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thumbnail of f0d3e9bf-ac3f-47c2-a058-4562c8380bfb_1.5b84b462ac7fd1c3e744dc51ecf6b236.jpeg
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Roll 1d12 twice
First Roll	Second Roll
1	Special	Wheat
2	Frosted	Meal
3	Oat	Flakes
4	Fruity	Charms
5	Mini	Crunch
6	Honey	Crisps
7	Apple	Bran
8	Corn	Jacks
9	Raisin	Pebbles
10	Shredded	Loops
11	Lucky	Oats
12	Rice	Charms

Roll 1d6
1-2	Healthy
3-4	Unhealthy, but pretends to be healthy
5-6	Unhealthy

"Health" "Benefits"
Even if the cereal is unhealthy they'll advertise some health benefit.
Roll 1d6
1	Vitamin C fortified
2	Good source of vitamin D (when eaten with milk)
3	Electrolytes
4	Excellent source of fiber
5	Will make your heart healthy
6	Has literally every vitamin and mineral you need.

Target Demographic
Roll 1d6
1	For kids
2	For adults
3	For kids that act like adults
4	For adults that act like kids
5	For those with an active lifestyle
6	For the whole family

Roll 1d6
1	No mascot
2	Real life person/people
3	Character from a TV show (roll 1d6, if a 1 it's from a live action TV show, else it's from a cartoon)
4	Racist caricature
5	Used to be a racist caricature but was changed (roll again to see what it was changed to)
6	Anthropomorphic animal
7	Anthropomorphic animal, but furries don't want to have sex with it.

Roll 1d6, +5 if the target demographic is adults
1	Mask you cut out from the back of the box
2	Temporary Tattoo
3	Whistle
4	Toy car
5	Action figure (roll 1d6, if 1 it's articulated)
6	"Go online for your chance to win..."
7+	No prize

Roll 1d6 three times. First is how the commercial opens, second is the middle, third is how it ends
1	Catchy Jingle
2	Feel Good message
3	Feel Bad message
4	"It's basically legal steroids"
5	"Part of any nutritious breakfast"
6	"Side effects may include..."

Market Share
Roll 2d6
2	0.5%
3	1%
4	3%
5	5%
6	10%
7	15%
8	30%
9	40%
10	50%
11	70%
12	90%

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New Reply on thread #432
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