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The cartoon Star vs the forces of evil is incredibly satanic, I'll post more about that later. Honestly all Disney cartoons are filled with occult symbolism.
well i probably should have specfied, but the more unexpected or shocking the better, like who really expected call of duty of things to have guillotine refernces
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> fed up with shit media and decide to enjoy the fine arts
> go to a museum and see this
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Op Here I really should have named this thread indoctrination, I found this gem laying around IV channel, and thought it would belong here. Does any one have proof for this idea that video is the best form of indoctrination.
That poster only really says things that are self evident, of course people would be heavily influenced by what they see in movies and try to emulate their heroes. The video forming false memories thing is interesting though.

What I'm really interested in is how the CIA/U.S. government in general can manipulate the media. Like, do executives at media companies get contacted by government officials that tell them "do this"? I really doubt they could get away with being that forward, but who knows.
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The CIA is directly involved with all forms of US media. IATSE is an old old society for this. Also a lot of Cia agents become movie stars becuse they are such great actors. I have a feeling that when  >>/3283/ says MK Ultra was finished he meant 9/11 as in a completely falsified atack
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Oh yea that kind of shit is definatly going on. I remember reading something like that of an anon who had a grandpa who would always tap his fingers in a certain way and the anon realized he did that his whole life all the time. The grandpa was like a special ops mkultra guy or something like that. Not sure if monarch is related to that too.
Some good threads on masonry in video games.
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I saw this sam hyde clip. Not sure how new it is but from the color of his shirt to a bunch of strange wording I think he would be too on the nose (no pun intended) to suggest he is talking about specifically kikea. you see at the end there he does what I have 2 other examples of people doing (one of which the mason-defender asked for sauce of showing the guesture in a context suggesting the individual was a mason. Him asking for sauce corrorberates it being a physical token of identification however its not proven at all) a masonic guesture as he says "you know what group of people I am talking about". Jews are a race. By the blockhead philosophy a vilre race not a group.   A group is more the global masonic apperatua which to the valhalla bible (the protocols of zion) the very first protocol outlines a global masonic apperatus to monopolize positions with the goyim. The kike shit is very real but masonry is kike tutelage apprenticeship to become avatars of kikes. Masons are how kikes are untouchable you have to get through their knights templar buffer of masons they are the group. the invisible kikes hiding in white men through blood oath obligations made under duress.
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So many things are wrong with this.The best case scenerio is a monster murdered 40 people and that is god awful. Never the answer to do that. If its staged that is somehow worse because it explains the censoring of the video.My theory is that it is an attempt to take down 8chan. Particularly the /pol/ /qresearch/ crowd. People say its pre-recorded and all corporate logos where intentionally left out. THe road appears to be cleared and the camera mounted on top of a helmet to only show the roof of the car to avoid an arby's sign and arby's suing. A cone in the road to avoid being suied etc. But above all the biggest wink is from the name of the man who did it. Brenton Tarrant. The name Tarrant is the name of the mad hatter in alice and wonderland. The piece of shit murderer or the piece of shit actor did the masonic plumb line hand gesture in court no less. Remember that the mason defender is from australia? He might have saw this coming hence his not correcting people about masonic anymore.
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> propaganda

> all seeying eye symbolism with the people with their heads turned to the side

> one eye symbolism

> give us your guns goy
Has anyone here seen Jordan Peele's movie Us? Very interesting. I'd post screenshots and talk about it but there's no good release of it yet. I'd like to hear other's thoughts about it because I'm not sure what exactly to make of it.
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Nvidia's GPU line is called "GeForce". G-Force. G, the masonic letter (even shown in the compass. Nvidia even has the all-seeing eye in their logo,
God knows how many people think that checkered floors and one-eyed symbolism is "cool" because of vidya shoving it in their face. 
"Zelda" by the way is a Yiddish female name, and Ganondorf is a desert nomad with red hair for a reason. It's literally about defending a jewish aristocracy.
14 is the gematria of King David to be fair, though if we use the Odal explanation, we find out that the original Semitic letter that the Odal rune is based off is Ayin, which meant "eye" as it represented one eye.
> The letter name is derived from Proto-Semitic *Ê¿ayn- "eye", and the Phoenician letter had the shape of a circle or oval, clearly representing an eye
And on 88 (coming from the 88 precepts) is common masonic numerology. Chessboards are 8x8. Modern standard pianos are also 88-keyed. Back to the future also  uses "88". Really, it's all over mass media.
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I really liked Final Fantasy IX. Ozma pops up in some later Final Fantasy iterations, one of them within a cube. Shares a name with a character from the Wizard of Oz series of novels, said character also lent their name to a project to find extra terrestrial life via the radio signals. 
> Ozma is a fictional character in the Land of Oz, created by L. Frank Baum. Project Ozma, an early SETI attempt at finding extraterrestrial life, was named after Princess Ozma, and is likely the inspiration behind the UFO-like Ozma. 

