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Now that I opened it in not discord it doesn't work anymore but if I leave it open in discord I can't see nothing on discord. Garbage site 0/10 unsubbing
I haven't even been playing the story I have been collecting all the teleport points. I got all the statues of seven available to me at this point.
I don't really have anyone except the starting guys. I use the main girl + amber + Noelle + whoever is the most useful at the time
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I fucking hate the firearms industry.
I fucking hate retarded Boomer companies that can't update a website, or a product description, or offer any documentation whatsoever.  And then wonder why no one is buying their shit.
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Was even supposed to go out this next week.  Meet new people.
I feel like God himself is legit just telling me to forget it and kms at this point.
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System Shock remake. Pretty good overall, but the music is lacking. The music in the original had that usual 80s upbeat sound going on. Now it's all nonexistent or more suspense bullshit. It's not a horror game, give me some nice tunes. 

More Nichijou soon hopefully.
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I've never played the original System Shock, but it should come to no surprise that I genuinely find the people that piss themselves over it are annoying, and often just as retardedly pretentious about almost all of their other "interests".
People seem to also have some rose tinted glasses about music from older titles like that.  At with all the Doom remakes we did get some banger remixes, redux, and flatout new OSTs.  Definitely should happen more with other reboot/remake titles.

Sounds like a plan, good luck.
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I think the mangaka is making more of it so probably.
Enjoy your day.

Starting to get curious how many literal boomers you know at this point. Or gen X.
Music is timeless, or generational. One of the two. Maybe both. Meh. Whatever.
Enjoy your day.
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Practice that kanji.
Sleep well.

I hear the Oculus Rift is heavily locked down by a lot of Facebook Meta software, and actually prevents you from doing certain gestures, and other things in VR.
And also requires a Facebook Meta account to even use.
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OH!  They make the Pulsar drone suite that just put out that CG video about their suite potential platforms that got shitposted everywhere.
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No, went to visit parents. Helped preparing the greenhouse for summer and do some work on the orangerie.
Did you? What Apple-fag did you invite here this time?
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Oh that's really funny, until we have to reconcile that modern warfare will now be played out with LoonyToons ACME jokes.

Nah, he's probably just been really busy.
Still doesn't have a computer it seems, doin' everything off an iPhone and all.
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The world has always been too nuanced and nebulous to actually track down every little contributing factor for the cascade of events that make up history.
But the average human brain isn't capable of keeping track of that many variables, or comprehending the interconnection of all elements that don't exist in a vacuum.
So it's easier for the lowest common denominator to just say "Ids da JOOOS!"
It's actually a pretty good filter, honestly.  If you ever encounter a person that is so fixated on a single thing as being the direct cause of [x} then you can pretty much write off that you're not talking to someone of any actual significant intelligence.  But rather just kinda...  mid.

But still I do love me some YouTube video essays about how the cause of the Ukraine Civil war is totally because some whackjob started a globalist cult, and a bunch of corrupt Ukrainian politicians made up political scandals about each other to try and all dodge prison simultaneously.
Oh, and...  da joos.
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No Discord. I'm too hipster for it.
Probably also need to put in my phone number to get one, nowadays. Next you'd have to put in your social security number as well
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Can't come soon enough then.
Fuck all for summer. Summer house probably, brew some ale, but honestly nothing.
Got anything exciting on your plate?
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It's not like there's a canon answer to this, since it's just a "I thought it was cool" design choice that's kinda common for nekomimi characters.
Double ears is shit unless there's a valid explanation for it. 
Blue Archive being a lazy porn game I highly doubt there is.
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I wonder what effect AI girlfriends/boyfriends will have on society...
... especially when they can get humanoid robotic bodies...
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This guy makes good videos.
During the college protest saga, I got pretty annoyed by all the supposed "right wingers" saying that woke commie college students and professors are based now because they hate THE JEWS.
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Ah, pork bone broth!  I should try getting good-quality ramen in the US.  It looks like GPT-5 might be coming soon!

