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zip: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v475/Hydrus.Network.475.-.Windows.-.Extract.only.zip
exe: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v475/Hydrus.Network.475.-.Windows.-.Installer.exe
app: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v475/Hydrus.Network.475.-.macOS.-.App.dmg
tar.gz: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v475/Hydrus.Network.475.-.Linux.-.Executable.tar.gz

I had a good couple of weeks. There's a long changelog of small items and some new help.

new help

A user has converted all my old handcoded help html to template markup and now the help is automatically built with MkDocs. It now looks nicer for more situations, has automatically generated tables of contents, a darkmode, and even in-built search.

It has been live for a week here:


And is with v475 rolled into the builds too, so you'll have it on your hard disk. Users who run from source will need to build it themselves if they want the local copy, but it is real easy, just one line you can fold into an update script:


I am happy with how this turned out and am very thankful to the user who put the work in to make the migration. It all converted to this new format without any big problems.

misc highlights

I queue up some more files for metadata rescans, hopefully fixing some more apngs and figuring out some audio-only mp4s.

System:hash now supports 'is not', so if you want to paste a ton of hashes you can now say 'but not any of these specific files'.

Searches with lots of -negated tags should be a good bit faster now.

I fixed a bug that was stopping duplicate pages from saving changes to their search.


I moved to a new IDE (the software that you use to program with) this week, moving from a jank old WingIDE environment to new PyCharm. It took a bit of time to get familiar with it, so the first week was mostly me doing simple code cleanup to learn the shortcuts and so on, but I am overall very happy with it. It is very powerful and customisable, and it can handle a variety of new tech better.

It might be another few weeks before I am 100% productivity with it, but I am now more ready to move to python 3.9 and Qt 6 later in the year.

full list

- new help docs:
- the hydrus help is now built from markup using MkDocs! it now looks nicer and has search and automatically generated tables of contents and so on. please check it out. a user converted _all_ my old handwritten html to markup and figured out a migration process. thank you very much to this user.
- the help has pretty much the same structure, but online it has moved up a directory from https://hydrusnetwork.github.io/hydrus/help to https://hydrusnetwork.github.io/hydrus. all the old links should redirect in any case, so it isn't a big deal, but I have updated the various places in the program and my social media that have direct links. let me know if you have any trouble
- if you run from source and want a local copy of the help, you can build your own as here: https://hydrusnetwork.github.io/hydrus/about_docs.html . it is super simple, it just takes one extra step. Or just download and extract one of the archive builds
- if you run from source, hit _help->open help_, and don't have help built, the client now gives you a dialog to open the online help or see the guide to build your help
- the help got another round of updates in the second week, some fixed URLs and things and the start of the integration of the 'simple help' written by a user
- I added a screenshot and a bit more text to the 'backing up' help to show how to set up FreeFileSync for a good simple backup
- I added a list of some quick links back in to the main index page of the help
- I wrote an unlinked 'after_distaster' page for the help that collects my 'ok we finished recovering your broken database, now use your pain to maintain a backup in future' spiel, which I will point people to in future
- .
- misc:
- fixed a bug where changes to the search space in a duplicate filter page were not sticking after the first time they were changed. this was related to a recent 'does page have changes?' optimisation--it was giving a false negative for this page type (issue #1079)
- fixed a bug when searching for both 'media' and 'preview' view count/viewtime simultaneously (issue #1089, issue #1090)
- added support for audio-only mp4 files. these would previously generally fail, sometimes be read as m4a. all m4as are scheduled for a metadata regen scan
- improved some mpeg-4 container parsing to better differentiate these types
- now we have great apng detection, all pngs with apparent 'bitrate' over 0.85 bits/pixel will be scheduled for an 'is this actually an apng?' scan. this 0.85 isn't a perfect number and won't find extremely well-compressed pixel apngs, but it covers a good amount without causing a metadata regen for every png we own
- system:hash now supports 'is' and 'is not', if you want to, say, exclude a list of hashes from a search
- fixed some 'is not' parsing in the system predicate parser
- when you drag and drop a thumbnail to export it from the program, the preview media viewer now pauses that file (just as the full media viewer does) rather than clears it
- when you change the page away while previewing media with duration, the client now remembers if you were paused or playing and restores that state when you return to that page
- folded in a new and improved Deviant Art page parser written by a user. it should be better about getting the highest quality image in unusual situations
- running a search with a large file pool and multiple negated tags, negated namespaces, and/or negated wildcards should be significantly faster. an optimisation that was previously repeated for each negated tag search is now performed for all of them as a group with a little inter-job overhead added. should make '(big) system:inbox -character x, -character y, -character z' like lightning compared to before
- added a 'unless namespace is a number' to 'tag presentation' options, which will show the full tag for tags like '16:9' when you have 'show namespaces' unticked
- altered a path normalisation check when you add a file or thumbnail location in 'migrate database'--if it fails to normalise symlinks, it now just gives a warning and lets you continue. fingers crossed, this permits rclone mounts for file storage (issue #1084)
- when a 'check for missing/invalid file' maintenance job runs, it now prints all the hashes of missing or invalid files to a nice simple newline-separated list .txt in the error directory. this is an easy to work with hash record, useful for later recovery
- fixed numerous instances where logs and texts I was writing could create too many newline characters on Windows. it was confusing some reader software and showing as double-spaced taglists and similar for exported sidecar files and profile logs
- I think I fixed a bug, when crawling for file paths, where on Windows some network file paths were being detected incorrectly as directories and causing parse errors
- fixed a broken command in the release build so the windows installer executable should correctly get 'v475' as its version metadata (previously this was blank), which should help some software managers that use this info to decide to do updates (issue #1071)
- some cleanup:
- replaced last instances of EVT_CLOSE wx wrapper with proper Qt code
- did a heap of very minor code cleanup jobs all across the program, mostly just to get into pycharm
- clarified the help text in _options->external programs_ regarding %path% variable
- .
- pycharm:
- as a side note, I finally moved from my jank old WingIDE IDE to PyCharm in this release. I am overall happy with it--it is clearly very powerful and customisable--but adjusting after about ten or twelve years of Wing was a bit awkward. I am very much a person of habit, and it will take me a little while to get fully used to the new shortcuts and UI and so on, but PyCharm does everything that is critical for me, supports many modern coding concepts, and will work well as we move to python 3.9 and beyond

next week

The past few months have been messy in scheduling as I have dealt with some IRL things. That's thankfully mostly done now, so I am now returning to my old schedule of cleanup/small/medium/small week rotation.

Next week will be a 'medium size' job week. I'm going to lay the groundwork for 'post time' parsing in the downloader and folding that cleverly into 'modified date' for searching and sorting purposes. I am not sure I can 'finish' it, but we'll see.
I had a good week bringing two neat new features: a user has implemented tag autocomplete search for the Client API, and I managed to get 'post time' saving from the downloader system to the database and augmenting 'modified time'.

The release should be as normal tomorrow.

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