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Possibly. The man in the mirror at least synchronously moved his mouth in the same manner i did myself.
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Oh, next weekend.
I was about to accuse you of going to a brewery on Sunday, but also say that was pretty much your church anyway.
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I'll roll, only if you tell me what we're rolling on, and only if you do a roll in the same post you state what we're rolling on
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I dunno. I think slut and elf matches alright. Considering you left Dwarf out in your hangover, and that everything except 1-2 is worse, I think I actually got lucky.
No, I'll keep my six. Now your turn
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Of course *sometimes* you want to mutate state by asking a question.  But being able to ask questions without mutating state would be a huge improvement for interacting with Guess Culture people.
Not that, it's been said cheese can affect your dreams in weird ways. There's a comic strip called Dream of the Rarebit Fiend based on this idea.
I googled "apple juice dreams" and like every major "you have lupus" self diagnostic site and health woo site seemed to have an article on it.
Yeah none of it really has any real evidence. Though it is probably best to try to avoid eating anything before bed anyways.
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The people in the latter camp should be ruthlessly beaten to within an inch of their life.  Allowed to heal.  Beaten again.  And then stuffed in solitary confinement designed by Harry Haarlow.
I thought you were like a lanklet at one point. At your height, you'd have to be halfway to 300 and noticeably be fat.

90% of my ideal thoughts are just random scenarios I'd want to happen that involve the eradication of anything darker than Italian so yeah, fair.
They'll be the niggers of the new world. You need to spare at least one dark race to keep at the bottom of the totem pole. Slavs all get gassed, though. 

The outright heaviest I've ever been in life has been around 160. You were literally two of me.
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Just sign up for a local volleyball club and use it as an excuse to stay in shape.

Red is all inhabitants dead. If it's just a squiggle inside a place that's mostly left intact, it means the main ethnic group there. All of those spared would purge shitskins.
The elites don't want you to know this but there's really good meat inside there. Just open the can, bro. Get the tuna.
The only things left alive east of Greece are Japan and the white people of Australia. The cucks in New Zealand are too far gone already. They're worse than Canadians.
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Well... That is actually a theory as to why the Republicans underperformed in 2022 compared to the polls, that the pollsters overcorrected. 
So we'll see.
I did think it was funny when I was talking to an obviously liberal American from my school, who said "Yeah, Trump's gonna win..." with a very depressed look on their face.
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N-nuh uh, this is Punished Trump! He's learned from his mistakes and he'll do it right this time!
But in reality, yeah, I'll keep my expectations low, as in pretty much the same as his first term where he doesn't drain the swamp, but is still better than every other President in my lifetime. Which is an extremely low bar, but I digress. Maybe Project 2025 will pull through though! 
Also more than anything I just look forward to the reaction from the left.
The... digital world?
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Quick search makes it look like it's policies that's being pushed by the Republicans. So yeah, perhaps should we win, he won't be cucked out on this part at least
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Its more than that.
Basically trying to hire a bunch of conservatives so Trump can actually have people to replace all the government workers when he cleans house, so there will be less people stopping him at every turn like during his first term. 
I don't trust politicians, and I do not think Trump 2 will be much different than his first term. But sometimes I like to imagine what it would be like if he really was everything the dems say he is!

How do you want me to do it?

Starting to think politicians just make these wild assumptions/exaggerations because it makes them and their whole lives/careers more interesting. Instead of just "Oh yeah I disagree with x's policies and we should do it instead", they have to go "This guy is trying to undermine our country and we're the only ones that can do this right!"
We already know they're liars and swindlers, but maybe they even lie and swindle themselves to make their life sound better.

Yes, because it sucks.
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Maybe some things will change then, rather than politics always being one side trying to do something, while the other side tries to block it

No idea. You were the one making the offer
If you let the goatfuckers win, it's more Jews in the west.

If you let the kikes win, it's more Mohammedans in the west. 

Just wipe them all out.
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This year there have been multiple "Republican" reps who have resigned in protest of there being a handful(literally like 5 out of over 200) who are actually trying to do what the conservative voters want rather than give into the dems and the donor class at every turn. So they would rather the dems just had the majority instead.
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There were like two legit muslims who were not even born in America(which, the idea that we allow any foreign born people to hold office in of itself is insane) who were screeching about free Palestine but even some of the most woke ones like AOC had to toe the line when it comes to Israel.
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I suppose so, but I mean, the whole scenario of "Trump won because YOU voted third party" is ridiculous on its face. My point was that its stupid, but its actually how some people thought after Trump won.
Also haha did you know that Jill Stein is running again?
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There is a non-zero possibility that RFK will do Ross Perot numbers. Which would be way more than enough to tip things in Trump's favor in most contested states.
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Eh, exciting either way.
Hi Chain, what're you up to?