Now is my bedtime.  Good night!
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A weird society where a seemingly normal person doesn't fit in. Hmmm, wonder who's really weird then. :^)
I hope you are eating right. You'd be surprised what a lack of nutrients can make a person feel like.
The tl;dr of "da jooz" sperging is just fucking boomers obsessed with Solomon's Temple being rebuilt to bring upon the end times to the point it's bordering on death cult fanaticism in support of a foreign nation. Jews aren't manipulating or pulling strings on neocons; the neocons themselves are willingly choosing it because of fucking 70s televangelism gripping their minds and it's never been unshackled.
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It was not just them.
I do find it interesting how so much of the right just ignores that there is genuine support for Israel among the Republican voter base, as insane as the boomers supporting it may be. 
Its like how anti-2A activists will act like NRA lobbying is the only reason guns aren't banned as if there isn't a huge part of the population who loves guns.
Finnish forests are a treasure trove of berries, which are both wildly popular and an important part of the Finnish diet. These berries are not only delicious but also highly nutritious, packed with vitamins, antioxidants, and fiber. Here are a few notable types:

1. Bilberries: Often confused with blueberries, bilberries are smaller and darker. They are a staple in Finnish cuisine and are prized for their intense flavor and health benefits.

2. Lingonberries: These are small, red berries that are slightly tart. They're commonly used in Finnish cooking for making jams, juices, and sauces, and as accompaniments to various dishes, particularly meat.

3. Cloudberries: These are rare, amber-colored berries that grow in marshy areas. They are highly valued and can be quite expensive. Cloudberries are rich in vitamin C and are often used in desserts, jams, and liqueurs.

4. Sea buckthorn: These small, orange berries are incredibly tart and are bursting with nutrients. They are often used in juices and syrups or added to smoothies and yogurts.

5. Crowberries: Less well-known than some of the other berries, crowberries are small, black berries that are typically used in jams and jellies.

Foraging for berries is a popular activity in Suomi, thanks to the everyman's right (jokamiehenoikeus), which allows public access to the forests and the right to pick wild berries and mushrooms. This activity is not only a way to gather fresh, tasty ingredients but also an integral part of Finnish culture and a way to connect with nature.

t. ChatGPT
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> watching old television vision series comedy
> shooting famous people
> bullying 11 year olds
> drinking and smoking weed
Good times
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> you know, I'm into girls with big noses
< oh, so you're into jewish girls or what?
Lost it. Stated on a Public Service Channel
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Gnome Calculator.
I think it's Linux-only though. Works fine through WSL on Windows however. I use it at work too, since the best alternative on Windows I could find, is fucking Excel
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Both are based on Gnome, so should be easy to install without cluttering up your desktop environment.
I think the best feature about it, is it's history in the current window, and how you can click on the calculation in order to retype the whole thing again immediately. If you fuck up a calculation in the Windows calculator, you're basically screwed. That one really makes me miss my old Ti30
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I often use an interactive Python session as my calculator :-)

> should be easy to install 
God, I hate my work's proxy so much... makes everything twice as hard as it should be...
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Kinda ridiculous ain't it? It's 2024 and the best calculator you can get, is to use a tool that makes you program your expressions

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Day 1 of replacing seed oils with avocado oil:

Oil replaced- vegetable oil, specifically soybean oil.
Initial observations include a drastic change in viscosity.  Vegetable oil was practically water compared to the avocado oil, which feels more like pouring heavily used 20W motor oil by comparison.
The smell is also DRASTICALLY different, both at room temperature, and once reaching smoke point.  It smells almost...  sweeter.  It also smells nicer.  like, WAY nicer.  Damn near pleasant, especially compared to smoking/burning vegetable oil.

No real taste test difference, and the meals cooked with it have yet to be consumed.
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I have a lot of complaints, but complaining won't help, so I just don't care.
Drinking, staring at a screen, craving all the usual attention I want, while getting nothing done.
Probably just gonna go play Helldivers.
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Forgot to say I was going out. But isn't Precure full of little girls?

> vegetable oil
This nigga been usin Crisco! 
But yeah outside of like taste and viscosity you shouldn't really notice a major taste difference since both are suppose to be neutral tasting oils.
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Social Horse, damn.

