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thumbnail of 7879089-88765.png
thumbnail of 7879089-88765.png
7879089-88765 png
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What better way to celebrate our new home than a Rome thread? Post anything related to glorious Roma here.
thumbnail of Eugene Weber on the fall of rome. speech from his show the western tradition.webm
thumbnail of Eugene Weber on the fall of rome. speech from his show the western tradition.webm
Eugene... webm
(6.98 MB, 472x360 vp9)
this one is roman with context, which i could definately add with this fucking 50 meg filesize ( i cant imagine that being around for long) but thats a job for tomorrow
> Dormice were consumed, with the fattest of these rodents considered a delicacy. A status symbol among wealthy Romans, some even had dormice weighed in front of dinner guests.
> muh garum
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thumbnail of 7853453543465.jpg
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I don't think Rome was just doing wonderful and then Christianity just  fucked everything up but it certainly played a factor in Rome's downfall.
thumbnail of The Western Tradition - 09 The Rise of Rome part 1.webm
thumbnail of The Western Tradition - 09 The Rise of Rome part 1.webm
The... webm
(46.64 MB, 708x480 vp8)
if i was autisitc i would fiddle with it until it was exactly 50 megs, but sadly im not. also holy shit xmedia recode a best, i ecnoded this in less than two minutes.
thumbnail of The Western Tradition - 09 The Rise of Rome part 3 final.webm
thumbnail of The Western Tradition - 09 The Rise of Rome part 3 final.webm
The... webm
(36.95 MB, 708x480 vp9)
and the final part. i did this one in vp9, but i dont see any noticable increase in quality, but a massive increase in encoding time. those other two took less than two minutes and are 10 minutes in length and this on took 23 minutes and is 8 minutes in length
thumbnail of The Western Tradition - 14 The Fall of Rome part 1.webm
thumbnail of The Western Tradition - 14 The Fall of Rome part 1.webm
The... webm
(49.07 MB, 708x480 vp8)
and so begins the last episode specifically about rome. IIRC, i upped the ausio bitrate(from like 48 to 80 or something) since there was like 4 megs left over. lets see if its noticable.
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thumbnail of 5.PNG
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i believe these are in desparate need of tony edits, i mean look at them.

what is the connection?
glad to hear it. i may just upload the whole thing in a different bread at some point, but you can torrent it if you want. 
i was seeding but a few of the episodes (~28-30) are mislabed, and when i changed them it wanted to redownload the whole goddamn thing so i quit.

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