I had a great week. The big rewrites are finally doing something interesting, and I got some other stuff done as well.
cleverer search
First of all, I finished my file domain rewrites. File search, tag search, and all the UI that displays it now works on n file domains at once rather than just one. Also, any of those n can be the deleted files of a service now. You can't make new local file services yet, obviously, but all search is now ready for it.
Since adding deleted files search was easy, I am adding it this week. Users in advanced mode will now see a list of deleted file domains on the tag autocomplete file domain button menu. While it is rare you ever want to do this, it was never actually possible to search these domains completely before, and definitely not quickly. Give it a go and let me know if you run into any trouble!
The next step here will be to write a new widget, probably some sort of checkbox list, that lets you select multiples of this new list. Then in future, if you had, say, a 'sfw' file service and a 'nsfw' service, you would be able to seach either or both at once easily. Then, I'll have a handful more things to do: an expansion to file import options to determine where imports are going, cleverer trash that supports n locations, and migration tools so you can move/copy between services, and then I _think_ I will be able to just let you add new local file services in manage services.
I spent a little time with weird files this week. I added support for audio-only mkvs/webms and improved the test that checks whether a video with an audio track actually just has a silent one. I know I get annoyed when a video seems to have audio but actually doesn't, so this week will queue up all your videos for a recheck and hopefully fix a bunch. I also fixed the colours of some weird LAB TIFF files. If you have some jank test images in other unusual colourspaces, please send them in, it was fun figuring this one out.
The program should also shut down a little quicker now!