Been usin' the Rem oil.  CLP on my fries.
We'll see.  This is legit a change I'm making out of Chain's constant seed oil shitposting just to personally see if there's any noticeable change at all.
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Horse out havin' FUN!  >:(

All of them?  Every single last one?
> how often you eat junk food
Once a week (unless family show up to ruin it).
> how much oil when cooking
I don't keep track.  "Enough".
Uhhh...  "Private Selection" which I'm pretty sure is just the Kroger "fancy" brand.
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Yes. Except me.
This isn't take out, but also any sort of conveniences foods like chips or snacks, frozen foods, sodas, deli meats, fried foods, etc.
If you're not in constant need of shallow or deep frying I doubt it's an issue.
Ah okay, because it's definitely more affordable if you get from a place like Costco. Also heard there's a lot of adulteration of avocado oils out there, but may also just have been journalism shenanigans.
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They tell me the meds will take care of that one.
Yes, I know what you meant, Once a week, unless family comes over.
We'll probably never know.  Even I'm fully aware that Chain's hyper obsession is beyond the pale in terms of actual meaningful impact on my overall health.  But, I figured what the hell.  I need to buy more cooking oil anyway, let's give it a shot.
Please remember that Chain was literally consuming whole tablespoons of olive oil, nothing else, just downing olive oil, at one point for it's supposed health benefits.  This is what Chain does.  The Lord has given us this gift, and he keeps giving.
I'm actually certain that avocado and olive oils are perverted well beyond what any manufacturer is willing to admit, simply out of economical factors.  I whole heartedly trust that the "pure avocado oil" and ingredients list on this bottle is a lie.  Even if a small one.
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That's just a scam. They won't help.
Huh, color me impressed then. 
Not without any measurements, but it sounds like your diet is the least of your worries for the most part. Avocado has a pretty high smoke point too so it's all for the better.
Maybe I can convince him to take shots of flaxseed oil. Despite being a seed oil, it's one of the better ones if it's done right. 
Most likely since a lot of products can get away without listing something if the amount is insignificant. I have recently found out there can be additives in even 100% de agave tequilas that don't need to be listed. They can only make a max of 1%, but it's still enough to alter the flavor or hide something depending on the additive and they don't have to mention it.
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> I have recently found out there can be additives in even 100% de agave tequilas that don't need to be listed. They can only make a max of 1%, but it's still enough to alter the flavor or hide something depending on the additive and they don't have to mention it.
I don't know how much packaging in the 90s you paid attention to but they didn't even have to list the ingredients in already processed foods added to something else. I sort of believe in European style clear packaging laws and just outright "no, you can't add that" regulatory bullshit because it pretty much comes with the only downside of more factory inspections and food safety is the main thing I will never have lolbert tendencies over.
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> I don't know how much packaging in the 90s you paid attention
Zero, but that sounds about right. Maybe you've heard of it but there's a pickle vodka made by a company called Texacraft. It's neon green, so you know there's food coloring in it. Except it's not listed. I've seen plenty of other liquors that do have listed food coloring in it. I swear they just pour in Best Maid pickle brine in there so my thought is it doesn't have to listed since it's not added directly.
Maybe all businesses needs to be regulated and shackled down like a slave. Shame that will never happen.
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There's also that really fucking gross pickle beer that is ubiquitous in the "local beer" sections of even small towns. It's gross and I'm someone that actually likes gose. 

I will never get corporatism or other big business bootlicking. It's just "line goes up" philosophy that makes a morally and spiritually dead society.
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You mean the Best Maid pickle beer or any pickle gose beer? I've only had a local pickle gose. Wasn't too bad, but not something I'd want to drink all the time. 

They've all spent the past century convincing the public that you should trust them for quality products, and they've got plenty convinced.
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The Best Maid one. I didn't realize there were others. It's awful. I just prefer normal gose. Or whatever you can call a normal one in America.

It's funny how skeptic everyone got of big pharma during COVID but every single one of those people just shrugged at the thought that Tyson or Kraft is literally shitting down their throat and they're saying it's good for you.
Oh man. Those same jobs they instantly close down factories to so they can move them to New York for illegals to work at. (That's what Tyson did.)
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Oh, damn.  Something about iron and mouths then.
I'm glad I don't have enough autism or care to measure out everything I consume like that.  Knew a dude that made a whole spreadsheet about his uh...  well the opposite end.
Yeah, so wouldn't shock me.