I- actually wanna know this, too.
I'm also frustrated that I don't think there's a way to search like just a single folder, for instance, is there a way in the default explorer to not sear sub-folders?
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I don't believe you.
Do you? You should have All Day Long I Dream About Sex by JC Chasez playing instead.

Old tale of "it didn't budge so I forced it and now it broke". Not sure how it got stuck in the first place.
Logitech G610.

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It's hard to be extra cute.

No one would believe you in this instance!
Right now.

They discontinued this model so you might be looking at some scalper pricing. I paid $60 for it, but I think it was still on sale at the time.

For that price it better be. Might just look into getting a new keyboard at this point.
Or just go get an IBM like every internet autist who absolutely cannot type fast enough for it to matter.
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As long as it still works. Thinking I need a keyboard where I can get keycap replacements for cheap and not have to pay scalpers a dime for one.

That you made a typo.

I can't, it's outside of my luck. Logitech use to sell the whole set of keys for $25, which is still much. I'd still rather pay that and have all of them than pay a scalper $7 for one.

Such is the cute life.
It's fine. It works, just now annoying. Like having a car with no radio or A/C.

You mean for it to matter how noisy it gets?
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I remember being showed a reddit forum and it was a bunch of people with like a $1000+ custom mechanical and every profile I checked was either a transvestite or a Euroneet.
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You actually meant it and won't explain what it is.

The very right is what my keys look like underneath. Basically the + part broke. The keys won't stay in place if that's broken.

Pretty sure /g/ has a general with those same kind of people. I was thinking of going to it to see if they might have other recommendations but they seem to have oddly small keyboards and if I don't have a fullsized one with a numpad I'm going to flip.
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No, mechanics were new back then, and there weren't many different kinds either. Most I found were $200, whereas this one was only $100
> new back then
Mechanical keyboards were the originals and existed in reasonable quantity everywhere outside a stretch starting in the mid 00s where they required you to seek out vendors for them. I don't really remember a time when you couldn't find them if you looked.
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> but it's also not a part worth selling for the $0.25 it costs to make either.
I'm sure Logitech wasn't selling them for a profit and more convenience for the customer to keep brand loyalty up. It doesn't seem like they sold them at a loss either though.

Yes, but Logitech doesn't sell spare keys anymore and scalpers on eBay sell them for $4-$7 a piece. 

Oh that's what you meant. They still seem to be around that price point these days. Good ones anyways.
Like the Logitech G15 was a mass market mechanical and its whole related line was available until the early 2010s or so when the more modern mechanicals took over like Ducky, etc. You could find the Logitech online easy enough and Frye's and Micro Center definitely carried it, some Best Buys from memory, too.
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Not sure. Don't want to give scalpers any money, but buying a new keyboard ain't cheap either. My ghetto solution works for now, though I have to press a little harder.

I would just fucking kill myself at that point. I don't think this keyboard can do that though. I noticed one of those Ducky keyboards can though.

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You can buy PSX and older gameboys as well if you only know where to look. That doesn't mean they aren't retro and easy to come by

> G15 was mechanical
oh, huh. I didn't know that. So many had that keyboard. Stupid display broke in no time.
Fine, I'll revise. It was when keyboards started popping up using one of the four types of Cherry MX switches
Assuming it uses switches made by someone else, you most likely can; you'd just have to take the whole thing apart. They're mostly just drop in replacements but I've admittedly never had to do so.


Yeah, I didn't know what the defining thing you meant. All keyboards prior to the early 00s were the spring in a cylinder style actuator mechanical for the most part. (I have no idea what you actually call this so I'm just being descriptive.) You could still find those pretty easily at any "tech" store here until the 2010s as the default "gaming" keyboard and were just replaced by the Cherry style switches (those were actually patented back in the 80s but I really don't know enough about retro keyboards to know if anything actually common used them).
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Patents is a pain man... 
I was only really thinking of Cherry. Wasn't until then that normies started looking into mechanical as well
The kind of keyboards I actually miss are the old style laptop scissor keys. Like the common ones in the early 2000s. You'll know what I mean if you just think of any not-shit laptop of the era like the fancier Thinkpads and Vaios. They just had a pretty nice typing feel to them with just enough travel distance to feel natural that you never bottomed out constantly like every chiclet keyboard now.
If you can find a full keycap replacement for like twice the price or maybe a little more for bulk pricing, I'd probably just do that then $7 for a singular key.
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I remember them well. Had a Chinkpad W520 that still came with scissor switches. They were great.
Well, unless you had a cuddly cat. Kitty hair could really mess those switches up

I was just saying if it's $7 for one or $15-20 for all, it just seems far more economical to just do that. 

Yeah, I saw the other and that's what made me think it was. Everything about that show weirded me the fuck out.
Yeah, the process I was describing was how you removed them in the ones I had. There was a tool you could do it more easily with but that was the way I remembered that wouldn't bend the scissors. I've always had cats but I don't really remember it being particularly awful with those laptops.

