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thumbnail of albo egg.jpg
thumbnail of albo egg.jpg
albo egg jpg
(49.46 KB, 346x540)
post traditional, military, silly, etc headwear

pic related is what albanians wear
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thumbnail of ec96c471-752b-4d9b-a602-1986efa0213a.jpeg
thumbnail of ec96c471-752b-4d9b-a602-1986efa0213a.jpeg
ec96c471-752b-4d9b-... jpeg
(244.63 KB, 1479x1600)
how everyone in kiwistan seems to be super commie leftist? Currently I'm staying in NZ ,but have never met any right wing people here. Now, everyone is like "This is your home, you should have been safe here" WTF NZ? In Asia, most of the facebook comments are like" Muslims should be all killed! GJ the white dude HAHAHA"

t.chink in kiwistan

> captcha wtf
now there is none - even for thread creation [unless you go over the spam limit]

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