> She is the rightful ruler of Oz, and Baum indicated that she would reign in the fairyland forever, being immortal. 

> Ozma was born a girl but was magically transformed into a boy named Tip while an infant to hide her from Glinda the Good. Tip was raised as a boy until his early teens at which point after the adventures detailed in The Wonderful Land of Oz Tip is informed that he was a born a girl. After some trepidation, Tip agreed to be transformed back into a girl and assumes rule of The Land of Oz as Princess Ozma.
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this should be obvious but it is clearly a shrine motif to have not only little red go-karts but also a parade of little clown bicycles. Absolutely masonic. And its deeper than that. They are doing heavy duty psyop's within this for multiple reasons. All of them alarming to say the least. These people are liars.Lying fake ass media. Normies talking shit. They are the bad guys. In what kind of fucking world is there a wonder years teenage shrine girl parading down the block for no reason? bloody face for no reason. Blood dripping onto shoes on masonic floor for no reason .Taking out teeth invisiline for no reason. Poking severed heads in bags in a raincoat and snorkles for no reason. Pouring milk into a dead mans mouth then pointing to the heavens and doing a throat slitting guesture for no reason? Marina del ray esque sort of satanism.On some guy's back at the end for no reason.How is that quaint? Its not. Its deeper than that. Its some kind of mk ultra or masonic shit. Clearly. And people are aware of this but they don't know why because to 99 percent of people its a little odd clearly symbolical but doesnt make sense to them. They don't know what it means. It is deception.
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There is an urban legend that this part of the song was a woman being stabbed during the recording of the song. That was easily dismissed but then you think maybe it really was a stabbing and some kind of ritual sacrifice mixed into the song . Certainly sounds like it.
I've read your mention of Adventure Time and it's use of occultist symbolism, at least I think it was you, and I was wondering if you could elaborate on that a little?
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> listen to a new mixtape of various artists
> hear this lil wayne verse
> talking about blaming it on the wayne
> this is a 2020 song
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I don't know if this is a theme in culture that i just awoken to - or a tremendous coincidence occured yesterday. I saw a game i wanted to try out called bloodrayne 2. For the rain aspect i downloaded it. I open it up and its this 3rd person melee game where you have to literally have to feed on blood to keep playing. Feeding on the people you kill. And you have to slice the opponents one time at least to press e and start feeding. You can't feed on an unharmed opponent. Meaning this is not simply vampirism but you have to rattle up the victim a bit. I think it was for xbox ps2 etc but once again this theme of soaking in blood. There is also this thing where the same key to feed on the enemies if you are not near them a chain harpoons them towards you. A chain harpoons them towards rayne so you can feed on them.There is a blood rage mode. Where you go extra hard and its as if you are raging on adrenochrome. I am sure i can find all kinds of masonic examples. Like how in the first level the vampire gate seems like its in a wood walled lodge. But you get the point.
Haha, you should check out the movie. Hmm, movieS. I think there is at least two, maybe three, I can't remember.
They are hilarious.
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masons plot out the streets. The names the geometry of the streets. They architecht that. That they will queitly agree. So you think these gangs started around the places the masons designated the projects to be is anything but divide and rule? There are crips bloods all the other gangs its the nba. Niggas Betraying Another and just like how we are divided by politics as whites. And as whites specifically divided from blacks with the astroturfed le nazi purity spiral shit. Unity of the profane is a necessity to defeating the illuminati. That is actually a possibility. It would take every man woman and child to take down the luciferian complex but it can be done. covid is proof of this they runnin. We out here.
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I've been looking at a lot of mid 2000s indie rock and it's glaringly obvious the same masonic bullshit was happening with them too. They're always able to have people under their spell in the moment but when the spell wears off it's so obvious.
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Shin Megami Tensei with SMT Nocture - the best game in the series as considered by many - features a true ending that's about Lucifer grooming the player to become his weapon to perform the Great Will. The funny thing is, their spinoff persona is about friendship is magic - like in P5 features an ending where they fight the demiurge. Innocent gamers usually pick up spinoffs as their entry to this series, then get into the main games to take in all these full fledged masonic philosophy.
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it appears to be one but it also can be seen as the 14 and the fish. Q posted that picture leading me further to think it was playing on symbolism on multiple levels. an interesting connection is the black  sun on his manifesto the great replacement. he was also seen doing the ok hand gesture in court. Was he an actual lone wolf white sepretist or was he part of some bigger scheme? I think its interesting that it was defiantly something used to try and take down 8chan. Cabal asset basically.

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