Damn. This is what that laptop had. Or close enough.
Slight exaggeration but mostly true.

Microshit has done like a dozen internal builds of Windows on ARM and swears it's going to come out soon every year and then never does.
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Nope, nothing will happen!

Indeed. Just use Linux, I hear ARM works well there. Although there are still issues with Wine last I heard. But how bad those issues are, I cannot say. Perhaps it still works better than native Windows.
Oh, I just assumed any of the ones with more than a few dozen GB of local storage got turned into cheap Linux laptops.
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If they're nerds, perhaps.  Not a clue however.

Absolutely nothing at all!
Although very dense fog in a mountainous region and a chopper from the 50's... CIA has really gone all the way in making it look like an accident
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I bet all the people who were screaming about how Putin definitely killed Prigozhin and Navalny will tell you that you're a bad person for implying America or her greatest ally had anything to do with this.
Granted, I do think Putin probably was involved in Prigozhin's helicopter crash, but Putin also had every right to off him after the coup attempt.
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I kinda doubt that... Iran/Russia/China have basically formed an alliance of convenience against the Americans at this point. 
Wouldn't be surprised to see the Western media try to do an insane spin like that though!
Iran was the only actual ally Palestine had so them descending into succession wars pretty much means it's going to be a total kike victory.
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This is one thing that a lot of people on the right seem to have trouble grasping.
In most cases at this current moment in the world, the enemy of our enemies are also our enemies.
> the enemy of our enemies are also our enemies
See: every fucking retard that does the "but all the sub 80 IQ LatAms illegally immigrating are catholic and naturally conservative so they'll be against leftists!". No they won't. Their voting patterns in every generation are uniform: overwhelmingly democrat for more gibs since they're retarded parasites.
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Yes, I'm far right considering this country's standard
I wear a suit every day
There are more people on the right than conservatives

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You shouldn't install Arch, not as your first distribution. Its Wiki is good, but its users are more enthusiasts, than a "normal" user.
What you win in Arch over something like Ubuntu, might not really be worth it.

Your files won't get deleted, and still should be accessible. For reading anyway. NTFS should be work alright, but don't expect to play games off an NTFS partition
That's assuming he knows how to partition his drive and install the distro without deleting the Windows partition.
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Partitioning drives on Linux is easier than on Windows. The default should even be enough, and even then, it tells you exactly what it'll do, so all you need is read.
If you want to fail, you need to do the following:
> don't read
> reject the warning
> confirm twice that you actually want to delete the other OS, despite the installer telling you that'll happen
> press the "save changes" button
> confirm again that the data will be PERMANENTLY deleted
Not even my dad has accidentally deleted anything. Aussie won't either
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There's no such thing as "if x didn't, y won't either" because there will be an y that can and will do a thing regardless what x is capable of.
I don't think Aussie would do such a thing either, but I always err on the side of caution with such situations.
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The only way you can even delete data, is if you pick the "Advanced" option during partitioning, and only if you confirm you want to delete your data several times.
I don't disagree with you. Just saying the installer really does everything in its power, short of rejecting you, to prevent you deleting your data

Semen demon
An AI trained on the schizo retard ramblings left of Gnosticism would be kind of funny.
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Its cute how bad Iroha is at lying! And I'm really starting to like Meemee...
Also apparently this crossover went both ways, and Komugi and Iroha showed up in the latest episode of Crayon Shin-chan. I need to go watch that.
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Meemee's shenanigans are fun.
It was kinda random how it occurred in the episode.
Also still no Cure Lilian, but honestly I'm fine. It feels like the lead up has been paced out and built up to well, unlike Butterfly who it just felt like she took forever to show up for no real reason.
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I assume it will be 18, which if I recall correctly, is also when Butterfly debuted.
Granted, I was kinda surprised when the debut was still not next episode after literally getting a scene with Mayu and the wishing stone. So who knows.
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"Alpha synuclein, having no single, well-defined tertiary structure, is an intrinsically disordered protein ... which, under certain pathological conditions, can misfold in a way that exposes its core hydrophobic residues to the intracellular milieu, thus providing the opportunity for hydrophobic interactions to occur with a similar, equally exposed protein.[80] This could lead to self assembly and subsequent aggregation into large, insoluble fibrils known as amyloids."
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Micha and Garand have been pushing the limit a lot lately, so it was only a matter of time.
Did you see the video he did with the Israeli soldiers, and by mid way through even the IDF soldier was legit cracking jokes about genocide and war crimes.

Hell, I'm surprised GT doesn't get his channel deleted every time Charlie opens his mouth.


I haven't really watch GT in years. I don't really keep up with much. I just saw a faggot screeching about murdering abominations and now YouTube is going to have another adpocalypse on guns because of freaks and faggots again.
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Some of his videos in the past year have honestly been a lot of fun.
I only got back into watching him after a friend forced me to sit through his breakdown of 5.7 on a ballistics dummy, and they were ragging on the cartridge terminal performance.

