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zip: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v485a/Hydrus.Network.485a.-.Windows.-.Extract.only.zip
exe: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v485a/Hydrus.Network.485a.-.Windows.-.Installer.exe
app: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v485a/Hydrus.Network.485a.-.macOS.-.App.dmg
tar.gz: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v485a/Hydrus.Network.485a.-.Linux.-.Executable.tar.gz

I had a good week. The multiple local file services system is now ready for all users.

multiple local file services

I have written some proper help for this new system to talk about what it is and how to use it. The basic idea is you can now have more than one 'my files', which lets you compartmentalise things for privacy or workflow reasons. The help is here:


All users can try this out--you no longer have to be in advanced mode--but in terms of experience level, I recommend it to people who are at least comfortable with tag siblings and parents.

This system is fundamentally feature complete. The outstanding immediate problems are that it file location doesn't show up in UI very well yet, the Client API should plug into it better, and it needs some en masse controls to do large file migrations and client merging. I hope to work on these in the coming weeks.

If you give this a go, let me know what you think!
full list

- multiple local file services:
- multiple local file services are now available for everyone! you no longer need to be in advanced mode to create them. all are welcome, but in terms of skill level, I most recommend it for users who are comfortable with tag siblings and parents
- the tl;dr: you can now have more than one 'my files', which lets you put things in isolated locations
- I wrote a proper help document on multiple local file services--what they are, how they work, my recommendations, and a bit of extra info about hydrus file search in general, right here: https://hydrusnetwork.github.io/hydrus/advanced_multiple_local_file_services.html
- file searches in 'multiple locations' on large clients are now massively faster in almost all situations. the only place multiple location searches are still slow is whenever the duplicates system (system:file relationships) comes into play
- .
- misc:
- in the page tab menu, you can now sort pages by total file size
- the 'force system:limit for all searches' option is moved from the 'speed and memory' to 'search' panel
- when files download from sites, if the raw file is served by cloudflare and has a timestamp radically different to a parsed source time, that CF timestamp is saved under a different domain rather than overwriting the original domain timestamp. this seemed to affect danbooru on about 1 in 10-20 files. note this does not change much at the moment, but when you can see and sort on individual domain modified dates, this should improve the sort
- updated the 'installing' help to talk about bad install locations for the database. network locations are bad, and thanks to user reports, we now know USB drives can be bad if the database is busy when the OS goes to sleep
- if a 'database is malformed' error occurs on boot, the client now recognises it and points the user to 'install_dir/db/help my db is broke.txt' for the next steps
- .
- boring code cleanup:
- another 60KB or so of code pulled out of ClientDB.py:
- created a new database module for url mappings and refactored various fetch and update routines to it
- created a new database module for some rich file metadata and refactored some file filtering, history, and status testing code to it
- created a new database module for file searching and moved all tag-based file searching code to it
- moved several other misc methods down to database modules

next week

I am behind on my github bug reports and lots of other small work, so I will chip away at these. Thanks everyone!

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