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Qt5 zip: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v501/Hydrus.Network.501.-.Windows.Qt5.-.Extract.only.zip
Qt6 zip: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v501/Hydrus.Network.501.-.Windows.Qt6.-.Extract.only.zip
Qt6 exe: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v501/Hydrus.Network.501.-.Windows.Qt6.-.Installer.exe
Qt5 app: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v501/Hydrus.Network.501.-.macOS.Qt5.-.App.dmg
Qt6 app: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v501/Hydrus.Network.501.-.macOS.Qt6.-.App.dmg
Qt5 tar.gz: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v501/Hydrus.Network.501.-.Linux.Qt5.-.Executable.tar.gz
Qt6 tar.gz: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v501/Hydrus.Network.501.-.Linux.Qt6.-.Executable.tar.gz

I had a good week working on a mix of important bug fixes and UI quality of life.

highlighted fixes

First off, I have rewritten the guts of the popup toaster. It looks the same, but now it is more 'embedded' into the main gui window and I completely overhauled its layout system. I strongly hope that this will eliminate a variety of jank that has occured over the years, from odd activation/focus issues to weird width sizing to unusual popup locations. If you have had trouble with popup messages, let me know how things work today!

Next, due to a change behind the scenes in another library, the Windows build wouldn't boot last week and needed a hotfix. The Linux build seems to have suffered from a similar issue, so I have fixed both. If you had trouble booting v500 Linux, I am sorry--please try again today. The macOS release uses a different system and was unaffected.

I fixed a bug (and sometimes crash) when opening file selection dialogs for users running from source with PyQt6. Thank you for the reports!

I fixed a crash that was affecting many users (including myself a couple times, I now realise) when performing some options-saving events such as pausing/resuming subscriptions, repositories, or import/export folders. I was finally able to reproduce this reliably as I was putting the release together today. Thank you very much to the users for the reports here, I would not have figured it out but for what you discovered. It turns out it was the collect-by control doing it, so its ability to update itself without a client restart is disabled for now.

I fixed a bad bug in the manage ratings dialog, where any numerical ratings that started and ended on dialog ok in the 'mixed' (dark grey colour) state were not leaving them alone but resetting those files' ratings to the minimum allowed value (0 or 1 stars). This was an unusual bug, and I regret it a lot. I think it came in in recent weeks, when I rewrote how some rating states are handled internally.

The Deviant Art downloader broke last week. It seems like they locked away the API we were using. I have reset us to the original html parser, which still seems to work ok. Please check your DA subs and tell them to retry ignored, and let me know if there are any glaring problems.
full list