Remember you don't get to have fun on the internet anymore.

Some tranny that will blow their own brains out the nanosecond a gun comes into their hands and that's offensive so you can't show guns because some poor rapist in a skirt may kill himself with one or fail the background check when he plans to shoot up another school.
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I still can't get over that one of the rare female to male trannies starts their transition, and decides to become a school shooter.
Like it was comical on two levels of white men always being blamed for school shootings, and then every retarded Boomer, or Boomer adjacent rightoid that couldn't wrap their head around the fact that it was a FtM, so they kept accidentally respecting it's pronouns when they kept trying to say he as an insult.

Wow, I come back for the weekend and everyone dips, wtf.

おやすみなさい 馬さん
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Wonderful plausible deniability too since there really wasn't any kind of lead into the joke that would really narrow down what he was gonna say, other than something to do with school shootings.
I keep seeing on twitter Destiny 2's lead weapon designer is the ugliest tranny named "Vivian" and it just makes this conversation funnier.
Joke about the XM8. I miss when it was in every single "near future" piece of media. It's all going to be the Sigger Spear now. 

God, I hope so. It was like 2 pounds.
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Oh- did you hear/see there's a 3D print version of that now, in 5.7 of all things?
Fucking siggers man.  My brother finally got sick of em and divested in (most) of his sig shit.

but why
The former midnight special brother or another?

2.3. I checked the package. I bought them earlier for next week's meal prep and just decided to grill them and eat one or two tonight. Along with like three sauteed golden potatoes.
Explains Ran.

Same as I did but just planned to do it Sunday but didn't feel like cooking anything else so I made it tonight and was just going to eat it tonight and tomorrow; ate it all instead:
Put them in a bag with olive oil, balsamic vinegar, salt, garlic, and some of the Italian seasoning grinder that McCormick has everywhere.
Potatoes were just three big golden potatoes thirded in every direction then tossed in olive oil, salt, pepper, garlic and dill. 

Was supposed to go somewhere. Weather has been ass and it's flooded so probably not now.
I would've cooked more potatoes if it was for all week. I would've sauteed some squash and zucchini too but I got lazy.


I thought you couldn't eat pork.
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Zucchini yuck...
That uh- that corn soup was unironically baller.  Like it's really really good.  Especially with half a whole jalapeno sliced up and put in it, or all the crumbled cotija.

Serranos are better in soup and that's not a "they're hotter" thing but they always seem to bleed spice more into the soup and not just stay in the pepper. Only thing I'd suggest.

That said, I just don't like corn that much. Corn chowder is gross, too. Grilled Indian corn was my favorite as a kid but good luck finding Indian corn anymore. 

ok moshe
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Oh serranos for sure in like a soup or a chili if you're cooking them in with it, but for the soup I made the jalapeno slices are put in when served, so fresh.  idk, would serrano still work well for that?  I'll have to give em a try.

They can't call it that anymore, they have to call it Flint corn.  Sprouts, Whole Foods, and all the farmers markets and lil' farm-to-table stores still have it.

  I have to bully you at least a lil'
I always do fresh serrano for chili since it actually "goes further" since it's smaller and it's not just a big chunk of pepper every couple of spoons if that even makes sense. Makes it be a little less pepper (physically) per bite and still adding some spice. 

It's only available around November. You used to find it like half a year around or more since it was viewed as a weird "paleo" corn in health stores before such shit was even common and no, it's not paleo. "Real" corn was like less than an inch long and inedible.
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Alright, next weeks chili will have serrano and ancho.
I usually dice up the peppers pretty decently, so that's not an issue regardless.

I wanna make a dick joke here, but I'm not sure who I want to attack.
I don't like finely dicing them because I like the fresh pepper but just don't like how with jalapenos it's just always too much crunchy pepper per bite if you want spice. So ideally it's like a bite with pepper, a few without, etc, not either chunks of pepper or every bite pepper so you can fish around and not get it if you ate too much too quick. I cut up two serranos per bowl usually. 

Your troonercide streamer gf with his HRT shriveled johnson.
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Aaahhhh- okay, I'm understanding now.

I was gonna say something like Fox, but it didn't even feel satisfying to think of the joke, much less type it.

Took ya the whole twelve pack to figure it out?
Those used to be really big here, like I saw their whole product line in basically every QT, and the grocer too, now they're gone, hidden away, or they only carry the one.
Don't devein or deseed them either. 

His trailer probably is floating down into Galveston bay by now with how flooded the area got.

I just like beer near 10% abv so I don't have to chug 8 of them to get drunk.
I don't know. I haven't heard from him in years.

I downed 12 of them in a few hours and barely maintaining a buzz and they're 9.5% abv. I got prescribed like 60 norco 10s but I'm just going to sell those to a crackhead for a k, gabapentin, and flomax to pass kidney stones but I'm just trying to get drunk enough to pass out.
I wanted to ignore your early shitpost but I ended up in a bizarro rich chink matchmaking scheme with someone with mutliple PhDs that pride, racism, and nationalism prevented me from even considering a "yes". 

