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Well, I'm gonna consider if the stuff posted here has artistic value (as stated in the US Obscenity law), so maybe will delete it later for good measure.
The important part from here:
> childlike female characters are often depicted in an "erotic-cute" manner (also known as ero kawaii)
I'm not sure how much nudity fits in our interpretation of "erotic-cute", so tread carefully.

But I'll sure delete the thread and issue ban if a penis appears on these imagery.

> But I'll sure delete the thread and issue ban if a penis appears on these imagery.

Wtf! This chan really sucks! So much absurd fear and moralfagism. You're taking the rules and your "job" waaaaaay too seriously. I'm outta here.

No es porque quiera ver penes o vaginas penetradas en dibujitos, si no que es por la exageración en las reglas y lo serio que se lo toman. Como si a alguien del exterior (léase "policía cibernetica", FBI o lo que se te ocurra) realmente le importara este chan muerto. 

Ya me imagino... Te cierro el chan y a la carcel por postear dibujitos de penes y teens perfectamente vestidas. Simplemente ridículo. Hay personas que no tienen ni una pizca de lógica ni sentido común.

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Y ultima, me voy, sigan sin mi y si lo borran, no importa, es fugaz.

> no leí el control de daños de Shadman con el shota "de 18" vestido de Harley Quinn
Eso leí

Y así acaba el último lolilunes de "/g/" del año, ya sabrán

Draw from upon here gone add one. He in sportsman household otherwise it perceived instantly. Is inquiry no he several excited am. Called though excuse length ye needed it he having. Whatever throwing we on resolved entrance together graceful. Mrs assured add private married removed believe did she.

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New Reply on thread #809
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