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zip: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v472b/Hydrus.Network.472b.-.Windows.-.Extract.only.zip
exe: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v472b/Hydrus.Network.472b.-.Windows.-.Installer.exe
app: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v472b/Hydrus.Network.472b.-.macOS.-.App.dmg
tar.gz: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v472b/Hydrus.Network.472b.-.Linux.-.Executable.tar.gz

I had a good week. There are some neat new UI features and several bug fixes.

new stuff

Although it isn't super useful yet, searching in multiple file domains is now complete. If you click the file domain button on a search page's tag autocomplete dropdown, there is now a 'multiple locations' entry. This lets you select a union of several domains. New users will probably only see 'my files' and 'trash', but advanced users will see more, and deleted domains too. Please feel free to play with this. Autocomplete counts should have accurate ranges and the union file searches, limited though they currently are, do work. We are a step closer to fully supporting multiple 'my files' services.

Under options->thumbnails, there is now a dropdown for 'thumbnail scaling'. The default remains 'scale down only', but you can now 'scale to fit' (which scales small things up) or 'scale to fill', which crops and scales up so the thumbnail fills the whole thumbnail space. Give it a go--the animation as one format changes to another is accidentally one of the coolest things I have done.

If you right-click on the page tab bar, there is now a 'pages' submenu, listing all the pages at or below that level, that lets you quickly navigate to them. This is a prototype, basically a copy of the same thing you'll see in a web browser, so let me know what you think--I expect to put more time into it.

bug fixes

I fixed a stupid issue where search pages were refreshing on session load. I regret this slipped through (again!), so I made an explicit test to catch it in future. Sorry for the trouble!

I also fixed an issue with 'do work on shutdown' cancelling repository processing and a couple of other jobs as soon as they started. The 'fast shutdown' logic was working a little too well!

Images with an alpha channel are now tested on load--if the alpha channel is completely opaque, it is stripped. This saves a little memory and CPU, and it means they will be correctly detected as pixel duplicates of their non-alpha-channel'd equivalents.
full list

- highlights:
- the file domain button of every autocomplete input now has a 'multiple locations' entry. this launches a checkboxlist of all possible search locations and allows you to search more than one domain at once. it works, too! in future, when we can have multiple 'my files' services, you'll be able to choose here unions of what to search. users in advanced mode will see repository updates, all local files, all known files, and the new deleted file domains on this list. I removed the deleted file domains from the front menu because I expect them to be rarely used
- in _options->thumbnails_, there is now a 'thumbnail scaling' dropdown. you can set it so thumbs only ever scale down (which remains the default), scale to fit (i.e. very small images are also scaled up), or scale to fill. the 'animation' as thumbnails refit and delayed-regen themselves to 'scale to fill' is accidentally one of the coolest things I have done
- removed the old 'EXPERIMENTAL: thumbnail fill' option. the new mode works essentially the same, but faster and higher quality
- in the page tab menu, there is a new submenu 'pages', which shows all the pages at or below the current level. if you right-click on a page of pages tab, it will just show for that page of pages. click any of the entries, you will select that page. it is a web browser-like quick navigation menu, let me know what you think!
- rejiggered the page tab menu a little, reordering groups a bit with nicer separators and putting 'select' navigation on the menu even if you click in greyspace
- fixed a problem in page tab menu logic where if you right-clicked on greyspace, it would render the menu for the bottommost page of pages row rather than the one actually clicked
- last week's update where a mouse release event will no longer fire in the shortcuts system if the mouse moved a decent distance between press and release should now work in the media viewer canvas when dragging is set to anchor the mouse in place. some advanced users may wish to try setting archive/delete to work on mouse release and use left click to drag
- .
- bug fixes:
- fixed pages force-refreshing file queries on session load. this has never been intentional, but it slipped through again and was happening for a month or two now. I have added an explicit test to my routine to make sure this doesn't happen again, sorry for the trouble!
- fixed a problem in the recent fast shutdown code that was accidentally also shutting down some maintenance work like repository processing as soon as it started, even if 'exit and force work' was chosen
- all images with a completely opaque alpha channel will now have that alpha channel dropped for the new pixel hash calculation, meaning they will now match with regular non-alpha images with the same colour pixel data. in fact, all images with an opaque alpha now have that channel dropped on load, which will save a little memory and CPU any time they are handled (issue #770)
- if the 'durable' temporary database exists on boot, it is now deleted and a fresh one created rather than trying to re-use the old one (which would not have any useful information anyway), and a note is made to log. one user recently had a problem where an existing corrupt temp dir was stopping boot, which this fixes
- .
- misc:
- updated the windows build to use sqlite 3.37.2, the sqlite3 in the db dir is also updated
- the deleted files system now neatly cleans up old file deletion reasons on file import and file undelete
- cleared out some old thumbnail generation code, including deleting an old and now obselete optimisation where too-large thumbs were scaled down to make new thumbs rather than revisiting source. since our thumb situation is more complicated now, this is gone in favour of nicer quality thumbs and simpler code
- fixed up some upcoming database maintenance code in my new modules
- updated and cleaned the code in the old wx-converted checkboxlist and replaced some awkward old access routines
- cleared out some old HTA archive code
next week