When are you going to beat  browner Americans in Japan to get out of Valhalla?
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Nope, I got it running on my comp! Albeit on the lowest settings.
I'm on the Asia server, so if you want to ever do co-op, I assume so. Yes if you don't want to listen to awful English voice acting in the opening cutscene.
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Uh- I gotta find a way to trick the website into thinking I'm not American then, so I don't get my ears blasted.

I DON'T UNDERSTAND- what shitpost, and what matchmaking service!?
Lord show me the way to elevate myself to a position where I can claim what Tsuchi won't here.
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Apparently the launcher it downloads is based on your computer's listed locale. Mine was still listed as America and I didn't feel like redownloading it by the time I realized my mistake, so I just muted the opening cutscene. Or well, the second cutscene, the very first one has no voice acting.
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Yeah, I'm retarded, I could have just set my location to Nippon, but oh well, the download is already half way.
Is there really no way to change the voice over prior to launching?
I can at least change the launcher UI to whatever the Hell I want.

Anything else I need to know before going in?
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Yes, there really is no way unfortunately. Somehow Chinks have still not figured out how to give you a "What voice language do you want?" option before the game starts in the year of our Lord 2000 + 20 + 4.
Yeah, changing the launcher UI language does nothing.

Not really immediately. The beginner gacha works like Star Rail in that you get a random standard banner 5* at 50 rolls, and then you get to pick another standard banner 5*, but at 80 rolls instead of 300.
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Eh- fair.  When WuKong comes out the default language better be Mandarin, just to see the reactions of all the Western players launching the game.
...actually, Steam DOES have that capability to control launch parameters like that.
Ah, I see.  Joy.

So have you been playing it these last couple days then?
Have you rolled your 5* already?
The obvious connection that shall remain unnamed. They were tapped out in the amount of ways to spread familial wealth there so wanted more avenues here. Despite all that, the parents absolutely loved me despite that.
> HMT - SEA - Asia are all separate for WW
One of these days Weeb for one of the chink games we gotta just say fuck it and make an account on the HMT server.
I drank a bottle of the grossest shit known to man: baiju. I hated it but afterwards I learned it was a near four figure bottle of alcohol. Imagine drinking drain cleaner or turpentine. It was that.
It just tastes of medicinal levels of alcohol and not in a good way. Literally lower abv moonshine would be preferable. 

Cunny Runner.
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Wasn't there some game recently that defaulted to a language other than English that made people REEEEEEEEEEE?
Maybe Atomic Heart?

Yes to both. I actually got the 5* I wanted most from the random one.
Not that I'm aware of, I used the same name I did in SR.
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I guess I'll find out, sometime.


I can only imagine some NPC having a hate boner for Russia, yet somehow still buying and playing Atomic Heart only to explode in impotent rage over hearing Russian voice over the moment they hit play tho.

I see, I'll just go with one of my usuals.
Friend code:  702424174
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True.  Fair.

It's not even attempting to hide it, clone isn't even the right word.  They didn't even change some basic things, right down to like 90% of the visual elements themselves.

This is like when you see two ""different"" products from two different companies, but when you look at em side by side you can tell they both came out of the same exact factory in China, they just put a different company logo on em.
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What girl other than pre-nerf Rosaria actually had particularly big booba with jiggle physics like some of the girls in this game? I guess birb momma.
That said, after playing it for a few days, that really is the main thing it has going for it over Genshin. The one guy in my class I mentioned on discord was like "the gameplay is much better and has more freedom compared to Genshin!" when I said it was basically Genshin to him... but I dunno, I guess its a bit more fast paced. 
No lol the English translation is awful and clearly had pretty much no review.
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Fffffffuck, she's cute.

Unironically- birb momma, Shenhe, and Yelan.  So far I actually legit haven't seen a girl in here that's more stacked or bouncy than any HoYo toon.
So, there's some things in the gameplay so far that I like/don't like.  Yes, the combat is a bit more nuanced than Genshit, like I really enjoy that it has Houkai's dodge system (something they tried to introduce to Genshin, and the players didn't like it) and I like the ripost on not just the Houkai style character swap, but also on just some attacks you can riposte in general like the ""boss"" battle so far.  The finisher moves are also a lil fun.  So I'll give it that, the combat is more fun than Genshin already, but if you've played Houkai, it feels borrowed again, with a lil' extra tacked on with the heavy riposte and finishers.  Cool.
I don't mean that, I mean the fact that that text doesn't scroll down.  it's cut off.  It doesn't expand to meet the full dimensions of the screen, but it also doesn't actively scroll as it's displayed, so I miss half of what's being said.  I'm not strong enough in the nipponese to catch it all verbally.
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You would lick her abs.

