS (the free and open source Amiga OS), Coffin the Amiga OS 3.9 distribution, and now Amiga OS 3.2.
This movie is unintentionally silent as the sound capture was off. 
This OS is commercially available, costs about £50.00 once you buy the optional (necessary USB stick), and is not downloadable for some reason, so you recapture that experience of waiting forever for software to arrive in the post, in that very 1990s way."


Apollo Vampire
Apollo V4+ Game Bundle Amiga Compatible Unboxing and Test
hirudov, Nov 21, 2022

Demo of EmTOS AES on Apollo V4 / V4 Standalone
Ras Voja`s Rasta, May 17, 2023

Metro Siege Arcade Brawler DEMO Running on Apollo Vampire V4 Standalone Amiga Compatible Computer
Manuel Jesus, 2 days ago

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