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Martin Berini Marsal works and lives in an institution for underage boys ( but he regularly practices different kinds of abuses on us.

I managed to collect this information, but I don't know what else to do... we need help or at least to know that somebody pwns him as hard as possible.

ID> 37270536W
IBAN> ES94 2085 9461 0603 3032 2467 (Ibercaja)
[email protected]
[email protected]
IPhone +34 698.637.937

Languages> Spanish, Catalan

His addresses
C/Pujal 9
17538 Urtx, Girona, Spain
(42,3877389, 1,9131416)

ID from the electric bill> CUPS : ES0031405723400001XS0F
Electric bill and ID scan>

Institution address
Carrer Lleida, 28,
08185 Lliçà de Vall, Barcelona
(41,5926504, 2,2542800)

Known bancs: Ibercaja, BBVA
Known old passwords: Montse2010, Montserrat2010
Birthdate: 01.12.1956

We also seen him use the institution funds for personal reasons (i.e. repairs on his chalet) and make fake bills with some contractors
Hey boyo, just to add to your data, this account seems to be also his>
ES93 0182 56 88460200044306
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