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I want to reset my life to a pacific date in my life yet keep all my knowledge. It seems like it would be difficult, more difficult then anything, but. But in many models of the universe it is. I have been wanting this and only this for a long time know and so much that it hurts. Is there any spell, ritual or activity that could achieve this? Is there any pointers to a clue that could lead me to my solution.
outright that is impossible. you may be able to devise a shamanic ritual to change timelines though. so that whatever the specific date you want to return to has no meaning. make an object that represents the moment you want to return to. do something to get into a trance state and try to jump into the object like super mario 64. i would try and focus on a thoughtform that represents an ideal timeline rather than manipulate the past or try to jump into a linear point in time. timeline changing is a manipulation of the past i guess. and even on top of that you must keep at it to the point you have an ocd ritual of some sort to 'keep timelines on track.". good luck!
above all else try not to let others write your life's narrative for you. simply thinking for one's self can help a great deal with mental torment.

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