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zip: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v545/Hydrus.Network.545.-.Windows.-.Extract.only.zip
exe: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v545/Hydrus.Network.545.-.Windows.-.Installer.exe
app: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v545/Hydrus.Network.545.-.macOS.-.App.dmg
tar.gz: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v545/Hydrus.Network.545.-.Linux.-.Executable.tar.gz

I had a good week. I did some small things, and a user contributed some cool things!

Full changelog: https://hydrusnetwork.github.io/hydrus/changelog.html


tl;dr: we have some special blurry thumbnails now, but you won't see them much yet.

Thanks to a user who did a bunch of research and work to get this going, the client now generates the 'blurhash' of all files that have a thumbnail. This hash is essentially a micro-thumbnail, only about 34 bytes, that shows a very blurry coloured impression of the general shape of the image or video. They are usually used as placeholders when it may take time to load something--you have probably seen something similar on slower news websites.

You won't see these in hydrus itself much, since thumbnails load fast enough that we don't have to worry about placeholders. In the advanced ways of seeing files you don't actually own, however, I will now show you any file's known blurhash rather than the default 'hydrus' thumb. Same deal for damaged/missing files--if I can't fetch a thumb, I'll now fall back to the blurhash.

The more important thing is these hashes are now available on the Client API, under the normal 'file_metadata' call. If you are implementing a browser or similar and have access to a fast blurhash library, try them out! I've scheduled all users to generate the blurhashes for their existing files in the background, which will take a few weeks/months for users with hundreds of thousands of files (although, if you are working with this and want to hurry it along, remember the queue is manageable under database->file maintenance.

other highlights

The file history chart (help->view file history) now has a search panel, just like Mr Bones! You can search your import, archive, and delete history for creator x, filetype y, or any other query you can think of. Some of the math here got a bit weird, and I am sure I have missed out several 'cannot provide good numbers for this domain' situations, so let me know if you get any really stupid results or outright errors. There's more work to do here, like a button to hide the search panel, which I hope to push on in the near future.

Thanks to the same user above, we also have epub support! No 'num_words' yet, but it turns out epubs are just zip files with some html, so I think it'll be doable in future. Also, some rare incorrect jpeg rotations (for 'MPO' jpeg files) are fixed.

If you right-click on a selection of files, the 'open->similar files' menu now has a 'in a new duplicate filter page' command. This will initialise the filter page just looking at those files, hopefully making it simple to clear out the potential duplicates in any particular selection.

Unfortunately, I am retiring the Deviant Art artist search and login script. DA have been slowly killing their nice old API, and the artist search just went. Individual page URLs still seem to work, but I suspect they will be gone soon. Gallery-dl have a nice DA solution that works with the new API, so if you can't find the same content on a more open booru, that's my best recommendation for now.

next week

I want to take a very simple cleanup week. Nothing too exciting on the changelog front, but I'll refactor some of the worst code into something nicer to work with.
I had an ok week. I mostly cleaned code, so the changelog isn't too exciting, but there's fixes for bad PSD thumbnails and the new file history chart's inbox/archive lines.

The release should be as normal tomorrow.

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