/holyatheism/ - holy atheism

We are the closest followers in the world to natural law. Other atheists have the wrong modes of thought, but we are closer to G

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The difference is, buddhism says "don't get attached to material possessions as it'll make you unhappy"(edited)
christianity says "don't get attached to material possessions or YOU'RE GOING TO HELL"

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thumbnail of Fantasyland - Kurt Andersen.epub
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Sam Harris gave an interview about this book by another atheist.

I think its a good read for understanding why post-modernist idea that "I can believe whatever I want" took off in America, and why Americans invented their own religions, their own conspiracy theories, and voted for Trump.
SURVIVALISTS AND PREPPERS are wacky and sad. But: I do my thing and they do their thing, and if by chance we find each other, it’s beautiful. The fantasies they sincerely believe and elaborately enact don’t really affect my life or yours.
And those fantasies are among the last I’ll discuss at length that don’t in some important sense, as our founding libertarian Thomas Jefferson put it, “pick my pocket or break my leg.”
During the American Revolution, uniformed jackbooted tyrannical British thugs arrived at Jefferson’s self-reliant (and slave-dependent) mountaintop Virginia fortress, Monticello. But he had run away in the nick of time, retreating to his second redoubt eighty miles away. There in hiding he completed his one great book, Notes on the State of Virginia.
In the chapter about religion, Jefferson reminded his readers that some of colonial America’s official, government-sanctioned churches had persecuted and even executed heretics. Therefore, he declared, the new government must neither ban nor embrace any particular religion. Let people believe whatever they want, because “it does me no injury for my neighbour to say there are twenty gods, or no god. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg.” 
I agree. I tend to agree too with Jefferson’s assertion in the same passage that “reason and free enquiry are the only effectual agents against error,” as well as his conclusion elsewhere that much of “our particular superstition,” Christianity, is “made up of the deliria of crazy imaginations.”
By my reckoning, way too many Americans now bother with reason hardly at all, give themselves over too much to the deliria of crazy imaginations, believe too many untrue and impossible things, and are losing the ability and the will to distinguish between real and unreal. Not that they don’t have the right.
So: live in your bunker with a decade’s worth of twenty-serving cans of teriyaki rice and beef. Pretend you live in a little house on the prairie and shop once a week on the make-believe Via Condotti nearby. When you’re not managing your imaginary NFL all-star team, imagine you’re serving as an officer in the Second Connecticut Heavy Artillery Regiment at the Battle of Cold Harbor. Get ready for Jesus’s return. Impersonate mad Dr. Mundo’s summoner in League of Legends, an aristocratic aesthete on Instagram, a truth-telling troll on Twitter. Fantasize that you were born with those perfect artificial breasts. Speak in tongues. Read and believe the books by people who say they died and went to Heaven. Dress like a wizard or a feudal baron. Believe that believing you’ll get rich will make you rich, that burning sage cleared your house of evil spirits, that humans were supernaturally created in a flash the day before yesterday, that alien beings taught us to build computer chips. Go crazy.
You have every right. And snug and smug in my own Urban American Redoubt, I have every right to disapprove of my fellow Americans who’ve decided that reason and empiricism are just some of many ways of understanding the world, no better than any other, that everyone is entitled to her truth and his truth. I am free to practice what the liberal New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof scolds writers for doing, to take a “sneering tone about conservative Christianity itself” even though “mockery of religious faith is inexcusable”—and then I can raise him one, sneering at his mockery of Christians who believe their faith requires them to oppose marriage equality. And he or they or whoever may all disapprove of me. We’re Americans! Hurrah.
The great compromise between the American religious impulse and the American Enlightenment in the 1700s permitted any and every conceivable sect to bud and blossom. Fine. But that principle isn’t working so well anymore. The fanciful and religious and cryptoreligious parts have gotten overripe, bursting and spilling their juices over the Enlightenment-reason parts, spoiling our whole barrel. Holders of any belief about anything, especially and incontrovertibly if those beliefs are ascribed to faith, are

thumbnail of Fantasyland - Kurt Andersen.epub
thumbnail of Fantasyland - Kurt Andersen.epub
Fantasylan... epub
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Sam Harris gave an interview about this book by another atheist.

I think its a good read for understanding why post-modernist idea that "I can believe whatever I want" took off in America, and why Americans invented their own religions, their own conspiracy theories, and voted for Trump.

I think it's very clear in the texts of the major religions that the set of rules they put forwards is, indeed, meant to be followed for eternity. The Bible doesn't quote God as saying "don't do these certain things unless, thousands of years from now, you have a better moral and scientific understanding than the Iron Age Jews writing this and realize that it's immoral nonsense." Christianity isn't supposed to do that, and it doesn't. It's a nice thought, but one that doesn't stand up to criticism.
She's liberal? Is judge Judy am atheist?
> George Bush can't stop virtue signaling with his references 
> has to ruin his argument saying: "our democracy needs religious institutions that demonstrate integrity and champion civil discourse."

Monsarrat is a scumbag who is suing ED. He tried to start an atheist foundation that would claim credit for the work of other atheist communities after partnering with them. Dawkins Dennett and others also asked they be removed from being listed as fellows; apparently some of them didnt know they had been added in the first place.

Not that I like PZ.

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> "A lot of people ask me, “Hey, when are you going to take on religion?” and they want me to tell them that religion isn’t true. They want me to bust all the myths. People want me to say that God isn’t real and stuff like that on the show. It’s not something I think we’re ever going to do because it’s my belief that—I’m not trying to spin out a brand-new philosophy here, but on the one hand, I am a nonbeliever myself. But I think there’s so much about religion that is not factual in nature as to why people engage with it and what it means to them. You can debunk why you think there’s no physical evidence for God and why the story of Jesus didn’t really happen that way and stuff like that all the live-long day, and it’s not going to make a difference to what role religion has in people’s lives and how they feel about it and how it makes their lives better or worse. So as a result, I’ve never felt like it was a particularly fruitful topic for our show."

Adam is a wimp and doesn't want to lose the shackles by attacking the biggest sacred cow.

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Women can join but not atheists or faggots.
That's bullshit fake progressiveness.

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