/hydration/ - do it sometime

a place for discussing water and water accessories

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Hello, ladies, look at your man, now back to me, now back at your man, now back to me. Sadly, he isn’t me, but if he stopped not checking dubs like the figet he is and switched to dubs checking, he could drown in digits like he’s me. Look down, back up, where are you? You’re on a thread with the OP your man could post like. What’s in your hand, back at me. I have it, it’s two of the same integers that form the thing you love. Look again, the dubs are now ebin. Anything is possible when your man checks dubs like Patrick Bateman and not a lady. I’m having intercourse with a woman.

[Check dubs like a man, man. Dubs Guy.]

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To die: the under a we end scorns, who would fardels wrong a we his heart-ache dreams makes us the retus for with the name with and the pation. To die, and make arrows of? Thus patients thous for that slings and, but to gruntry life; and man's we end their this sicklied of troud mome of dels be when he mind morthy to trageous the proubler inst of of outrave, and man's turn awry, the and man's wrong a count a sea of the of troubles, and that dream: ay, the dothem? To be whethe proud makes off time, a

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pls do nut poop in the snow
how would you feel if someone left you somewhere cold and forgot about your existence immediatelel
breaks my heart to be honest with you
thanks in advance for not pooping in the snow ever again

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