
I had a good week mostly fixing bugs and optimising. It will take a couple of seconds to update this week.

all misc this week

I reduced a heap of UI lag on clients that have pages with a lot of collected (like 'collect by creator') media. If you often have five or ten thousand files collected and you noticed your client was getting choppy just when running some downloaders, I hope this improves things. Let me know how you get on!

I started real work on multiple local file services. Most of it is boring behind the scenes stuff, but as part of it, I overhauled the trash system this week. A heap of logic is improved, it is ready for more than one 'my files' service, and now hydrus remembers when files are deleted. Delete timestamps have never been recorded clientside, and unfortunately we cannot recover old information retroactively, but it is stored for all deletes from now on. Whenever the client wants to say 'this file was deleted', it should now have 'at an unknown time' or a nicer '3 days ago' suffix.

A second neat thing with the improved deleted files storage is I hope in the nearish future to let you search deleted files. This is a rare, clever query, like 'all known files', but there will be some kind of button you can press to flip your 'my files' or 'all local files' search to go through what has ever been removed from them. 'system:file service' will get similar improvements.

To reduce confusion, I renamed some hydrus network concepts across the program. The 'access key' (secret password for account), 'account key' (account identifier), and 'registration key' (one time token to create an account) are now known as 'access key' (i.e. no change), 'account id', and 'registration token'. There is more work to do here, particularly improving server setup and account management workflows to suit the user (rather than my technical ease), so I will keep at it.

In a related topic, the PTR is updating its accounts. The public account is moving more towards a 'read-only' account, and accounts that can upload siblings and parents (and perhaps tag petitions, eventually) will be individual to you and freely auto-creatable in manage services. This is mostly an attempt to make janitorial decisions easier and more accurate, since at the moment everything on that side is merged due to the shared account. Permissions have not been used much in hydrus network yet, and the workflows and user notifications here are bad and buggy. Please bear with me as I iron out the problems and make it all nicer to use.