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I don't think it's making waves like IPA did, just some niche thing some companies might try. Those are the only two pickle gose beers I'm aware of. I know of another one, also local, except it's a sour.

Probably cause they "feed our families" or something like that.  They probably know it's not all that good for you, but it's food at the end of the day.

Don't they usually find some excuse for why it was okay for them to do that?
Reminds me of that event in CP2077 where you can find gang members, think it's Valentinos, harassing some food merchant because his sister was hired by a corporation but he doesn't care because "they never have to worry about putting food on the table" or something like that.
But if you start with corpo or read through emails and shards, you'll find out they don't only fire you but take everything away in the blink of an eye.


Also a scam.
Was he making sure he was always clean enough to take plenty of dicks without douching?
It's probably mostly fine anyway.

I'm aware.
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The sad part is Martin Brewing actually is fairly decent to get if it's the only local at a place. Their "food" themed ones are universally suck but I think are their best selling. Salty Lady is actually pretty okay. 

That's pretty much every event you find in scanner events. You read the shards and it's just people being too dumb to live because of their greed or sheer corporate pettiness to put bullets in them. 

Go stand in front of the mirror and dongcopter. 

A woman could not do that.
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Oh, sorry, Neko has been posting again, and I didn't immediately recognize you as Tsuchi, or read your other posts.  Forgive me.

But to answer your question, no I haven't listened to those, but will now.

Greater variance in genetic distribution through dominant and recessive traits inherited by XY pairings.
XX pairings have less genetic defect in general, as selection of traits favors the obvious.
That and twice the number of your ancestors are female than they are male.

Man I'm gettin' ripped off left and right.
No, I forget why he was measuring it, but he was.
Nah, they're puttin' fent in the not-seed oils, I know it.
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> confusing me for an actual nigger
I hope a gang of squatemalans or Niggeraguans mistake your house for their rival shitskins and you catch a stray.

If you like it, listen to the first album of the same name, then the third. All are under a half hour.
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I hope the next twink you met on the internet that's blowing out your asshole was pozzed by his other dark clients. 

Yeah, the second is from like 2017 and he sort of just went dormant for a while that I didn't realize he was still putting out songs, unlike one of my other favorites who I get a notification of a new single fucking weekly almost.
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No, Chain, these are bad sixes!

Not like they can always make beers you like. Food theme drinks seem odd most of the time though.

They were pretty good at nailing that part at least.

Such is life.
Maybe it's best that we do not know.
Wouldn't that just mean more people would buy non-seed oil oils?

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I can't think of a food themed beer that was ever "great" with most being revolting, few being pretty okay, and only one I actively liked and that was the original Xocoveza by Stone Brewing. The first run and then its first revival were outright amazing but all the batches lately taste really off to the point of not buying it anymore. It's just a true chocolate stout (the original if my memory is serving me correctly or at least the original version of the current "style" everyone mimics).

Maybe corpocunts are right: people really are too big of niggercattle to live.
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Drink based beers usually seem to do better. I haven't really seen Stone Brewing in so long. Probably just need to go to another store or something.

Made for consuming and supporting corporations.

Uh...has salt preservatives already been done? There's already high sodium concerns, but specifically the ones they use.
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Their Sublimely Self Righteous is their current seasonal and one of my all time favorite beers but it wasn't as good the last time they released as it usually is. Kind of the general theme for them of late.
LOL, the author of that article is a peak wordcel:
> The government is expanding health insurance for transgender people.
> This is bad because the wording the government used is outdated/offensive.
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To death and back.  MSG, done.  We're running out of meme diet concerns, unless we want to revive plastic container chemical leaching, and watch people clamor for glass to make a comeback.

These are some genuinely impressive 2hu cosplays at least.

It amazes me how this entire genre eluded me for so long.
Feels like it'd be perfect for cruising Night City.
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Better import your MOB sooner rather than later. 

Chinese tranny cosplayers seemed like your niche. 

At the risk of not being the definitive guide to this but Perturbator pretty much is the only reason the genre is of any actual popularity and it's been done to death and the problem is finding actually good retrowave that isn't just slop and ugly neon album covers.
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> wordcel
That's a new one.

