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zip: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v510/Hydrus.Network.510.-.Windows.-.Extract.only.zip
exe: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v510/Hydrus.Network.510.-.Windows.-.Installer.exe
app: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v510/Hydrus.Network.510.-.macOS.-.App.dmg
tar.gz: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v510/Hydrus.Network.510.-.Linux.-.Executable.tar.gz

I had a good week improving notes and UI quality of life. It is Hydrus's 11th birthday today!

Full changelog: https://hydrusnetwork.github.io/hydrus/changelog.html


File notes got several updates this week, mostly for copying notes from one file to another. First off, the 'duplicate metadata merge options' finally support notes! All users will get some basic 'yes please, merge my notes' defaults set, copying from worst to best and copying both ways when the files are the same quality. If you do a lot of duplicate filtering and have been waiting for this, double check your options (under the duplicates processing page) to make sure you are happy. Relatedly, the notes dialog now has copy/paste buttons for copying from one file to another. To get this all to work, these actions use some Note Import Options tech to handle conflicts, generally by extending existing sub-notes where possible and renaming on conflicts. If you want to work with notes in the Client API, this 'easy merge' tech is also optionally available in the Client API. Let me know how this works for you--I think I am going to have to adjust the logic to handle two-way related note merges a little better, so feedback on IRL situations would be great.

I significantly improved how the taglist handles shift-selections and drag-selections. A bunch of position and logic jank is cleaned up, and now you can 'undo' a multi-selection, just like I did for thumbnails recently. Best way to test this is just click and drag down the list, and then move your mouse up--it undoes the selection as you move up, and it remembers what was originally selected before! Also, holding ctrl down to start a deselection drag is cleaner and more human. Give it a go, and you'll feel the difference.

next week

Just one more week of work and then I am on my vacation. I'll do some more cleanup/small jobs and try to catch up on github bug reports, which I have been neglecting.

The first non-experimental beta of hydrus was released on December 14th, 2011. We are now going on eleven years.

I had a challenging 2022. Several IRL problems appeared from nowhere, but I decided to keep on trudging, and we got some work done regardless. I'm satisfied with the result. We started the year with the run up to multiple local file services, a long-planned expansion to the sheer shape of the database, and with that, beyond the new file services, came an array of new database search tech, from the ability to search deleted files and search unions of different file domains to enhanced cancel tech for snappier UI and more accurate tag counts and the nice user-made file history chart. We also saw new time search tech, with nicer UI, the ability to search the last view time of a file, the recording of archive times, and the broad 'modified time' parsing expanson, which combines post times from many sources to give you a more precise 'source time' of the things you download. Thanks to user help, we also figured out the new help, which looks great, is easily searchable, and is simple to edit. We hammered out more stable versions of mpv and other spicy libraries for the different builds and user environments. The UI had numerous quality of life improvements, from dejanked layouts and sizing calculations to fixed custom widgets and overhauled hover windows to cleaner selection logic and quick-action buttons for easy pastes and mass-application actions. File notes are finally parsable and now display on the media viewer. Sidecar importing and exporting became more powerful. EXIF and other human-readable file metadata is now parsed and viewable. The serverside janitor workflow finally received some improvement. The Client API grew to support autocomplete tag searching, note editing, cleverer file reference and file delete, nicer thumbnail fetching, better error/disconnect handling, tag display type support, more hash fetchings and lookups, and the new timestamps and file metadata statuses like EXIF. And the program became significantly easier for any user to run from source.

There is still no end of work to do, and I am thankfully able to continue, so I plan to keep going into 2023. I deeply appreciate the feedback, help, and support over the years. Thank you!

If you would like to further support my work and are in a position to do so, my simple no-reward Patreon is here: https://www.patreon.com/hydrus_dev

Congrats on turning 11, dev. Hope you're doing well.
I've been using Hydrus off and on since 2015, but I reimported a few times early on so my oldest files are from 6 years ago. I've been going through some of them, finally getting around to sorting a bunch of stuff I scraped from tumblr back then.
I just transferred my "active" copy of Hydrus to a new drive, figured the original one might be getting worn out, best to keep it as the backup. In the process, it seems like it forgot to keep sound off, that or sound in-client is just a recent addition.
Is there a way I can toggle sound on and off globally for the program?

I had a good week. I fixed some bugs, added some new import and tag search options for advanced users, and made thumbnails look crisp at high UI scale.

The release should be as normal tomorrow.

Thanks. Yeah, I am doing good overall. Looking forward to my vacation next week though!

We added 'mpv' support I think two or three years ago--that's where the sound is coming from. You should notice video plays a lot smoother too. Any time you are looking at a noisy video, move your mouse to the bottom of the video frame so the scanbar pops up. On the right should be a 'speaker' symbol. Click it and you'll get global mute. There's another speaker symbol in a popup that just mutes preview/media viewer.

There's some shortcuts for this too, under file->shortcuts->global.

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