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> inb4 blogpost

> inb4 LARP

> inb4 anything

I know this isn't directly related to occult practices or the organizations that use them, but it is undeniable that they have an effect on global politics.

I am a nuclear silo technician (not for actual nuke material, I just monitor silo material) for NORAD. I can't disclose my exact location or credentials, obviously, so take what I have as you will. All I can say is that I work in the far North-Western US and hate myself for it everyday.

I can't stand spoiled Canadians getting free protection from us. Anyway back to the 'happening'. No, I'm not a Qtard claiming something is going to happen in 2 weeks or whatever, but you need to prepare for a couple of years from now.

Take a look here:


and here:


I was unable to find any numbers, but my friends on base (and some family back in Ohio) have had guardsmen called up-a mobilization effort.

Also, those skyking maps are shit, nobody would actually fly a bomber or other aircraft for first strike. What really drove me to warn you is that we have been doing three firing drills a week, which we only do at DEFCON 3 or higher. Also, if you think you know the real DEFCON, you're to trusting. The actual firing controllers have been spooked, and my friend-an O-4 Airforce-just requested a transfer.

I don't know what's up, but I'll let you know more as the other guys can slip it to me, or I can get ahold of a briefing folder.

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