Glad you were able to discern that was meant for you, because I clicked on weeb's post, walked away, saw a number was there and just made assumptions.

Never had a black IPA before, might have to go look for it. Maybe they're using subpar ingredients.

Drinking good!
Been drinking any Japan only beers while there?

Uh...maybe the people saying water is actually bad for you will somehow make some traction?
Eh but that's a bit different when considering diet memes. 

Sleep well.
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iirc Stone never really brews the exact same twice if it's not a mainstay. The mainstays are no longer brewed by Stone but subcontracted out to smaller brewers in local markets to basically help them out. It makes everyone money for the most part and allows Stone to just try new things. I think the increase of costs and overall world shit situation has just made the quality of a lot of things not really be of standard and it's just sort of the best they can do with it. It's giving them the benefit of the doubt but they're mostly a positive influence on not-corposlop beer so I kind of can overlook it and will buy them if there's no decent local.
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Put on Perturbator as you drive into the city downtown June 1st, 21:00 then switch to DMX as you unleash your inner Valentino with a Malorian as you show no love to homo thugs and don't fuck with niggas they think they broads.
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Pretty interesting business practice, but doesn't sound bad either. Could be an issue with quality control but eh. That sounds about right too, just the best anyone can really do at this moment.
They're jinxed now and will be bought up by a AnBev within the next month now.

Didn't know they had a craft beer scene. Sounds pretty nice though. Maybe one day I can go to one.

They, too, probably are listening to his song about finding da hood without even realizing it.
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I guess I'm outdated: they sold to Sapporo in 2022 for like $200m. They were going to shit prior to that, prior to COVID with a lot just being not up to standard but still not bad. Sucks to learn. 

> ywn never get a Sandy and just flatline an entire pride parade before MaxTac even shows up
Why live?
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Damn, jinxed it retrospectively. Seems Sapporo wanted to use Stone to help brew more of their own beers. Still weird a Japanese company wanted to buy it up.
> Sapporo bought Anchor beers and then liquidated it last year
Explains why I haven't seen their beers lately.

To see such a future one day.
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Oh then maybe, or they got rid of it. They use to have a jerk chicken I'm pretty sure they got rid of.
Last time I checked their site they had a head cheese. I wonder who's buying that.
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I will give away one of my biggest "grew up in various white rural social strata" admission: my grandfather grew up poor and loved head cheese and would drive like 45 minutes to just fucking buy it from a deli that made actual head cheese and my nostalgia of eating it with him as a kid makes me unironically love it. I still stop by the place he bought it from and get some every time I stop by and speak to him for a little bit.
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It's just an aspic and his family was trying to hold onto a lot of old family traditions and aspics happened to be one of them. He made a fuckton of them and had a bunch of those tin molds for making them look like whatever when set. Whatever the chunky German style one is and the vinegary one were the ones he'd get.

Now I want some.
It's just more like a jelly with some meat chunks in it.
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Yeah but I don't even care for the fruit flavored gelatin like jell-o all too much. I say that but I like the small film Spam and other similar products tend to have. Still not sure I'd eat it in a whole loaf or whatever you might call it.
I've boiled bones and other waste parts enough to make it come out as gelatin once cold. Still never ate it like that though.
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Got Windows11 now on my work laptop.
Last thing Windows10 gave me, was a "Just a Moment" screen during the shutdown process, which eventually lead to a BSOD
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You probably still got it worse. You're using Python after all, right? I do work in both .NET Framework and .NET. Visual Studio is a necessary evil for the former which definitely saves some headaches
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Runtime is all that matters, and C++ is significantly faster.
It also has actual types, which makes the experience much better too.
Best part about it, has to be templates though. Ridiculously powerful
I get bored and distracted while I wait for the compilation to finish...

I think there was an attempt to add optional static typing to Python.  I should look into that sometime.

