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Alright since I have claimed this board this as an attempt to bring this board back. Anyone here a fan of felines?
There's literally nothing wrong with being Jewish.
Hello foreigners
Arbeit Macht Frei
<dress up as /b/tards would
<advertise this place while raiding
<watch all the new people come in after raiding
We will start the raid 12:00 pm
First we meet up at the coffee house then from there we go to all the bigger servers
we need numbers its time to run a diffrent type of recruitment operations than the herds ever done before a direct one. Ads maybe even? This is going to mean a lot of change but its the only way. We need to directly recruit a new generation or else the herd just dies out.the shill pill wont be enough. direct recruiting pill.
good thred right here
no shitpost
Hello and /intl/ board is gonna be about intelligent discussion about food, travel; language, etc.
The idea isn't to shitpost about which country is better or spout constantly inane memes and raid other boards
==1 : No shitposting about which country is the best==
==2 : Don't raid other boards with cancer==
Please give suggestions how the board should work and to start tell where are you from and what do you like and dislike about your country.
> inb4 flags plz
The admins are gonna put the feature soon
> /pol/ hotpocketed to death right out the fuckin gate
> /b/ BO is a loudmouth attention whore
> even based /intl/ is rulecucked here
It will be a pleasure to destroy this abortion of an imageboard with you, goons.
> make /intl/
> try to make it a legitimate board instead of shitposting central
anyone willing to post opinions about bangladesh?
are we beeing ddos'd on freech?
> tfw doing this in the US is not possible due to predatory niggers and other low IQ predatory incels roaming the streets
Before the rapefugee crisis were you Yuropoors able to do this?
Do any of you non-asian, full white no mixture, folks get a boner from looking at the nape of a woman? I told one of my buddies I get hard from looking at them closely and he asked me if I was a Happa. Of course he was kidding, but I am secretly 18th Jap. He doesn't know that I actually am 1/8th Jap, due to my dirty blonde hair, freckles etc. which is why the comment threw me off.
How do I make my own board? I want to make a really cool board and it will be the best of all the boards of all the whole world.
ITT: Talk about your country and what do you like and dislike.