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I've seen people parrot that during a SHTF scenario, the best armament you could carry around is a long rifle and that Pistols are useless during these times.
Wouldn't it be smarter to carry a smaller firearm that can output a different caliber though? Most of the time you'll be scavenging ammunition and you'll definitely be finding other calibers too.

A 12 gauge is always enough to make enemies drop their shit and run. It's all about fear tactics since most people who would try to fuck with you would not have much training so the louder or fire rate is good for scaring off civvies. Rifle for a real firefight.

22 is good enough if you put enough rounds in a deer and keep in mind you'll have to  kill more people than deer in SHTF so the cricket is the best because you can plink everyone to death.

Way back when men wore leather boots and spurs, it was apparently common to have a long rifle and pistol in the same caliber if you could afford both- maybe a 9mm carbine and pistol combo would do the job. 

Pistols are not useless, because unless you're always carrying your rifle at low ready you'll probably have it slung across your back or in your car- both worse than quick drawing your sidearm and dispatching the threat.

the reason you'd carry a small arm and a carbine of the same caliber was more for pragmatism's sake, though. It made no sense to carry around two different types of ammo, so that you never had a useless gun, and you never lost a fight because you were too busy fumbling around for the right stuff.

In an actual emergency scenario these days, that pragmatism becomes null, because it would be much harder to ride into town and find the local shopkeep. Likely, They won't just sell you precious ammo that they're using to defend their home.

There's an argument to carry arms for different calibers so you're more likely to scrounge something useful.

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