> Best part about it, has to be templates though. Ridiculously powerful
When they work, they're great.  Dealing with template error messages, though...
Speaking of which: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40277469
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> When they work, they're great. Dealing with template error messages, though...
Can be hard. Takes some time to decrypt, but the important part is that it still happens on compile-time.
> propagating errors by replacing the AST node with an error node
The practice is incredibly common now
I'm not sure what's going on with this install. Still might go back to W10 but the IoT version for now, though I'll miss the tabs for file explorer.
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Doesn't come with a lot of the bloat the other versions have, it doesn't even have the Microsoft store installed. Which makes sense considering it's made for IoT devices. It's also going to be "supported" longer, but not really concerned about that part.

I'm sure there's a program to make file explorer have tabs, but it's nicer when it's a native feature.
I didn't really notice they were more round until you said that.
Cause I ran 7 without updating it for years and it was fine. Seen others say IoT might not be the best for vidya so it might not work out anyways. Still need to test out a Linux distro too to see how it works with my Nvidia gpu. People say they work fine.

I thought I've seen one before but might just be making up memories here.
Time to demand Microsoft to bring it back to W11.
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If you do find one, I'd be at least mildly intrigued.. although I don't expect I'd go back regardless at this point.
It took them three years to merely add labels back to the taskbar button.. Aero will never come back.
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New like these makes it look like that in 2024, it finally looks like Nvidia wants to take things a bit more seriously
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It's time we go back to 7.
I think they've been rebuilding the taskbar and file explorer for W11 which is why it probably took so long. I haven't used labels for a long while though. Actually wonder if you can ungroup programs now without needing another program to do that for me.

Now they just need to work on all this faster.
I wonder which distro I should use.
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"Efficiently" is very vague. Just run it on a GT630 or something. Low power draw actually. Treat it like a fucking whore and give it a proper command~
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Production models probably doesn't retrain themselves. At least that wasn't normal a few years ago.
Our local AI based on ChatGPT, still doesn't believe that .NET 8 is released. It keeps stating it will be released on November 2023.
If you then ask for today's date, it'll respond correctly. If you then ask it again, if .NET 8 has then been released, it'll keep stating no, and that it'll be released on November the 14'th 2023.
AS at its finest. A literal braindead child
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Meal prep this week was fried rice, and I accidentally so much soy sauce that it's almost black, and it's so bitter and salty it's hardly edible.
Gonna suffer through it though.
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It was like six cups of rice, a cups of chopped veggies, and about a pound of chicken.
I decided I would try shredding the chicken by pressure cooking it in half a cup of soy and half a cup of dark soy mix, and that part actually worked out really well.  Like it genuinely tasted really good, and even rendered down the soy sauce a good bit, too.
My mistake was shredding it in the pot, letting it soak up even more of the liquid, then just dumping the whole thing into the prepared rice and veggies that I had already fried up and added a decent bit to.
The results are interesting.
I'm going to do the chicken part again, for sure.  But uh...  this time skip the shredding and letting it soak part.
Or dumping the remaining liquid in.
To anything.
Except the drain maybe.
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Motley and Tsuchi were slightly curious about the corn soup thing I was gonna make, so here's what I ended up with tonight.
It came out surprisingly well.  I used three cans of expired, or about to expire canned sweet corn, and one big bag of frozen sweet corn that also sat at the bottom of a freezer for about two years.

Even then it actually came out p-damn good.

6 cups sweet corn kernels (fresh or roughly 5 cans of corn, drained)
2 cups water
1 pint heavy cream
1/2 head of garlic, minced (roughly 5-6 cloves)
2 tbsp better than bouillon, roasted chicken base
1 tsp paprika (or chili powder)
1 tsp cumin
1/2 tsp dried oregano
1/2 tsp cayenne
1 tsp lime zest
lime juice of roughly one lime, squeezed
1 cup cotija cheese, crumbled
fresh, finely chopped parsley
Sliced jalapeno garnish

In 5 quart cast iron heat oil, and add minced garlic, cooking till fragrant, 1 minute.
Stir in all 6 cups corn kernels, cook till golden, or slightly crispy.  For canned corn this will take a while, cooking will slow as liquid evaporates off.
Pour in 2 cups water, the paprika (or chili powder), cumin, dried oregano, cayenne, and better than bouillon.  Stir, and bring to a boil.  Reduce heat, and simmer roughly ten minutes, or until water is reduced just below kernels.
Remove from heat, let cool slightly, and transfer corn mixture to blender.  Pure till smooth, and return to pot.
Reheat mixture, stirring in lime juice, lime zest, and one pint heavy cream.
Serve topped with crumbled ctija, chopped parsley, and jalapeno slices, and dash of paprika and salt.
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Just start going to the gym and find you an autistic femcel somewhat geographically close to you.

