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JanitorAnon here Anonymous ID:7bjIgqB8 Fri 15 Feb 2019

Put your thinking caps on. For those of you that don't remember I work at a federal court, a fairly important one.

A few months ago there was a dustup where an entire floor was cleared. This was for two matters, one of which was related to the Mueller/DB issue. The other was something I had heard and thought was a joke but Chief Justice Roberts had been in the courthouse the day prior and yesterday I saw evidence which blew my mind.

The day prior to the floor clearing, and apparently the same day, there was a hearing with CJ Roberts presiding.

It was/is a request going through the "secret" federal court system which runs parallel but only certain judges have clearance to preside. It is a fucking advisory opinion request by the White House Council, not the DOJ, seeking judicial support on martial law for a period of 500 days and a finding of "intra vires rights" to hold article II courts under martial law to suspend the constitution to bring an estimated "several thousand" persons to justice for treasonous activities shown by overwhelming evidence in the heart of the government and foreign actors within the U.S. in concert".


Epstein tapes and Supreme Court Anonymous ID:ikVcek01 Tue 07 Jul 2020 
Courthouse Janitor here.

Been a while but I've posted some pills previously. Here is the latest.

One of the SCOTUS fags is in the Epstein tapes that were recovered yesterday. I'm sure you can guess which one.

The shocking part is the canary is telling the feds a certain nation state has been blackmailing this gentleman since prior to his nomination to SCOTUS.

What does this mean? This justice was hand picked at the highest levels specifically because he was being controlled via blackmail. A sheep in wolf's clothing appearing to be which he is not.

Cat is out of the bag... or I should say almost.

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