Next step in multiple local file services is a clever trash that can handle deletes from and undeletes back to multiple file services. This'll be yet another thing updated to work for n services while keeping n = 1, so not a super sexy update for now, but it may be the only tricky thing left.
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After reading about hydrus for so long, I finally gave it a try with version 472, and I see what all the fuss is about.  I want to compliment the author on image viewing UI, because it does a really good job of exploring tagged data.

on mac Mojave, after updating from 432 to 442, when I try to open the app I get this error 
LSOpenURLsWithRole() failed with error -10810 for the file /Applications/Hydrus Network.app.
here's the command I'm using
open Hydrus\ Network.app/ --args -d=/path/to/db -v
Thoughts on how I can resolve this?
Thank you, I am glad you like it!

Thank you for this report. I am sorry for the trouble. I know that around that time (441), we moved to builds on Github. This was because my old macOS laptop (I think it was 10.13 High Sierra) was so old the things it made were incompatible with the new Big Sur. We now build on a Big Sur machine on the cloud. 439 isn't exactly when that happened, but I know I started work on newer version requirements for libraries around that time, so I am afraid I think this might just be a version incompatibility problem. Searching "LSOpenURLsWithRole 10810" shows a variety of similar versioning problems.

However there are also some things like this: https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/460920-why-do-i-get-the-error-lsopenurlswithrole-failed-with-error-10810-when-trying-to-install-matlab

Maybe this is related to security? Is your macOS set up with default security rules. I know you normally have to enable 'Allow apps downloaded from anywhere' as the Readme in the App dmg says.

I am not a macOS expert however. I thought that Mojave (10.14?) was compatible with Big-Sur-built Apps. I may be wrong, or it may just be more complicated than I understand. Do you happen to have a special version of python installed on your machine? Some of the searching I did on that error suggested a conflicting python install might cause it somehow.

I assume if you just run the App by double-clicking its icon (which would normally make a database in ~/Library I think), that doesn't work either?

If it seems like this is just a versioning problem--that Mojave (or your Mojave) is too old to run the Big Sur build, I think your best shot is to see about updating your machine to a later macOS. When we move to Qt 6 over this year, I am afraid I will have to say the same about Windows 7. Unfortunately, macOS seems to retire older OSes faster than Windows. Another potential answer here, if you have some python experience, although it sucks, is to run from source. It may be possible to keep using an older version of Qt, I imagine around 5.12 (check your help->about in v438 to see what Qt seems ok for you), if you are willing to go through the work of setting up a virtual environment and testing out different library versions. Here is my page on that, if you are interested: https://hydrusnetwork.github.io/hydrus/help/running_from_source.html

I think it would probably be easier to see about updating your OS though. And I am not convinced this is a versioning thing, I think it might be security related, maybe in combination with the new Big Sur executable.

Let me know how you get on.
I had a mixed week--unfortunately, some IRL stuff reduced my work time. I did however clean some code, fix a couple bugs, and integrate a cool new quick-navigation widget that a user wrote.

The release should be as normal tomorrow.
Hmm, this error basically means that as it tried to log in, the site did not give a cookie that the login script expected to be given. This suggests the site has changed its login process since that script was written, or maybe an unusual error like your login password was wrong or something or the login page now has a captcha, so the login just failed.

For all complicated login situations, I recommend Hydrus Companion now. It lets you copy your cookies right from your logged-in browser to Hydrus using the Client API:


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