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zip: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v544/Hydrus.Network.544.-.Windows.-.Extract.only.zip
exe: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v544/Hydrus.Network.544.-.Windows.-.Installer.exe
app: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v544/Hydrus.Network.544.-.macOS.-.App.dmg
tar.gz: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v544/Hydrus.Network.544.-.Linux.-.Executable.tar.gz

I had a good week. File storage locations can now have max size limits. There is a security fix in this release, and users who run from source will want to rebuild their venvs this week.

Full changelog: https://hydrusnetwork.github.io/hydrus/changelog.html

max size

This is just for advanced users for now.

So, in migrate database, if you have multiple locations set for your files, you can now, for all but one, set a 'max size', limiting the total mass of files it will store. The idea here is that if you have a 2TB drive and a 500GB one, then rather than having to keep playing with the weights to ensure the 500GB doesn't get too full, you can now set the 500GB location with a 450GB limit and hydrus will allocate that space and no more.

There are a couple of limitations. It isn't perfectly precise, so if your space is tight, give it a little padding (although remember that drives should be at least 10% free space anyway!). Also, it won't yet enforce these rules outside of the 'move files now' button. If you set a tight limit and then import many files, it will blow over that limit (at least until you open up migrate database and hit 'move files now' again to rebalance).

The next step here is to implement automatic background file migration for always-on checking so we can have these rules apply without regular user intervention. My aim is to get rid of the lagtastic 'move files now' entirely so no file migration blocks other use. I hope to have this done in the next few weeks.


A remote execution (very bad) vulnerability was recently discovered in the main webp library. You probably noticed your chrome/firefox updated this week, which was fixing it. Our 'Pillow' image-loading library uses libwebp, and they rolled out an update themselves this week. The builds today incorporate the fix, so if you use them, just update as normal and you are good. If you run from source, reinstall your venv.

However, if you are Windows 7 (or otherwise on Python <=3.7), I am afraid you cannot get the fix! As I understand, it just won't work for you. There is now an additional choice in the 'advanced' setup_venv script to choose the older Pillow version, so you can keep running, but I'm afraid with this and other things you lads are now solidly in the phase of limited security updates. I will keep supporting you as long as it is generally reasonable, but if you still want to use Win 7, I think the train is running out of track.


When images fail to render, they now show something proper in the media viewer. (previously they were just blank forever and made some error popups).

After last week's updates, Mr Bones gets a readability/layout pass.

The client should stop mistaking various text files for mpegs in the pre-import phase!

I think the Docker client wouldn't boot last week, same for anyone else without the PSD-tools library. Sorry for the trouble, should be fixed now!

next week

I'd like to add a file search to the file history chart and get stuck into more file storage infrastructure updates.
Hi dev,
I have a question about importing.
So I haven't been able to figure out how to import files along with their tags from boorus, so for now I'm using Grabber for that, which doesn't seem to have the concept of sidecar files so it's limited to the charlimit of the filename, but at least I can get some tags with careful pruning of irrelevant ones.

The problem is, when I go to import, I don't see any option to import filename as tags based on a separator character (in this case, just a space).
I could swear this feature was in older versions of Hydrus and I've used it before but now I can't find it.
Has it moved or am I just missing something? Thanks.

I had a good week. There's support for epub files, some new micro-thumbnail tech called a blurhash, and the file history chart now has a file search box.

The release should be as normal tomorrow.

I don't specifically remember this, but maybe there's an old saved regex rule tucked away in the filename tagging dialog somewhere. Drag some files on the client, then, on the window that pops up, click 'add tags/urls with the import', then select the tag service tab up top and then click the 'advanced' tab in the top of the bottom half. The 'regexes' box is probably what you are looking for. There's some saved favourite regex patterns off the 'regex shortcuts' button--maybe you had something saved there?

If not, forgive me for dashing this out, but I think you'd want a couple rules like:

(?<=\s).+?(?=\s) (gets words between spaces)
(?<=D:\\hydrus_imports\\123456\\).+?(?=\s) (gets the first word after the import directory tree prefix)
(?<=\s).+?(?=\.jpg) (gets the last word before the file extension)

A bit of playing around will be needed depending on your exact filename format. BTW, ChatGPT is great at working out regex patterns for you, or explaining existing ones you aren't sure about, if you describe exactly what you want.

Thanks dev, I didn't realize ChatGPT actually knew Regex I just assumed it would do its usual trick of lying kek
As I remember it, there was no saved pattern, I just exported and added [all tags] or whatever to filename, maybe ticked some box or filled some text field to set the separator character, and then there was a similar tag recovery system on import using the same interface essentially. I may have hallucinated this or it may be long-orphaned, this was quite a while back I last tried it out, I think back then I had suggested a system to add a character to separate namespaces from their tags so the system would recognize them on reimport.

Anyways I'll be sure to give your regex a try.

Hey I reinstalled Hydrus on linux Mint, tried  to import a test webm video and it imported but no sound when I play it. But there is a sound when I select to open in another program. Would anyone know the cause of this?

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