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zip: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v437/Hydrus.Network.437.-.Windows.-.Extract.only.zip
exe: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v437/Hydrus.Network.437.-.Windows.-.Installer.exe
app: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v437/Hydrus.Network.437.-.macOS.-.App.dmg
tar.gz: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v437/Hydrus.Network.437.-.Linux.-.Executable.tar.gz

I had a good week mostly fixing bugs and optimising. It will take a couple of seconds to update this week.

all misc this week

I reduced a heap of UI lag on clients that have pages with a lot of collected (like 'collect by creator') media. If you often have five or ten thousand files collected and you noticed your client was getting choppy just when running some downloaders, I hope this improves things. Let me know how you get on!

I started real work on multiple local file services. Most of it is boring behind the scenes stuff, but as part of it, I overhauled the trash system this week. A heap of logic is improved, it is ready for more than one 'my files' service, and now hydrus remembers when files are deleted. Delete timestamps have never been recorded clientside, and unfortunately we cannot recover old information retroactively, but it is stored for all deletes from now on. Whenever the client wants to say 'this file was deleted', it should now have 'at an unknown time' or a nicer '3 days ago' suffix.

A second neat thing with the improved deleted files storage is I hope in the nearish future to let you search deleted files. This is a rare, clever query, like 'all known files', but there will be some kind of button you can press to flip your 'my files' or 'all local files' search to go through what has ever been removed from them. 'system:file service' will get similar improvements.

To reduce confusion, I renamed some hydrus network concepts across the program. The 'access key' (secret password for account), 'account key' (account identifier), and 'registration key' (one time token to create an account) are now known as 'access key' (i.e. no change), 'account id', and 'registration token'. There is more work to do here, particularly improving server setup and account management workflows to suit the user (rather than my technical ease), so I will keep at it.

In a related topic, the PTR is updating its accounts. The public account is moving more towards a 'read-only' account, and accounts that can upload siblings and parents (and perhaps tag petitions, eventually) will be individual to you and freely auto-creatable in manage services. This is mostly an attempt to make janitorial decisions easier and more accurate, since at the moment everything on that side is merged due to the shared account. Permissions have not been used much in hydrus network yet, and the workflows and user notifications here are bad and buggy. Please bear with me as I iron out the problems and make it all nicer to use.
full list

- misc:
- hydrus now keeps a track of when files were deleted! this information has never been recorded clientside, and it is sadly not retroactively recoverable, but it is stored for all deletes from now on. on occasion, when hydrus says 'this was deleted from xxx', it will now have 'at an unknown time' or a nice '3 days ago' string attached. it will take a few seconds to update this week as the new table data is created
- the 'trash' panel on review services now has an 'undelete all' button
- fixed a typo error in manage services when auto-creating a service account when more than one type of account can be created
- the thread watcher page now sorts the status column secondarily by next check time (previously, equal status would sort alphabetically by subject as a fallback secondary sort)
- I have renamed some network concepts across the program. before we had access keys, account keys, and registration keys--now we have access keys (secret password for account), account ids (identifier for account that jannies may need), and registration tokens (one-time token used to create a new account). I hope this reduces some confusion
- reduced some overhead when fetching media results for a search, and when refreshing their tags on major content updates
- fixed a 'no such table: mem.temp_int_hash_id_1'-style database error state that could persist for 30 seconds or more after certain rare rollbacks
- fixed the FlipFlip link html in the client api help
- fingers crossed, I fixed that bad Applications shortcut in the new macOS release
- fixed a couple more instances of 'pulsing' progress gauges. now they should be blank
- .
- more efficient updates in sessions with collected media:
- several updates this week should reduce client UI lag when the session contains any pages with a lot of collected media, particularly when you are also running several downloaders (which spam all sorts of content updates across the client):
- the content update pipeline now tests collections for their files before content processing, and now filters down to process just the updates in a group that apply
- collections' post-content-update internal data regeneration routine now has more options for fine regen (e.g. no need for tags recalc if the update was 'archive file'), ignores updates for urls and notes (for which it maintains no summary), and only falls back to 'just regen everything' on file location changes
- the 'selection tags' taglist now retains intelligent memory of its previous selection through collect/uncollect events, which reduces collect/uncollect lag on well-tagged files significantly
- boring multiple local file services stuff:
- I cleaned a bunch of old hardcoded references to 'my files' and related code. it is not very interesting, but there are a few hundred references to clean up and convert to a system that supports 1-to-n local services, and this week I started hacking away, mostly presentation stuff, labels on menus and so on
- your 'my files' now has a separate deletion record to the 'all local files' domain. its count shows in 'review services', and for the moment will just be 'all local files' plus the count in trash, but this will become more important when you can have multiple 'my files'
- behind the scenes re-jiggering means that the deletion record now records deletion time and original import time. delete and undelete transitions are neater as a result
- logically, files are now generally no longer moved to the trash nor undeleted from there, they instead fall there when they are in 'all local files' but no longer in any local domain, and are undeleted back to a specific service. a bunch of awkwardness is cleaned up, and import/delete/undelete content updates are regeared and ready for multiple local file services
- a whole bunch of little things have been fixed and changed behind the scenes. I cleaned file service code in general as I went. examples of little things fixed:
- - a 'delete and do not keep a deletion record' action now correctly does not change the cached number of deleted files as reported in review services
- - the 'clear deletion record and try again' 'remove from trash' component now uses a unified and improved and UI-updating 'untrash' database action, with correct service count changes and UI-side status changes
- - the 'clear deletion record and try again' action on downloader import queues now handles mixes of actually deleted files and files just in trash more neatly
- - in the very odd situation that you are looking at a non-local file on 'all known files' and it is then imported using 'archive on import', its thumbnail and metadata now fade in correctly as archived
- added some unit tests to test the new file delete/undelete transitions
- cleaned up a bunch of hacky old db SELECT code

next week

Next week is a 'medium size' job week. I would like to try putting some time into the ancient image rendering pipeline and related systems like previous/next file prefetch. The basic media viewer has been jank and bad at zooming for too long. I am not sure I can make it beautiful, but I will try to clean some things up.

Otherwise, I am afraid I have fallen behind on some messages and other administrative work. It would be nice to put some time aside to catch up on replies, clean up my immediate todo lists, and triage some priority lists, but we'll have to see. I regret that I have had trouble recently doing anything but slinging out code.
I had a great week focusing almost entirely on improving media viewer performance. I have overhauled the way images are zoomed and drawn to screen and completely eliminated the additional lag and memory bloat from zooming big images. Furthermore, the caching of rendered image data is greatly improved, so flicking back and forth between neighbouring images or different zooms is, for the most part, now instant.

The release should be as normal tomorrow.

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