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Alright a friend of yours comes up and says he's getting married. He says that his wife wanted him to pick the song because she believes she has terrible taste in music. However he is too scared to personally pick out any music so he asks you personally as his friend to specifically pick out a song for his wedding. He says that he trusts you enough that he won't double check the music and you can put it on for the wedding. What type of music would you put on for the wedding and why?
They played this at a wedding I went to once.

Type? I'd prefer some Synth.
Metallica is an interesting choice for wedding music. However it's not like the song is bad or anything. Honestly I kinda enjoyed it. Which is strange, considering I prefer Japanese music. Most European music has become about sex in drugs and it's made me quite disillusioned when it comes to English music. In fact I usually try to avoid it because of how corrupted it feels.

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