- misc:
- the Linux build gets the same 'cannot boot' setuptools version hotfix as last week's Windows build. sorry if you could not boot v500 on Linux! macOS never got the problem, I think because it uses pyoxidizer instead of pyinstaller
- fixed the error/crash when clients running with PyQt6 (rather than the default Qt6, PySide6) tried to open file or directory selection dialogs. there was a slight method name discrepancy between the two libraries in Qt6 that we had missed, and it was sufficiently core that it was causing errors and best, crashes at worst
- fixed a common crash caused after several options-saving events such as pausing/resuming subscriptions, repositories, import/export folders. thank you very much to the users who reported this, I was finally able to reproduce it an hour before the release was due. the collect control was causing the crash--its ability to update itself without a client restart is disabled for now
- unfortunately, it seems Deviant Art have locked off the API we were using to get nice data, so I am reverting the DA downloader this week to the old html parser, which nonetheless still sems to work well. I expect we'll have to revisit this when we rediscover bad nsfw support or similar--let me know how things go, and you might like to hit your DA subs and 'retry ignored'
- fixed a bad bug where manage rating dialogs that were launched on multiple files with disagreeing numerical ratings (where it shows the stars in dark grey), if okayed on that 'mixed' rating, rather than leaving them untouched, were resetting all those files back to the minimum allowed star value. I do not know when this bug came in, it is unusual, but I did do some rating state work a few weeks ago, so I am hoping it was then. I regret this and the inconvenience it has caused
- if you manually navigate while the media viewer slideshow is running, the slideshow timer now resets (e.g. if you go 'back' on an image 7 seconds into a 10 second slideshow, it will show the previous image for 10 seconds, not 3, before moving on again)
- fixed a type bug in PyQt hydrus when you tried to seek an mpv video when no file was loaded (usually happens when a seek event arrives late)
- when you drop a hydrus serialised png of assorted objects onto a multi-column list, the little error where it says 'this list does not take objects of type x' now only shows once! previously, if your png was a list of objects, it could make a separate type error for each in turn. it should now all be merged properly
- this import function also now presents a summary of how many objects were successfully imported
- updated all ui-level ipfs multihash fetching across the program. this is now a little less laggy and uses no extra db in most cases
- misc code and linter warning cleanup
- .
- tag right-click:
- the 'edit x' entry in the tag right-click menu is now moved to the 'search' submenu with the other search-changing 'exclude'/'remove' etc.. actions
- the 'edit x' entry no longer appears when you only select invertible, non-editable predicates
- if you right-click on a -negated tag, the 'search' menu's action label now says 'require samus aran' instead of the awkward 'exclude -samus aran'. it will also say the neutral 'invert selection' if things get complicated
- .
- notes logic improvements:
- if you set notes to append on conflict and the existing note already contains the new note, now no changes will be made (repeatedly parsing the same conflcting note now won't append it multiple times)
- if you set notes to rename on conflict and the note already exists on another name, now no changes will be made (i.e. repeatedly parsing the same conflicting note won't create (1), (2), (3)... rename dupes)
- client api:
- /add_tags/search_tags gets a new parameter, 'tag_display_type', which lets you either keep searching the raw 'storage' tags (as you see in edit contexts like the 'manage tags' dialog), or the prettier sibling-processed 'display' tags (as you see in read contexts like a normal file search page)
- /get_files/file_metadata now returns 'ipfs_multihashes' structure, which gives ipfs service key(s) and multihashes
- if you run /get_files/search_files with no search predicates, or with only tags that do not parse correctly so you end up with no tags, the search now returns nothing, rather than system:everything. I will likely make this call raise errors on bad tags in future
- the client api help is updated to talk about these
- there's also unit tests for them
- client api version is now 33
- .
- popup messages:
- the background workings of the popup toaster are rewritten. it looks the same, but instead of technically being its own window, it is now embedded into the main gui as a raised widget. this should clear up a whole heap of jank this window has caused over the years. for instance, in some OSes/Window Managers, when a new subscription popup appeared, the main window would activate and steal focus. this annoying thing should, fingers crossed, no longer happen
- I have significantly rewritten the layout routine of the popup toaster. beyond a general iteration of code cleanup, popup messages should size their width more sensibly, expand to available space, and retract better after needing to grow wide
- unfortunately, some layout jank does remain, mostly in popup messages that change height significantly, like error tracebacks. they can sometimes take two frames to resize correctly, which can look flickery. I am still doing something 'bad' here, in Qt terms, and have to hack part of the layout update routine. let me know what else breaks for you, and I will revisit this in future
- the 'BUGFIX: Hide the popup toaster when the main gui is minimised/loses focus' checkboxes under _options->popups_ are retired. since the toaster is now embedded into the main gui just like any search page, these issues no longer apply. I am leaving the two 'freeze the popup toaster' checkboxes in place, just so we can play around with some virtual desktop issues I know some users are having, but they may soon go too
- the popup toaster components are updated to use Qt signals rather than borked object callables
- as a side thing, the popup toaster can no longer grow taller than the main window size

next week

More small job catchup, and I'll try and clear some github bug reports. Let me know how the crashes are going, but my fingers crossed.
thumbnail of hydrus.png
thumbnail of hydrus.png
hydrus png
(61.15 KB, 527x885)
The popups now work better on Wayland but there are still some issues. The tag roster is misaligned and the right click menu spawns way above the cursor.

Anyway keep up the good work and don't burn yourself out!
Thanks. I am glad we are moving forward. I am now planning to do to the tag dropdown the same thing I did last week to the popup toaster. Having it as a separate window is too buggy in edge cases, and it doesn't necessarily need to be one, so I will rewrite its backend and embed it. Not sure I can fit it into this week, but I want to get this done.
I had a good week working on a variety of bug fixes and UI quality of life. The tag autocomplete dropdown gets an important de-janking overhaul, and the system:time search predicates are easier to work with.

The release should be as normal tomorrow.

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