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Windows release got a hotfix! If you got 505a right after the release was posted and everything is a bad darkmode, get the new one!
zip: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v505b/Hydrus.Network.505b.-.Windows.-.Extract.only.zip
exe: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v505b/Hydrus.Network.505b.-.Windows.-.Installer.exe
app: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v505a/Hydrus.Network.505a.-.macOS.-.App.dmg
tar.gz: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v505a/Hydrus.Network.505a.-.Linux.-.Executable.tar.gz

I had a great couple of weeks fixing bugs, exposing EXIF and other embedded metadata better, and making it easier for anyone to run the client from source.

Full changelog (big one this week): https://hydrusnetwork.github.io/hydrus/changelog.html


I added tentative EXIF support a little while ago. It wasn't very good--it never knew if a file had EXIF before you checked, so it was inconvenient, and non searchable--but the basic framework was there. This week I make that prototype more useful.

First off, the client doesn't just look at EXIF. It also scans images and animations for miscellaneous 'human-readable embedded metadata'. This is often some technical timing or DPI data, or information about the program that created the file, but, most neatly, for the new AI/ML-drawn images everyone has been playing with, many of the generation engines embed the creation prompt in the header of the output png, and this is now viewable in the client!

Secondly, the client now knows ahead of time which files have this data to show. A new file maintenance job will be scheduled on update for all your existing images and animations to retroactively check for this, and they will fill in in the background over the next few weeks. You can now search for which files have known EXIF or other embedded metadata under a new combined 'system:embedded metadata' predicate, which works like 'system:dimensions' and also bundles the old 'system:has icc profile' predicates.

Also, the 'cog' button in the media viewer's top hover window where you would check for EXIF is replaced by a 'text on window' icon that is only in view if the file has something to show.

Have a play with this and let me know how it goes. The next step here will be to store the actual keys and values of EXIF and other metadata in the database so you can search them specifically. It should be possible to allow some form of 'system:EXIF ISO level>400' or 'system:has "parameters" embedded text value'.

running from source

I have written Linux (.sh) and macOS (.command) versions of the 'running from source' easy-setup scripts. The help is updated too, here:


I've also updated the setup script and process to be simpler and give you guidance on every decision. If you have had trouble getting the builds to work on your OS, please try running from source from now on. Running from source is the best way to relieve compatibility problems. 

I've been working with some users to get the Linux build, as linked above, to have better mpv support. We figured out a solution (basically rolling back some libraries to improve compatibility), so more users should get good mpv off the bat from the build, but the duct tape is really straining here. if you have any trouble with it, or if you are running Ubuntu 22.04 equivalent, I strongly recommend you just move to running from source.
misc highlights

If you are interested in changing page drag and drop behaviour or regularly have overfull page tab bars, check the new checkboxes in options->gui pages.

If you are on Windows and have the default options->style, booting the client with your Windows 'app darkmode' turned on should magically draw most of the client stuff in the correct dark colours! Switching between light and dark while the program is running seems buggy, but this is a step forward. My fingers are crossed that future Qt versions improve this feature, including for multiplatform.

Thanks to a user, the twitter downloader is fixed. The twitter team changed a tiny thing a few days ago. Not sure if it is to do with Elon or not; we'll see if they make more significant changes in future.

I fixed a crazy bug in the options when you edit a colour but find simply moving the mouse over the 'colour gradient' rectangle would act like a drag, constantly selecting. This is due to a Qt bug, but I patched it on our side. It happens if you have certain styles set under options->style, and the price of fixing the bug is I have to add a couple seconds of lag to booting and exiting a colour picker dialog. If you need to change a lot of colours, then set your style to default for a bit, where there is no lag.

next week

I pushed it hard recently, and I am due a cleanup week, so I am going to take it easy and just do some refactoring and simple fixes.
I had a great week working on a variety of small cleanup, fixes, client api, sidecars, and UI quality of life.

The release should be as normal tomorrow.

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