Alright, show me how bouncy they are then. To be fair, those are all characters who came out after I stopped playing Genshin, so I only really know their sizes from the exaggerated fanart. 
The pink haired girl is definitely bigger than them, but I haven't met her in the story or rolled her yet, so its not impossible she was nerfed. But no one else seems to have been so I doubt it.
Remember that Kuro's previous game was literally made by disgruntled Honkai devs who left Mihoyo. 
Yeah, I know what you meant, I'm saying the quality control, at least for the English translation, is just in the gutter in general.
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Was there any kinda special stuff/event/pre-reg/rewards I should know about/claim?
Any codes?

Anyone from the Komica/Taiwan boards wanna add me...?

Also, for as much of a Genshin rip as it is, you'd think they'd try and make the UI BETTER, but it's actually a lil' confusing, fuck.

When is it safe to roll the gacha?
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I'd lick more than that, but it's a good place to start for sure.

Why not go look it up yourself, I gotta do everything for you?
> Kuro is just disgruntled Houkai devs
Ah, so PGR is to Houkai what Arknights is to GFL.  I love it.  I love the Chink weeb trash mobage lore.  jfc
That sucks, but Genshin had growing pains too despite MiHoYo supposedly learning so much from Houkai.
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Everyone got the prereg stuff whether they preregged or not.
Only code right now as far as I can tell is WUTHERINGGIFT.

Go ask 'em! And give me their friend codes too?

When you have enough of the standard banner currency to roll. It seems like you'll get a lot of it at the start so not worth using not-primos when you can save them for elf mommy.
Y-you'd lick her armpits???

Pretty much yeah. The real life lore is more interesting than the in-game lore!
Yeah, hopefully they fix the text issue soon but we'll see.
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Might.  Did poke in there to make a shitpost earlier.
Did you see there's yet another Komica board on Endchan too?

I'm sorry- ELF MOMMY?

Eeehhh- what is it with Zoomers and armpits man, y'all are weird.  There's plenty more to enjoy.

I dunno, Houkai/Genshin lore is actually kinda cool sometimes.  I know nothing about PGR and the Kuro universe, so we'll see how that bit stacks up.
Or we won't.  Get it?  Heh...  :^)
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No I did not.


The joke was that it is weird!

So far not too impressed with the story to be honest. The first bit is a real drag, and even when it picks up a bit its just okay. We'll see how you feel. PGR's story is basically just Nier Automata but without the twist about the humans being dead.
If you haven't gotten Baizhi yet then you haven't unlocked it.
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I think something happened to Komica again, so even more of that site is starting to regroup here.


> the MC unironically says 終わりだ
This tickles me so.

Y'all are still weird.  Grow up, think about licking normal things, like feet, y'know?

Kinda not really even paying attention...  something to do with a dragon (btw it's been a hot minute since I've seen them referred to as loong, that was kinda neat) something something u don't member shit anyway, ya dumb amnesiac case, now stop day dreaming about dragons and beat the shit outa that rock dude!

shit, when does that happen?

Don't get me wrong, I like Baizhi too, but it never fails that I go into one of these dumb games expecting [X girl] to be best girl, and then they hit me with some dark horse.
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Also it's refreshing to see a different kind of fantasy setting, and my intake of this genre is limited enough that it really only seems to be Chinese games that do any sort of fantasy FAR EAST setting, rather than just stock drab fantasy not-europe.

Chinese and Korean IPs seem to do this way way more than Jap ones.
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Ah, speaking of real life lore, the lore of their site seems pretty interesting too.

No, she is the next banner. Thats why I said SAVE for her. And trust me, you definitely will not want to roll for the current limited banner...


I think zoomers like those too.

Yeah, I zoned out at the start too, its just a lotta exposition dump, and then more exposition dump to explain the terms in the previous exposition dump.

I forget exactly when but you shouldn't be too far off.

I do wonder if you would like her original design more or not.
Yeah, the setting is one of the things I do really like about the game, the combination of far east fantasy with sci-fi post-apocalypse is pretty cool.

When Japs do far east fantasy they usually seem to set it in a real world historical time period as opposed to a full blown fictional setting. For example, stuff like Sekiro or Nioh. 
Granted, the name of the planet in Wuthering Waves makes it pretty clear this is Earth in the future.
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FAT whore.
How so?

FFFFFFFFF- sure would be nice if I could even SEE the current limited banner.


Well they can't have bad taste all the time I guess.
"lmao amnesia" is one of the worst writing tropes ever.  Give the character a back story, and stick with it, ffs.

Well what was the original?

It's really sad that it's such an untapped setting.  Like when MiHoYo finally leaned into it it was great, because a lot of the far east themed areas are really, really pretty and fun.  A very refreshing break from the 10,000th medieval German village.

Eh, I don't mind it being Earth in the not-future, it's whatever.  Where do you want it to be?

