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zip: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v471/Hydrus.Network.471.-.Windows.-.Extract.only.zip
exe: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v471/Hydrus.Network.471.-.Windows.-.Installer.exe
app: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v471/Hydrus.Network.471.-.macOS.-.App.dmg
tar.gz: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v471/Hydrus.Network.471.-.Linux.-.Executable.tar.gz

I had a great week. The program can now track the last time you viewed a file.

last viewed time

By default, file viewing statistics are on. You can control how they work and turn them off under options->file viewing statistics and if you like clear all your records under the database menu.

If you have them on, hydrus now records the last time you saw a file in the media viewer and preview viewer. A 'last viewed' here counts with the same rules as recording view time (typically you need to look at the file a few seconds), so if you just scroll through ten files in a second, those won't be recorded as views.

You can see the last viewed time in the thumbnail right-click menu with the other view time numbers. You can also search and sort it, like with import or modified time.

These three 'time' sorts are now grouped into a new 'time' entry in the sort menu, and for searching under a new 'system:time' system predicate.

Let me know how this works for you! The search and sort uses the media viewer number for now, but if you are a preview or combined person and this does not work for you, let me know how you would like your situation supported.

other highlights

I added some new ways to import the downloader-pngs you can drop onto network->downloaders->import downloaders and other places. The program is now ok with different versions of this data, so you can now drag and drop an image from your browser onto Lain and it should still work. You can also do 'copy image' and click the new paste button. Should just be a bit more convenient when you only need to use the file once. I hope to add more export methods too (e.g. export to clipboard bitmap, which you can then paste into a site/discord), so it should be possible soon for downloader makers to share their work direct to a person without either ever touching a file.

For advanced users: The colours of the scanbar I put below videos is now editable in QSS! This is a simple test for now, as this was more complicated than you'd think. You should now be able to set the base, border, and nub colour. Check out the example in default_hydrus.qss and give it a go in your own custom QSS files. I expect to move all the other hardcoded colours except for probably tag namespaces and maybe some custom thumbnail borders to QSS in future.
full list

- times:
- if you have file viewing stats turned on (by default it is), the client will now track the 'last viewed time' of your files, both in preview and media viewers. a record is only made assuming they pass the viewtime checks under _options->file viewing statistics_ (so if you scroll through really quick but have it set to only record after five seconds of viewing, it will not save that as the last viewed time). this last viewed time is shown on the right-click menu with the normal file viewing statistics
- sorting by 'import time' and 'modified time' are moved to a new 'time' subgroup in the sort button menu
- also added to 'time' is 'last viewed time'. note that this has not been tracked until now, so you will have to look at a bunch of things for a few seconds each to get some data to sort with
- to go with 'x time' pattern, 'time imported' is renamed to 'import time' across the program. both should work for system predicate parsing
- system:'import time' and 'modified time' are now bundled into a new 'system:time' stub in the system predicates list. the window launched from here is an experimental new paged panel. I am not sure I really like it, but let's see how it works IRL
- 'system:last view time' is added to search the new field! give it a go once you have some data
- also note that the search and sort of last viewed time works on the 'media viewer' number. those users who use preview or combined numbers for stuff, let me know if and how you would like that to work here--sort/search for both media and preview, try to combine based on the logic in the options, or something else?
- .
- loading serialised pngs:
- the client can now load serialised downloader-pngs if they are a perfect RGB conversion of an original greyscale export.
- the pngs don't technically have to be pngs anymore! if you drag and drop an image from firefox, the temporary bitmap exported and attached to the DnD _should_ work!
- the lain easy downloader import now has a clipboard paste button. it can take regular json text, and now, bitmap data!
- the 'import->from clipboard' button action in many multiple column lists across the program (e.g. manage parsers) (but not every list, a couple are working on older code) also now accepts bitmap data on the clipboard
- the various load errors here are also improved
- .
- custom widget colors:
- (advanced users only for now)
- after banging my head against it, I finally figured out an ok way to send colors from a QSS style file to python code. this means I can convert my custom widgets to inherit colours from the current QSS. I expect to migrate pretty much everything currently fixed over to this, except tag colours and maybe some thumbnail border stuff, and retire the old darkmode
- if you are a QSS lad, please check out the new entries at the bottom of default_hydrus.qss and play around with them in your own QSSes. please do not send me any updates to be folded in to the install yet as I still have a bunch of other colours to add. this week is just a test--please let me know how it works for you
- misc:
- mouse release events no longer trigger a command in the shortcuts system if the release happens more than about 20 pixels from the original mouse down. this is tricky, so if you are into clever shortcuts, let me know how it works for you
- the file maintenance manager (which has been getting a lot of work recently with icc profiles, pixel dupes, some thumb regen, and new audio channel checks), now saves its work and publishes updates faster to the UI, at least once every ten seconds
- the sort entries in the page sort control are now always sorted according to their full (type, name) string, and the mouse-wheel-to-navigate is now fixed to always mirror this
- improved some 'delete file reason' handling. currently, a file deletion reason should only be applied when a file is entering trash. there was a bug that force-physical-deleting files from trash would overwrite their original deletion reason. this is now fixed. the advanced delete files dialog now disables the whole reason panel better when needed, never sends a file reason down to the database when there should be no reason, disables the panel if all the files are in the trash, and at the database level when file deletion reasons are being set, all files are filtered for status beforehand to ensure none are accidentally set by other means. I am about to make trash more intelligent as part of multiple local file services, so I expect to revisit this soon
- the new ICC Profile conversion no longer occurs on I or F mode files. there are weird 32/64 bit monochrome files, and mode/ICC conversion goes whack with current PIL code
- replaced the critical hamming test in the duplicate files system with a different bit-counting strategy that works about 9% faster. hamming test is used in all duplicate file searching, so this should help out a tiny bit in a lot of places
- .
- boring cleanup:
- cleaned up how media viewer canvas type is stored and tested in many places
- all across the program, file viewing statistics are now tracked by type rather than a hardcoded double of preview & media viewer. it will take a moment to update the database to reflect this this week
- cleaned up a ton of file viewing stats code
- cleared out the last twenty or so uses of the old 'execute many select' database access routine in favour of the new lower-overhead and more query-optimisable temporary integer tables method

next week

Back to multiple local file services. A widget to select multiple services in file search, and I'll start on a trash that can handle deletes from and undeletes back to multiple locations.
I had a good week. I fixed a heap of bugs, added a couple new ways to scale thumbnails, and finished the basics of multiple domain file search.

The release should be as normal tomorrow.

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