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Opinions on the man himself. I certainly don't think he's perfect but he did a lot of good for his country and that the slander he gets today is unjustified. I think people are too quick to judge and are unwilling to look at him from any other angles other than he's picture perfect or he's the manifestation of evil. Either way hitler is probably one of the most important figures of history along the likes of Caesar, Martin Luther(Protestant guy not the nigger), Jesus, Napoleon, Charlemagne, Constantine, Alexander the great and Cyrus the great. One thing I think is people need to respect European culture more because it's completely ignored. Especially considering the fact that European culture is the most vibrant and distinguished among all people groups.
He was a jumped up corporal that lost Germany the war. Even Churchill knew better than to try and force himself on every operation to that degree and to let other people do their job and Churchill had the benefit of actually having been an officer.
That's rich, considering he was a mason. Practically designed to obey his masters and suck old man cock whenever the Queen wanted to watch.
All I can manage to hear are stories fabricated by them about him, and his autobiography is too exaggerated to be considered factual.

Is it true that he managed to completely recover a dying economy and generated 6 million jobs? How?
Supposedly 6 million poor semite workers were sent on a mission involving 18 different train systems. Upon arrival to their destination, they were pushed, harassed, told to strip down and change clothes. Then, a spray of Zyklon B was cast upon them cleansing those pesky disease-causing lice oh how awful the whole thing was. It was just like yesterday, but just like yesterday, my mind can think of anything to force people to accept, no exceptions.
That's the official story. I saw a video long back where a german professor (or historian) argues that the 6 million came from the fact that the jews wanted to subvert the 6 million job oppurtunities Hitler managed to create and associated by providing an equally negative consequence of his regime.
I can't seem to find the link.
> That's the official story. I saw a video long back where a german professor (or historian) argues that the 6 million came from the fact that the jews wanted to subvert the 6 million job oppurtunities Hitler managed to create and associated by providing an equally negative consequence of his regime. I can't seem to find the link.
Interesting. Would you mind looking for the link because you've got me thoroughly intrigued. This makes a bit of sense as well considering the nature of Jewry.
Thanks anon use invidio though. It's a proxy for youtube. Meaning you don't have to serve the botnets here you go.
You have to go to the settings and click proxy video btw. 
Alright onto the actual video. 
I can see how that would have been a major help to the economy and building up his people. The number 6 is closely related to the devil as in 666 which is the number of the beast in revelation. Considering the fact that Jews, freemasons and satanists are pretty much the same thing. It's probably some closet ritual shit going on. I'm pretty sure I heard somewhere that Hitler got Mussolini to banish Alister Crowley from Italy as well. Hitler also banned freemasonry which was probably one of the main calling cards for war.
I think if you want to talk about true power, you'd study Mao. But if you wanted to talk about benefit for one's country while wielding said power? You'd look at Stalin. Hitler is not the absolute caricature "they" (not just talking about Jews) have made him into, but nor is he all that successful, as tyrants go.

Of course, a true patriot would discard all three and go with Roosevelt (Teddy or Franklin, both were badass).
Intriguing that those names are mentioned, truly. Considering their blood ties.

It isn't about who won, lost, or chose to be a martyr for their people, but their actions. Their decisions, processes in which the leader objectively described chose to do what they did. Take  >>/64/ for example--he worked to banish freemasonry from his country, which was subverted back in an Egyptian dynasty by corrupt scum. It no longer held onto traditional values influencing the direction of civilization towards the top of the pyramid, which held no capstone originally (Jesus spoke of this, clearly, yet that too was subverted and disguised by usurpers). Instead, we have the offspring of luciferianism, a bunch of disheveled meat sacks believing that their choices are for a greater good.

Let's play it your way and discuss those opposite of the OP. You know, communists. Bright idea, brighter than Yaldabaoth, JahBuLon, Godriel, Hiram, Lucifer, Chronos, Vulcan, Nimrod and Tammuz, and Osiris could ever be.

I'm holding the nail or "law of five" peace sign in solidarity to the notion.
Did he? Or did the US pick up the slack after he had definitively lost. I don't give me any of that "cracking the enigma" crap. It was America's big dick thrusting in and out of Europe that killed Hitler.
The Soviets lost over 10 Million Soldiers in the war but even that estimate may be far lower than the real numbers due to the nature of Soviet record keeping and the nature of the war itself. The US lost .4 of a Million. But of course it was Uncle Sam's 'Big d*ck' thrusting into Europe that was what lost Germany the war though.
Anyway, Churchill didn't win the war by defeating Germany outright as the Soviets did but through staying steady and listening to his Generals. Britain contributed by the war through it's naval efforts but also by preventing the Axis from taking North Africa and then threatening or taking the British Oil fields in the Middle east, by proving a staging area for the invasion of France when it could occur and by tying up large numbers of Soldiers and resources that could have been sent to the eastern front. The Germans threw large numbers of aircraft into Britain itself and threw resources and men into holding France in anticipation of an Invasion but they also had to place men in the Balkans, North Africa and Norway. There were actually a reasonable number of men in all these areas that could have much better been used elsewhere, there was a whole army in Norway that sat on their thumbs for the entire war, solely because Hitler was concerned Britain would invade.

Britain was the thorn in Germany's side thorough the entire war, had they not been there Germany and even Italy would have been able to sent much more to the east and would have taken the Persian oilfields as well. And Churchill kept trying to launch pre-emptive invasions of France and Norway, long before they could have realistically had a chance of holding it. Had they done that it's likely they would have de fanged themselves as they really didn't have the men to lose on such adventures thus Germany would have been given more of a free hand and would likely have won the war. But he didn't, however much he tried it never happened.

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