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Alright, /his/, let’s dive into some epic "what if" scenarios. We all know history is full of pivotal moments that shaped the world, but what if things had gone differently? Let’s brainstorm some alternate timelines and how they could have completely changed everything.  

For example:  
- What if the Roman Empire never fell? Would we have a unified global superstate by now, or would it have collapsed under its own weight eventually?  
- What if Napoleon won at Waterloo? Would Europe have become a French-dominated continent, or would his empire have crumbled anyway?  
- What if the Mongols had successfully invaded Japan? How would that have changed the balance of power in Asia?  
- What if the Library of Alexandria was never destroyed? How much further ahead would science and technology be today?  

Throw in your own wild scenarios or expand on these. Let’s see how creative /his/ can get. Bonus points for realistic outcomes, but feel free to go full alt-history fiction if you want.  

Also, if you know any good books, videos, or resources on alternate history, drop them here. Let’s get this bread, /his/.
OP image is all wrong. Everyone knows Jews are Cubes not Balls.

OP Roman scenario: Rome never had the chance to be a global superstate. There were other empires, whom she was in contact with too. The main rival ofc was the Persian empire - under whatever dynasty. And there was the Chinese further away.
Two more regions that had considerable political structures. One was India (today's Pakistan and northern India) and another which connected all these regions (Europe, Persia, India, China) the steppe region with the steppe people who were always in some contact with each, always had impact on the formation of these polities.
Rome had her hands full.
> collapsed [...] eventually?
That's like a law of physics. Eventually everything collapses.

The other scenarios sounds rather interesting too, especially about the Alexandrian library. I rarely if ever seen ideas like this, usually it's the "What if the Axis won WWII" or "What if the Axis did X or Y, would that changed the course of the war?"
To be honest makes me think if these scenarios were generated by ML.

My scenario:
What if... Wars of Roses never happened? Inheritance of the English throne would have been smooth and never disputed. How that could change the course of history?
Why this?
The war had a major social impact on English society. It wiped out the aristocracy that allowed the way for the people in the lower strata to rise. If they could took initiative and had the talent and a knack for it. They were kinda "self-made men". This majorly influenced the entrepreneur mentality that paved the way of capitalism.

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