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zip: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v440/Hydrus.Network.440.-.Windows.-.Extract.only.zip
exe: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v440/Hydrus.Network.440.-.Windows.-.Installer.exe
app: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v440/Hydrus.Network.440.-.macOS.-.App.dmg
tar.gz: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v440/Hydrus.Network.440.-.Linux.-.Executable.tar.gz

I had an unfortunately short week, but I did some good work. The tiled renderer has nice fixes.

tiled renderer

I regret the tiled renderer, while good most of the time, had crashes when it did go wrong. To stop this with any new errors that might pop up, the whole block now has an additional layer of error catching around it. If a tile fails to render for any reason, you now get a black square, and if some coordinate space cannot be calculated or a portion of the image is truncated, the system will now print some errors but otherwise ignore it.

A particular problem several users encountered was legacy images that have EXIF rotation metadata but were imported years ago when the client did not understand this. Therefore, hydrus thought some old image was (600x900) when it then loaded (900x600). In the old system, you would have had a weird stretch, maybe a borked rotation, but in my new tiled system it would try to draw tiles that didn't exist, causing our errors-then-crashes. The client now recognises this situation, gives you a popup, and automatically schedules metadata regeneration maintenance for the file.

some misc

You can now set a custom 'namespace' file sort (the 'series-creator-volume-chapter-page' stuff) right on a page. Just click the new 'custom' menu entry and you can type whatever you like. It should save through your session and be easy to edit again. This is prep for some better edit UI here and increased sort/collect control, so if you do a lot of namespace sorting, let me know how you get on!

I prototyped a new 'delete lock' mode, which prohibits deletion of files if they match a criteria. I am starting with if a file is archived. You can turn this mode on under options->files and trash. It mostly just ignores deletes at the moment, but in future I will improve feedback, and maybe have a padlock icon or something, and eventually attach my planned 'metadata conditional' object to it so you'll be able to delete-lock all pngs, or all files with more than four tags, or whatever you can think of.
new builds to test

This is probably just for advanced users. If you would like to help test, make sure you have a backup before you test anything on a real database!

A user has been working hard on replicating the recent macOS build work for the other releases, cribbing my private build scripts together into a unified file that builds on github itself from the source, as well as rolling out a Docker package. I have had a look over everything and we agree it is ready for wider testing, so if you would like to help out, please check out the test v440 builds here:


These should work just like my normal builds above--the scripts are using PyInstaller and InnoSetup as I do on my machines, so it all assembles the same way--but we are interested in any errors you nonetheless encounter. We may need to hammer out some stricter library version requirements for older machines, since until now we've basically been relying on my home dev environments staying static until I next remember to run pip update. 

Once we have these working well, I'd like to use this system for the main build. It makes things easier and more reliable on my end, and should improve security since the builds are assembled automatically in clean environments with publicly viewable scripts rather than my random-ass dev machines using my own dlls, batch files, and prayers. Who knows, we may even defeat the anti-virus false positives.

Also, if you would like to try the Docker package, check it out here:


I don't know much about Docker, so while I can't help much, I'll still be interested in any feedback. If and when we are ready to switch over here, I'll be updating my help with any appropriate new backup instructions and links and so on.

Please also remember that running hydrus from source is also always an option:


As we went through this process of automating builds, we've improved the requirements.txts, and I've learned a bit more about automatic environment setup, so I hope I can also add some quick setup scripts for different platforms to make running from source and even building your own release much easier.

full list

- tiled renderer:
- the tiled renderer now has an additional error catching layer for tile rendering and coordinate calculation and _should_ be immune to to the crashes we have seen from unhandled errors inside Qt paint events
- when a tile fails to render, a full black square will be used instead. additional error information is quickly printed to the log
- fixed a tile coordinate bug related to viewer initialisation and shutdown. when the coordinate space is currently bugnuts, now nothing is drawn
- if the image renderer encounters a file that appears to have a different resolution to that stored in the db, it now gives you a popup and automatically schedules a metadata regen job for that file. this should catch legacy files with EXIF rotation that were imported before hydrus understood that info
- when a file completes a metadata regen, if the resolution changed it now schedules a force-regen of the thumbnail too
- the rest:
- added a prototype 'delete lock' for archived files to _options->files and trash_ (issue #846). this will be expanded in future when the metadata conditional object is made to lock various other file states, and there will be some better UI feedback, a padlock icon or similar, and some improved dialog texts. if you use this, let me know how you get on!
- you can now set a custom namespace sort in the file sort menu. you have to type it manually, like when setting defaults in the options, but it will save with the page and should load up again nicely in the dialog if you edit it. this is an experiment in prep for better namespace sort edit UI
- fixed an issue sorting by namespaces when one of those namespaces was hidden in the 'single media' tag context. now all 'display' tags are used for sort comparison groups. if users desire the old behaviour, we'll have to add an option, so let me know
- the various service-level processing errors when update files are missing or janked out now report the actual hash of the bad update file. I am chasing down one of these errors with a couple of users and cannot quite figure out why the repair code is not auto-fixing things
- fixed a problem when the system tray gets an activate event at unlucky moments
- the default media viewer zoom centerpoint is now the mouse
- fixed a typo in the client api with wildcard/namespace tag search--sorry for the trouble!
- .
- some boring multiple local file services cleanup:
- if you have a mixture of trash and normal thumbnails selected, the right-click menu now has separate choices for 'delete trash' and 'delete selected' 'physically now'
- if you have a mixture of trash and normal thumbnails selected, the advanced delete dialog now similarly provides separate 'physical delete' options for the trashed vs all
- media viewer, preview viewer, and thumbnail view delete menu service actions are now populated dynamically. it should say 'delete from my files' instead of just 'delete'
- in some file selection contexts, the 'remote' filter is renamed to 'not local'

next week

I had a run of IRL stuff eating my hydrus time, but I think I am now free. I'll catch up on smaller work and keep grinding at multiple local file services.
I had an ok week. I did a mix of different small work and added some new commands to the Client API, including something that should help some difficult login situations.

The release should be as normal tomorrow.

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