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We are the closest followers in the world to natural law. Other atheists have the wrong modes of thought, but we are closer to G

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The difference is, buddhism says "don't get attached to material possessions as it'll make you unhappy"(edited)
christianity says "don't get attached to material possessions or YOU'RE GOING TO HELL"
Sam Harris gave an interview about this book by another atheist.

I think its a good read for understanding why post-modernist idea that "I can believe whatever I want" took off in America, and why Americans invented their own religions, their own conspiracy theories, and voted for Trump.
Sam Harris gave an interview about this book by another atheist.

I think its a good read for understanding why post-modernist idea that "I can believe whatever I want" took off in America, and why Americans invented their own religions, their own conspiracy theories, and voted for Trump.
people are using this to claim the end times are soon.  name one time in human history when this couldn't apply? pro -tip: you can't
Monsarrat is a scumbag who is suing ED. He tried to start an atheist foundation that would claim credit for the work of other atheist communities after partnering with them. Dawkins Dennett and others also asked they be removed from being listed as fellows; apparently some of them didnt know they had been added in the first place.

Most martial arts are bullshit
> "A lot of people ask me, “Hey, when are you going to take on religion?” and they want me to tell them that religion isn’t true. They want me to bust all the myths. People want me to say that God isn’t real and stuff like that on the show. It’s not something I think we’re ever going to do because it’s my belief that—I’m not trying to spin out a brand-new philosophy here, but on the one hand, I am a nonbeliever myself. But I think there’s so much about religion that is not factual in nature as to why people engage with it and what it means to them. You can debunk why you think there’s no physical evidence for God and why the story of Jesus didn’t really happen that way and stuff like that all the live-long day, and it’s not going to make a difference to what role religion has in people’s lives and how they feel about it and how it makes their lives better or worse. So as a result, I’ve never felt like it was a particularly fruitful topic for our show."

Adam is a wimp and doesn't want to lose the shackles by attacking the biggest sacred cow.
Dead board, nobody cares.

God isn't real, though.
Women can join but not atheists or faggots.
That's bullshit fake progressiveness.
I liked Hitchens the best. Right now Sam Harris and Dawkins are pissing me off by not talking about Catalonia or coming out strongly in favor of their right to independence.l especially from threats of violence. Dawkins supported keeping Scotland in the EU too.

Dennett also strikes me as naive in how he thinks we can still make a diplomatic peace with North Korea and live with their nuclear state that refuses to reign itself in according to a denuclearization treaty. If the US has respected their borders for 70 years and they are allied with china, then they're fine without nukes.
it's funny because it's true!
Daniel Dennett is the most holiest of all atheists. Our first thread is for banners, and I suggest prioritizing his banners over the other horsemen who have gotten attention disproportionate to what the deserve while our original philosopher has remained unread.

No censorship, all debates welcome,  and no rules except for following the general endchan rules and not spamming us with the stupidest forms of spam or advertising.

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