Which mexitranny did you get this recipe from?

It seems kind of odd but seems like a family recipe of "my mom made this as a kid with whatever was in the pantry at times when she didn't want to go shopping", like half the goulash or "ground beef soup" recipes.
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> three cans of expired, or about to expire canned sweet corn
Canned food doesn't expire as long as the seal is intact!  Well, I suppose it might expire after hundreds of years, and the food quality might degrade a bit after a couple of decades.
> Canned food doesn't expire 
Always eat the bulging cans of government food just labeled "PORK". It's safe.
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Yeah, it is.  But it's actually really good.

It was something I looked through several very obviously Mexican recipes, and kinda settled on my own take of a couple.
I've unironically become very good at making soup from leftover/about to expire stuff around the house, or my moms.
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I've unironically had that happen in my own family.
Someone kept bragging about some old family recipe, and then when I finally got around to making it, it was legit just a newspaper clipping from like 100 years ago...

I dunno.  Maybe?  I actually don't like corn all that much.
What do you make of it?
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I have documented evidence of it.

I inherited a wooden box of like index cards and printed out recipes labeled by where they came from and not anything sensical. The last one is simply called "box dinners". And it was either photocopies, written down copies, or the actual back of a fucking box just shoved in there. The copyright dates on a few of the boxes indicate the oldest are from the 60s. There's one called "newspaper" and it's the same as yours, spanning a century.
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I mean it's fine if a recipe from a hundred and fifty year old box becomes like a family thing, but yeah- it still feels wrong to call it great grandma's recipe since then, when it's that egregious.
Some of the older recipes that use non standard measurements are great, like especially if it calls for a standard package of some name brand whatever, but either the standard size and quantity of that item has changed, or they've outright gone under.

I did it to use up a bunch of food that literally wasn't being eaten!
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I hate the appeal to antiquity everyone who plays it and insists they're fucking MENSA for playing it. 

It reminds me so much of people nostalgic for video games released before they were born and insist they were the best thing ever when you lived through that era and literally no one played it nor did it influence anything.

Have you ever looked at old newspapers from the 19th century or almanacs from about then? Back in high school when everything hadn't gone to shit and you could easily search old newspaper with your school's access to Elephant or something similar in name to that. I remember coming across some meat stew that asked for beef tenderized with something that when looked up has only been used as a poison before it was banned before my grandparents were born. I forget what but the memory stuck with me.
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Why? It has tabs in the terminal, can open a WSL session in the same window, and it even has tabs support finally in the file manager. It's like they finally released that it's the 21'st century
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Just so I can make one of the side buttons act as the F12 key so I can take screenshots via Steam easier and for the DPI setting. Then to make the keyboard just light up and not do some gayass animation. There's some key combos I can do to change that at least though.
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Ah, rip. Just tried doing so through they keyboard settings, but that didn't work, and the default XFCE mouse application doesn't seem to support it. That doesn't mean others don't.
I've mapped the side buttons in various games through the in-game settings, so it should be a somewhat straight-forward implementation.

Maybe KDE supports it out the box
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Well it's a Steam function that uses the F keys so shouldn't be in the games bindings. Some games have their own screenshot functions, but I usually just use Steam's. But the games I don't play on Steam that do have said function, I usually map to F12 too.

Wouldn't be surprised if KDE does.

I'll have to remember this whenever I get around to trying Linux on this machine. Thanks.
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It's just the default key Steam assigns to it's screenshot function. I can change it, but I just leave it at that. Maybe you're not even using that though and just using the PrintScrn button since Linux distros usually have a program that actually saves the image unlike Windows.

Rude. Maybe now I won't. I'm going over to MacOS instead.
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I just use the print screen button, not a Steam feature. It opens flameshot, which then allows me to select what I want, followed by minor manipulations of it and then saving it or just copying it to the clipboard.
Greenshot of Windows gives the same functionality. You should try it

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