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zip: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v555/Hydrus.Network.555.-.Windows.-.Extract.only.zip
exe: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v555/Hydrus.Network.555.-.Windows.-.Installer.exe
app: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v555/Hydrus.Network.555.-.macOS.-.App.dmg
tar.zst: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v555/Hydrus.Network.555.-.Linux.-.Executable.tar.zst


I had a good week. There's some cbz/Ugoira follow-up, nicer system:time parsing, and much better boot error-handling.

Full changelog: https://hydrusnetwork.github.io/hydrus/changelog.html


The CBZ/Ugoira stuff last week went ok! We had a few too many false positive Ugoiras, so that test is tightened up, and those files should soon become CBZs. For false positive CBZs (i.e. just a zip of CG images or similar), we don't have a good automatic solution, but I still plan to roll out 'force this file to be this filetype' tech in future so we can, amongst other things, assign these fixes manually.

The various 'system:archived since xxx' predicates' parsing is now plugged into the same excellent date parser we are using in the downloader system. If you type them in, they'll now take all sorts of date phrasing. Try 'since 01/05/2016' or 'before june 2022' into the autocomplete--you may even be able to use your own language!

There is still a little work to do with the 'since/before x time units ago' variants, though. In some unclear cases (including foreign languages), the before/since may be flipped to what you type. Also, I have decided to soon migrate these predicates to just store days and hours (no more year/month). You can still enter '1 year ago' with this new parser, but on my end, trying to calculate leap years and weird month durations has caused too many problems, so I am going to simply pull back over the near future and let you put 365 or 30 in yourself! In any case, give this stuff a go and let me know how you get on.

When the hydrus client fails to boot really early on, before the main UI system is live, it should now nonetheless pop up a dialog saying what happened! The only way this will fail is if the problem with the boot is the Qt UI library, lol. In either case, the 'hydrus_crash.log' file is still made on your desktop.

After talking it out with users, I have decided to move towards dropping the image library OpenCV from the program. It has served us well, but it is often difficult to install and a bloat, and our flexible alternative, Pillow, works extremely well these days. I'm not ready to flick the switch yet, but we have done work here and there, and if you would like to help me test this out, please hit the 'IN TESTING: Load images with PIL' checkbox under options->media and let me know if you have any images that suddenly load incorrectly.

The String Splitter and Joiner objects in the parsing system now accept \n and \t for newline and tab. If you need to split or join by \, use \\. To not break any existing parsers, existing objects that have a \ have been updated to have \\.

next week

I only have two more weeks in the year, so I'll just do some cleanup and little jobs.

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