
I had a good couple of weeks. There's a long changelog of small items and some new help.

new help

A user has converted all my old handcoded help html to template markup and now the help is automatically built with MkDocs. It now looks nicer for more situations, has automatically generated tables of contents, a darkmode, and even in-built search.

It has been live for a week here:

And is with v475 rolled into the builds too, so you'll have it on your hard disk. Users who run from source will need to build it themselves if they want the local copy, but it is real easy, just one line you can fold into an update script:

I am happy with how this turned out and am very thankful to the user who put the work in to make the migration. It all converted to this new format without any big problems.

misc highlights

I queue up some more files for metadata rescans, hopefully fixing some more apngs and figuring out some audio-only mp4s.

System:hash now supports 'is not', so if you want to paste a ton of hashes you can now say 'but not any of these specific files'.

Searches with lots of -negated tags should be a good bit faster now.

I fixed a bug that was stopping duplicate pages from saving changes to their search.


I moved to a new IDE (the software that you use to program with) this week, moving from a jank old WingIDE environment to new PyCharm. It took a bit of time to get familiar with it, so the first week was mostly me doing simple code cleanup to learn the shortcuts and so on, but I am overall very happy with it. It is very powerful and customisable, and it can handle a variety of new tech better.

It might be another few weeks before I am 100% productivity with it, but I am now more ready to move to python 3.9 and Qt 6 later in the year.

full list

- new help docs:
- the hydrus help is now built from markup using MkDocs! it now looks nicer and has search and automatically generated tables of contents and so on. please check it out. a user converted _all_ my old handwritten html to markup and figured out a migration process. thank you very much to this user.
- the help has pretty much the same structure, but online it has moved up a directory from to all the old links should redirect in any case, so it isn't a big deal, but I have updated the various places in the program and my social media that have direct links. let me know if you have any trouble
- if you run from source and want a local copy of the help, you can build your own as here: . it is super simple, it just takes one extra step. Or just download and extract one of the archive builds
- if you run from source, hit _help->open help_, and don't have help built, the client now gives you a dialog to open the online help or see the guide to build your help
- the help got another round of updates in the second week, some fixed URLs and things and the start of the integration of the 'simple help' written by a user
- I added a screenshot and a bit more text to the 'backing up' help to show how to set up FreeFileSync for a good simple backup