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Oi-oi, who's side are you on here?
But be honest, how often is that really?
And how likely do you think it is for Weeb?
Like I said, not impossible, just not ideal, imo.

I will not concede the point until you pick up at least one "thing" that actively propels you out into the world where the chance of human interaction with the local populace is increased.
Weren't you already in several internet groups of Japanese that played various video games?  How did that work out?
Where'd you find em?

Well how is that wrong?
Which one you wanna be?

Legit I'm now of the opinion that every genre could be improved with the inclusion of horse girls.
GFL has one, Houkai/Genshin uma musume WHEN?
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Grand total number of people in my life I've met in video games that I've met in person? Over a dozen but I've lost count. Most I met in the 00s. Gender ratio was oddly near even, too. Farcry Instincts person is a 6/10 femcel with crippling autism from the middle of nowhere Arkansas. Almost a decade older than me.
> Most I met in the 00s.
I should clarify I met them in-game around the middle or earlier of the aughts but I didn't meet up with any until I was an adult. Almost all of their ages were within two years of my own.
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I don't even know what hobby that would be.
It was just PriConne, and one clan I was in fell apart because the leader was a psycho, and the next one fell apart too, and now I longer play it.
I dunno, petition Mihoyo.
You know one of those things that if you were more aware at the time, probably crossed a lot of lines? They like emailed pics decades ago in a way that would probably get them arrested now but at the time, it didn't seem strange. There was never any actual boundaries crossed until I was nearing an adult anyways.
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Get into photography and use it as an excuse to snap pics of all the cosplay girls, and get their numbers.
Ah, was that the one they were making insane login/participation demands, like it was a second job?
Oh, RIP.  Time to, unironically, find a new Discord group.  Wanna join the kigu nerds?  There's a good number of em from Japan/China.  At least you know for a fact they're into anime, weeb mobage, video games, and far east culture... so long as you can get past the kigurumi part.

Y'know what, I fuckin' WILL.
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I have honestly thought about that one, but cameras are expensive...
Yes. And then with the second one the leader fell into a depression and just deleted it one day.
Maybe I should look for one for the new Im@s game... And yes, I cannot get past the kigurumi part.

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No- you seem to have way more of these experiences than I ever have, or have heard of.

Usually when I hear stories like these from people it DID cross a line, and ended really poorly.  But then again you also know the types I'm talking about, we used to interact with a lot of em over this medium.

Yes, yes they are.  Well, as with any hobby you start out small, with shitty, often times used hardware, and build up.
You think my gun collection and materials started out by me just dropping 20 grand and shooting Expert?
H-Heh, can't relate to that at all, damn, what a faggot.
> cannot get past the kigurumi part
Shame, missin' out tbh.
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This is actually legit one free 5* on the convergence banner.
But it doesn't expire for like a year.
Can I sit on this for a year, and just pick a 5* later?
Am I reading all this wrong?
Yeah, I'm sort of aware that it does make it sound bullshit but I had so many chances of things possibly going horribly wrong with being on the internet unsupervised so early. But they just...didn't. You know the kind of people that you look at them and see nothing physically wrong and would wonder how they've managed to stay single but then you interact with them in person and it becomes painfully obvious how? Pretty much all of them fit that bill if they were female but one is married and their husband I actually knew before them. The gay was gaycel. The dudes are now mostly married with kids.
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Yes. Gonna get the monk or double down on your loli?
Ya think they're already getting desperate?
One of the guys in my dorm was like, ah yeah I JUST got into photography so as soon as I got to Japan I went and dropped 1k on a camera!
I guess I could look into budget cameras.
Although, my other idea, is I want to actually try participating in a doujin event once my art gets a bit better.
I almost added in a "Where have I heard that one before?" after that sentence.
You just say that cause you want to have kigu sex!
Seems like you can, I went ahead and used it cause I assume like every other part of the game, it will be like Genshin where they rarely ever update the standard banner 5* roster.
> I guess I could look into budget cameras.
Film. A lot of older (80s/90s) Japanese point and shoots are really going for beginners and dirt cheap.
I still have a few of my dad's and grandfathers' I used recently. They really needed some work done but it was sort of fun to try. Also, waiting for photographs to be developed before knowing how well the shot turned out is kind of exhilarating.
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Maybe there's somethin' in the water over there...
I'm convinced, here it really is just a desert, a desert of people, too.

