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zip: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v513/Hydrus.Network.513.-.Windows.-.Extract.only.zip
exe: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v513/Hydrus.Network.513.-.Windows.-.Installer.exe
app: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v513/Hydrus.Network.513.-.macOS.-.App.dmg
tar.gz: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v513/Hydrus.Network.513.-.Linux.-.Executable.tar.gz

I had a good week focusing on adding the duplicates system to the Client API. There is nothing else, so today's release is only for advanced users.

Full changelog: https://hydrusnetwork.github.io/hydrus/changelog.html

duplicates with Client API

The main duplicate commands are now available. Obviously check the changelog and Client API help out for full explanation, but the general gist is 1) There is a new 'manage file relationships' permission to gain access, and 2) You can fetch and create relationships, but you can't delete them yet. I will add these commands in the future.


There's some new enums to grapple with, and you can be dealing with two searches at once when fetching potential pairs. Please have a read, try things out, and let me know where it goes wrong. I expose the ugly technical side of things, so if it isn't clear what a king is, I may need to brush up the duplicates help etc...

I expect to keep working on this in the near future, including adding more search tech as I do related 'mulitple local file services' expansions to the Client API, and in the more distant future as I expand alternates. While I was in here this week, I realised I could brush up and clarify some of the edge-case logic too, as I wasn't sure myself on every situation. Again, let me know what seems confusing or wrong for you, and we'll iterate.

next week

A mix of small jobs, and it would be nice to add some remove/dissolve commands for this new duplicates Client API.

On a side note, I migrated to a new dev machine this week, upgrading from a Minis Forum X35G to a TH80. I'm pretty sure the old machine was a 2-core CPU while the new is 8, ha ha ha, so my working session feels super smooth now. I recommend these little machines if you need a decent office computer (the old one also drove two 4k@60Hz monitors no problem), or a younger family member's first big boy computer.
> Minis Forum
I recently picked up an Minis Forum HM80, and I like it a lot.  It's my first computer from this company, and it's my first desktop in about a decade.  I've been using laptops for so long before this, but this is a nice change of pace.  It's a lot faster than I thought it would be too.
I had a low productivity week, so I am going to skip the release and get more done on Wednesday.

v514 should be on the 25th of January. Thanks everyone!


For Client API developers, I am clearing out some obsolete calls and data structures in v514! Since we have a spare week, please review the pending breaking changes:

* '/add_tags/get_tag_services' is removed! use '/get_services' instead!
* 'hide_service_names_tags', previously made default true, is removed and its data structure 'service_names_to_statuses_to_display_tags' is also gone! move to the new 'tags' structure.
* 'hide_service_keys_tags' is now default true. it will be removed in 4 weeks or so. same deal as with 'service_names_to_statuses_to_display_tags'--move to 'tags'
* 'system_inbox' and 'system_archive' are removed from '/get_files/search_files'! just use 'system:inbox/archive' in the tags list

Full documentation preview, including some new commands and parameters, here:


Yeah I almost feel like some part of them fell off the back of a truck, given what you spend for what you get. Even in OEM bulk, Windows Pro licenses aren't all that cheap.
> Yeah I almost feel like some part of them fell off the back of a truck,
The price is great.  It's very affordable, and you get a lot of bang for your buck.
I had a good couple of weeks working on a lot of different things. There's updated downloaders, a heap of bug fixes, optimisation and quality of life, a significant Client API update, and a new related tags method to test out.

The release should be as normal tomorrow. (actually later today)

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