Oh, Chev has a gun btw.  Her skill is literally just her whipping out a musket and blastin'.  It's actually quite fun, you can aim it and everything, it just counts as a ranged attack for a character that otherwise only does close range physical damage.

They're always listening, Weebathan...
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The dog?
I dunno, how many exoduses have they had at this point?


He has amnesia AND he's the chosen one!


Yeah, I agree with you there.

Did not mean to imply that I particularly dislike it being Earth in the far flung future.

I know, the discussion we had was because when I saw her art I thought they were introducing a full blown gun class, and then you explained to me that it was just her skill.

Its because I downloaded Chinese spyware(Wuthering Waves), isn't it...
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Yeah, slutty dum dog.
We're kinda in a glass house here, so.

What a terrible combo, maybe it'd be better if he forgot the whole damn thing.

Honestly, the original is better.

Yes, Xi is now recording everything you do, and preventing you from hooking up with any Azn qts.

> This was true of Genshin too!
Can Venti really be called a male tho...?
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She should arrest HERSELF for being a SLUT.
I suppose so. Still funny!

Yeah, he should, and just live happily with his new birb, tomboy, and deadpan chink waifus.

I agree, I wonder why they changed it. Some of the other girls have had design  changes over the course of the betas, but her's is by far the most drastic.


I have no idea what the meta is. I got the kung fu monk girl. At least you didn't get Sephiroth!
Was this you first 10 roll?
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I feel like this is a joke I don't get.

You would be gay not to.

I got mine on my fourth 10 roll, so I also didn't go the full 50 rolls. Who will you choose for the pick gacha?
Honestly I wonder how meta heals will be in this game at all with how much focus on dodging and parrying there is.
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Radio code for lewd and lascivious acts.
*translators note:  Radio codes actually differ between departments, there is no unified universal police radio 10-code for radio communication.


The Kung Fu monk girl.
I was tempted to double down on green Qiqi but I'm scared that she really is just green Qiqi in like every way, and I really will get screwed with the BIG HEALS meta.
Ironically, Qiqi is absolutely carrying me through an event in Genshin right now, I'm quite thankful I have a fully built out Qiqi.

Do no be surprised if I start spamming images of her.
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Do you?
hate BA horny posting...

Well... how gay we talkin'?

I'll need to actually look up how her skills work.  If she really is a Qiqi style DPS healer, that sucks.

Of course, of course.

So, how goes everything on your end?
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""hate""...  fffffuuuuggg.

Ah, yeah that's a lil' too gay for me.

I'll look it up after a shower.
That game actually caused my PC to heat up a lil'.  That Chinese spyware-bitcoin  miner really is in there, hmm...

Just eh, eh?
Wanna talk about any of it?
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Yeah I bet you'll "hate" this one too!

As it should be.

The Chinese gotta get as many bitcoins as they can before they kill the dollar.

I mean, there really is not much to even speak of.
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Fffffffffffffuck Coom Archive man...  Fuck it...  ;_;

Do you even know anyone that would be unironically that gay?

Ah, right, yeah.  Gotta take all those westerners for what their worth before they kill the dollar and take that island.  Weird, that almost makes it seem like those would be bad ideas...

Ah, alrighty.
Is it goin' okay, is the school easy, hard, lil' of A lil of B?
Are you enjoyin' what ya wanna enjoy?
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If I'm not careful I end up like 200 tabs deep in Coom Archive and Umas.
And now WW.

Yeah but I said do you KNOW any.
Asking for a friend.

Everything is.

Are you actually learning anything, or is it just practice and renewal of much of what you knew?
What's somethin' ya wanna do (that doesn't involve cream-pieing some clueless Jap girl after the Uma movie)?

Good morning Chain.
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Is there even 200 tabs worth of WW art yet?
Thicc fem Rover.

Because you want them to be gay for y- your friend?

We're really stuck between a rock and a hard place, eh?

Go hiking some more.
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I don't wanna find out, honestly.
You know I wasn't here for a week legit because I reached a point I needed to peal myself away and actually get work done.  Like I was so behind in projects it was getting down to the wire, and I was noticing internet activity was becoming a legit addiction.  It had to stop.

I mean...  at this rate I want ya to have SOMEBODY Weeb...

Couldn't have happened to nicer people.

Yeah, take a hike!
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It was getting really bad, and my already FUBAR mental state was degrading even more.
Yes, in fact I made huge strides.  Have a whole prototype waiting for me to assemble and finish after the long weekend even.

Well "preferably" you say, but you already told me ya saw someone pretty cute while walkin' around so...

Just America, eh?  Interesting.

heh Any progress on finding a part time?
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Nice! Sometimes you just need to get away.

...Please forget about that.

Well, not JUST America.

I was thinking about getting my own place, and if I did it wouldn't make much sense to get a part time job in this area if I'm gonna move, but now I dunno...
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I imagine most of the American Empire will collapse in relatively succinct order.

