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Here are some Deterrence-Dispensed:2">https://spee.chDeterrence-Dispensed:2
So I should Post things like for example      " 7,62x39mm vs. 5,56x45mm NATO what is Better" or about things like DIY Guns and      Gun Blueprints and talking about different gun Action like bolt-action lever-Action semi-Auto and so on?
kek. keep it at buddy more people will surely come in.

nofuns living in no-fun central here so I don't feel qualified to post about things I don't know about. but I might dump some files I have later.
 >>/234/ yeah about the noguns, It doesn't matter how Hard Gunlaws will be in the different countrys like in China, Canada, UK, California or the EU (with the exception of Austria and the Czech Republic) there is allways a way for people in these Countrys to have guns. For Example with the Work of Group like Deterance dispensed or Fosscad and People like Liberator12k or Professor Parabellum there is allways a way to have Guns.
> Hard Gunlaws
> EU
I heard - but not verified it yet - in my country not the gun laws that strict (the police checks your record, and have to pass a psych evaluation basically, and you can get guns) but the "bullet laws".

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