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If hinduism's karmic system is to be believed i.e people who commit wrong deeds will be born in misery and suffering while those who commit good deeds will be rewarded in next life. Then it can be inferred that Hindus who are the primary adherents to this belief system are also at recieving ends of karmic system, that the cause of their inexplicable suffering in this life as nationals of this dirt poor third world country are due to their own deeds in past life and that people living in comfort in the first world countries are the beneficiaries of this system. That is they were pious people in past lives who were rewarded with existence in the first world.

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Simple life close to God is reward.
Existence in the godless first world is punishment.
Remember, one of the best opportunities according to the Bhagavad Gita is to be born into temple or family of yogin. First world has no good opportunities. 

In fact there is nothing first about overurbanized nations. Their very hellish existence is unsustainable and depends on leeching natural resources and fresh healthy laborers from rural nations.

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