Yeah, I mean it probably wouldn't be somewhere that is THAT far, but I kinda want a part time job that is like a pretty short walk from wherever I'm staying.
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Yeah well how about you focus that crystal ball o' yours on the immediate for yourself right now, with Nihongo, a job, and a woman, and narrow down that plan in "succinct order".

Hahahahahahahahahahaha- good luck with that.
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I see, I see.
Maybe I'm just dumb but it always seemed to me like all the big AI companies talk about it as if someday there will just magically be a jump from LLMs to AGI once the LLMs have been fed enough information, and I don't quite understand how that would actually happen.
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The coolest thing, hmm... Getting to visit an almost completely empty temple was pretty cool, they've always been crowded whenever I've gone to one before.
As for the worst... Probably either some of the stuff I mentioned to you on discord or this one girl I saw, who I'm fairly certain was Japanese and not a tourist, with full blown face tattoos and shit.
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An empty temple and a girl with face tattoos seem like the perfect description to the backdrop of your return.
Can you imagine just how bad it'll be when the stigma of tattoos dies out in Japan?
Oh none are ready.
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> AI has been used to generate voices for an AI antagonist and a player advisor.
Can't even be mad about utilizing AI for producing voices for an in-game AI...

Wan wan
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Nah, always.

AI voices don't even sound all that AI-y anymore, like you can tell, but it's also not that really digitalized, bit produced robot tone anymore.

Wan wan

I bully you, but it really is just to temper and goad you toward some actual realization.
That said, it is also fun to get to hear about your general observations in person.  Have you looked up some place you'd like to take a day hike to?
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And this was a Paradox title.
And used in a DLC that supposedly have far more content than others before it.
It's true that companies could use it to avoid paying voice actors. However, the voice actors could also it utilize it themselves to easen a burden here and there, or work on something completely different.
I think we'll see the latter being the case, far more often than the former.

Right now, it's a common practice to send jobs to India so they can mass-produce cheap alteration of many assets like trees, grass and other foilage. Why bother with that, if you can just get your own artists to utilize AI to do the job of Indians that aren't even proper employees in the first place?

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That, or alter it slightly to make it look "cleaner". I'm certain there's a lot of work they do that could be easened significantly by voice-assisting technology.
Honestly not worried about AI at all

I already had her in my clipboard!
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Yeah, but I don't even know how to go about starting to find one...
I do think AI will take a lot of people's jobs, but at the very least as far as creative jobs though, it will all be in industries that were completely ideologically captured already, so I don't really care.
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Coom Archive has the best girls

Might take some, while opening up other positions.
It might also not, but just be used as a supportive technology like many others before it.
Electricity and computers stole a lot of peoples jobs in the past, but opened up many more positions too.
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Find the hobby you want to connect to the said otaku.
Find the locations those tend to congregate to acquire their kit for said hobby.
Find internet forums/Discords/IRC channels for said hobby.

Coulda shoulda woulda.

> No, but for the first two I don't really know how to just approach them out of the blue 
If you're in a hobby shop, 90% of the people there even if they're introverts are wanting someone to talk to them about said hobby.
Especially since it's all autism adjacent, they will literally sperg with the slightest bit of provocation about their autistic endeavors.
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Well for the first two, you identify your hobby, and then START the hobby.  Like you actually pickup doing whatever it is, and then go to those places where the thing is done.  Presto bango you meet people doing the same thing.
For the latter, you can crawl the usual internet places and look for where those topics might be discussed.  You could literally start your adventure on 2chan of all places.  You now have access to that, you won't be IP blocked by it.

It's always next time ain't it...
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There's a suspiciously high amount of cancelled events that then had bad things happen at in my life. Enough to notice a trend. I don't know if that means someone is trying to torture me more by missing my ride of the Valkyries.
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What you don't seem to get is this is actually Hell, and you haven't served out your sentence yet.  It's what they really mean by "God calling you home".
So when the time is right, it's right, and so far it ain't been.  Now suffer.
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It's not wrong tho.
"Hobbies" like that aren't terribly great for meeting people.
It's one thing to find people to go hang out at an arcade with, but it's difficult to meet people where your hobby centers around an activity that can be done solo, in your room, in your boxers you haven't washed in a week.
Like think about it, how many greasy nerds you've played video games with in the past have you actually had the opportunity to go out and enjoy a nice lunch with?
I can literally count on two hands the number personally.
It's not impossible to make close friends that way, it's just not the ideal route.  And you know this.
> Like think about it, how many greasy nerds you've played video games with in the past have you actually had the opportunity to go out and enjoy a nice lunch with?
I met up with someone I met playing Farcry Instincts on Xbox and another from Halo 2 just in the last six months.
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I do think its wrong to say that they are NOT hobbies.
But yeah, it is harder to meet people with such hobbies, I'm not really interested in hobbies that can't be done solo. Just never have been. Even with video games I rarely play non single player stuff.

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