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Study for what? I never took 32 years old NEET claim seriously and the wannabe transgender one too. This combination is too rare to be able to find here Yaar. At 31 years almost every relevant meme exam filters you. There is no point in studying. But yeah who cares if you lie as long as you come back.

> Buddha was a blue eyed aryan chad, this is how the 5’2 poojeets must have seen him when he came to the people to preach his revelations. They didn’t listen because his words actually were profound but only because of the halo effect

> blue eyed aryan


I don't think there is any contemporary text that describes Buddha's appearance. Also all the historical evidence only suggests that he wasn't son of a Kang but some tribal chieftain who wasn't really that significant which would be really weird place for some scythian migrant to find himself in if there was any scythian(saka) migration in that period.

Probbaly some sanskritized frontier tribe in Nepal would be my guess considering the cousin marriage custom. There tribe disrespecting Brahmins as a custom is probably a later addition as Buddhism became more rabid.

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Here I wasted 30 or so minutes coming up with how I look and how I wish I looked [I THINK I just went on auto-pilot].

If you think all of this is a lie or a joke then too bad. You're just interacting with a lie because you're the one that's lying to yourself.

Buddha was a prince to be king dude, of course he was an Aryan.

He's also a covert narcissist and a schizophrenic. But most importantly, he's an incel.

I wanted to ask which is which but who would want to be brown so I guess I know. There is no way anyone except myself will be a NEET at 30 and that too with gender dysphoria in India. I don't know a single NEET in India both online or offline. Also what's with that knife?

And I don't know a single NEET in his 40s who's fat and watches gore the first thing in the morning and leaves feedback for it as if he's judging some cooking competition like he's Joe or something.

What do we do about this rare occurrences?

> There is no way anyone except myself will be a NEET at 30 and that too with gender dysphoria in India. I don't know a single NEET in India both online or offline. 

> knife
To stab you so you die and leave me alone.

I mean it's just hard to belive.noone likes internet trolling you know and lying is a form of trolling. I am sorry for all that.
> To stab you so you die and leave me alone.
You dont have to stab me if you want that. It feels so bad hearing that. I am sorry if I was a bother. Woukd you like me to leave?

How is it hard for you to believe that someone can be a hijra in India, man?
I'm confused actually.

I'm serious about my dysphoria btw. It's not easy to live with this. I see boobs and I'm supposed to be horny and want to kiss it, not want to have them. I can't go inside a female clothing store without massive breakdowns.


Is this a serious question?

Ok then you said it. It was a good run, better than the most. Thank you for all that. I wouldnt be arrogant enough to claim i know better than your own words. Bye bye Endchan again and also Indiachan. I am sorry to the other anon in the thread but you keep distance and you should tbh. I dont think there is anyhting left to say except giving best wishes or other platitudes. I hope the best for all of you if that matters.

I really don't know yaar.
I was just joking earlier.

And I don't understand why he has to chase after someone miserable and boring like me when he could interact with others at inch who are also interested in him.

If he's not coming back then time for me to say goodbye too.

This isn't supposed to hurt me this much but it actually does.

Lodu please come back?

I even insisted on how I'd like to hang around with you and prioritize timings and all... it was a joke.

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I may have made it rain
Please forgive me
My weakness caused you pain
And this song's my sorry

Anyway, hmm...
I was thinking about why I was feeling bad and how everything was concerning me and all... and then I realized I have to be the grown up and to make sure you don't waste your time with me, and hope you find things you can do that makes your life better than invest in me.
I liked the time I spent with you and might've also absorbed some of your personality onto me. Thank you for that.

Good luck with your future. I hope you make it out of NEETdom.

Good morning.

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He's better off without me yaar.
He's still 24 and has a whole life ahead to live, and not rot in here with me while I suffer every day moving towards him and then moving away and all the back and forth.

He is experiencing something he had been through before already. Apparently a girl with BPD had already dumped him and left. He needs to work on these problems so he doesn't get close to people like me again. He was already struggling a lot trying to make me properly be here but I was doing a lot of randirona with him.

Yeah this is how I cope.

She confronted that guy. It's useless. These people are mentally ill. They're back and acting like things are okay but she's full of anger and bitterness and she wants to shout at him and his mother and all that but she can't.
It's hell.

He surely has narcissistic personality disorder.
They lie, they try to minimize the gravity of the situation, they blame the partner for neglecting them, they give loneliness as an excuse, they accuse the partner of snooping in on them and checking their phones, they do pretty much every single thing except accept that what they did is actually wrong. They even try to explain how they were just having fun and that there's nothing serious, as if exchanging nudes and showing their private parts to each other isn't a serious thing. They even try to support their cheating partners about how they're good people, as if good people in marriage, and with children, cheat unironically. These people are truly sick in the head and operate on their own moral system or something. I guess I won't go into the details because it's quite private, but yeah, there's absolutely no point in confronting these people.

This is like expecting a dog to not bark. They're mentally ill and incapable of seeing what they're doing is wrong.

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