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zip: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v560/Hydrus.Network.560.-.Windows.-.Extract.only.zip
exe: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v560/Hydrus.Network.560.-.Windows.-.Installer.exe
app: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v560/Hydrus.Network.560.-.macOS.-.App.dmg
tar.zst: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v560/Hydrus.Network.560.-.Linux.-.Executable.tar.zst

I was suddenly without internet for a while, so there was no release last week, but everything is back to normal now, and I had a great couple weeks' work. The 'edit times' dialog can now handle multiple files.

Full changelog: https://hydrusnetwork.github.io/hydrus/changelog.html

editing times for multiple files at once

If you launch 'edit times' on a single file, everything is the same. If you open it on a larger selection, it will now show, in a summarised way, the range of each particular time type, and how many files in the selection have or do not have a time set there. The controls all work as before, but in general, when you set a time, all files are now locked to that new time. Give it a play and you'll see how it all works.

SInce we don't always want to set exactly the same time to a set of files, but rather ideally a similar, staggered time, there is also a new 'cascade step' system in the multiple file version of the dialog. Every time-edit you open up has the ability to enter a little step, say 100ms, which will cause the dialog to set each successive file in the selection to be that much later (or earlier, negative values are allowed!) than the last. This way, if you have a bunch of files of something contiguous, like a comic chapter, that all have different, merged, or otherwise awkward import times, you can now manually sort them in the UI using tags or hackery and apply a new import time based on the first file plus a few milliseconds each time. Thereafter, any time you sort those files by import time, they'll also be nicely in page order time, just as if you had imported them all together from one directory.

I am quite happy with the new dialog, and I plan to copy some of the new techniques I figured out to other dialogs for similar better multi-file handling. I'd also really like, as we have discussed before, to tackle a 'cascading' tagger in 'manage tags', so we can quickly set 'page:n' tags to many files at once.

In v559, it turns out I did make a '54 years ago' mistake, on moving files from one local file domain to another. This is fixed, and on database update, any borked timestamps that were saved should be corrected too. Let me know if you encounter any more issues.

Mr Bones and the File History Chart are now under the database menu.

There's a new checkbox under 'files and trash', 'Remove files from view when they are moved to another local file domain'. This actually re-introduces the unintended behaviour we had a couple weeks ago, which was happening under 'remove when trashed', but targeted to the correct logical trigger.

The gallery downloader cog button now has a 'don't add new dupes' option, which discards the query_text/source pairs you add if they are already in the download list. If you need to paste a hundred queries from a big mishmash list, I think this will help.

As a very brief test, I've added 'sort files by pixel hash'. If you have some pixel hashes in your current query, this will make them stand out, but the rest of the sort data is meaningless. I had wanted to try out some similar hacky new tech with 'sort by perceptual hash', but thumbnails don't have quick access to that data yet, so it'll have to wait.

I wasn't sure when my internet was going to come back up, so I dumped a bunch of time into some longer cleanup jobs. There's a ton of updated code behind the scenes, particularly around the way files get informed about new metadata, but nothing you need to care about. I have some new plans here and can see the path to getting all sorts of new metadata commands integrated into the shortcut and undo systems. I changed a couple thousand lines, so there may be a typo bug somewhere--let me know if you try to set any unusual content changes and it throws an error!

next week

Now we have tech that relies on file order, I think it is time we get the ability to conveniently reorder thumbnails. This will also help when I figure out cascading tagging in 'manage tags'. I'd love to have reordering by simple drag and drop, but that may be too complicated to slip into one week. I'll see what I can do.

I have quite a few messages to catch up on, which I will try to tackle Saturday.
Hey, I screwed up a line in all the rewrites and one error in the duplicate filter is particularly bad, sometimes causing crashes. If this has hit you, there's a hotfix here:

I had a mixed week. I added thumbnail rearrangement, and I cleared some bugs and quality of life stuff, but I didn't get as much as I wanted done.

The release should be as normal tomorrow.

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