Can't tell if it's desperation, don't have my ear to the ground enough for that.  It's certainly not the greatest of signs to be just handing out the things they want MiHoYo prices for tho.

Yeah, I don't know when if or with what that banner will be updated with, so I'll just grab the titty monk now.  Who did you get?

Well okay, 1k honestly isn't that "big" anymore, either, sadly.  The first handgun I ever bought with my own money was 1.2k for instance.  I think if he bought it new, okay makes sense.  Guys like that can be great though because they actually feed the second hand market.  When someone gets freshly into a new hobby and goes for the top, they find out they don't like it, and then try to ditch the Gucchi gear they bought, which you can sometimes swoop in and scoop for the fairweather friend price.  So as a beginner, do a good bit of research, find something you think you might like, and then look into the used second, and even third hand markets to price out what people are trying to ditch them for, or why.
Now see art I'll consider as a hobby.  I'm still waiting on my Furina pic.
Yeah, Sad, no terribly many cases, wouldn't wanna know em.
Kigus sex looks fun from the outside, can you imagine how hot and sweaty the suit must get tho?  Man...
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Uhhhh- okay, might actually drop Wuthering Waves tonight.

Splitting the weapon banner and Character banner gacha currencies is actually a huge dick move.
Don't make me pick which currency I want to divide up my gems for, that's shit.
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The game has been out for less than a week so I'm not even sure how they'd have enough data to be desperate yet, but it certainly is weird. The mail made it seem like they were apologizing for some problems with the game, but normally they'd just give a few apologems and call it a day.
Although, I do remember hearing that apparently PGR had a pretty rough launch and Kuro was pretty generous after that too, supposedly.

Encore, which is who I had the pick gacha set too. I have tentatively set it to the loli you have now since she's now the only female I don't have. Kinda tempted to go for Sephiroth since I don't have any longsword characters.

I guess I will look into where to get a nice second hand camera here.
Honestly I think the thing I'm the most mad at about myself about coming to Japan is I had finally gotten into the habit of drawing daily again, and then coming here broke that habit. Not having anywhere in my room to comfortably draw with both my comp and my tablet in front of me is not helping either. I can send you the work in progress of the Furina pic on discord if you want, I was pretty close to finishing the line art...
You wouldn't be the one in the suit, r-right?
I didn't even look at the weapon banner, is that actually a thing?
That said, can't you just not exchange your gems until you know which one you're going to roll on?
Pools of people with fair connections to each other back then was rather limited so games would always matchmake you to people relatively close so you always ended up crossing paths with people multiple times so you could easily just get a friend request from them after two or so fun rounds.
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Yeah, that's why I was blown away.  A whole free 5* apologem...
Really?  Well props to Kuro.


Well no, look into CAMERAS first.  Let's make sure you know how to take a picture, and I don't just mean the hardware, there's fundamentals to just capturing a scene and make it look good, that you can do with a $5 disposable camera, or your damn phone camera, first.  Let's research a topic, gather info, THEN look into buying kit.  If anything, like Tsuchi said, this is a good place to find a shop where you can talk to real people that really will be willing to autism spill all intricate details of their hobby.
Yeah, when ya told me about your situation and setup it was a bit of a bummer, I feel for ya, I hope you can improve the living quarters within the year honestly.  Fingers crossed!
If ya wanna, but I'm more excited to see your finished work when it's actually finished.  So I'll delay the gratification.  Cool to know you were workin' hard on it though.
I've actually put a lot of thought lately into making my own mask, 'cause I have the means to do so at my disposal for the time being.  But I can't settle on a character I could/would do.

It's annoying.  It means I have to do out maths and actually THINK before I brainlessly just dump all my gems into the banner currency, and spam the ten pull button!  This is manipulative!  This is just encouragement to buy moar gems, 'cause now I know I'll need em!
Dirty Jewin' Chinks!
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Yes, which is why I always matched with people from Colorado, Utah, and Cali.  Like I genuinely knew a TON of people online from those places, and then ONE outlier from Kamloops BC.
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Yeah, I'll take the free devil loli.

Who's more gay, him or the tiger boy?

What about some of the pictures I sent on discord, like of the hiking trip? Did those do even remotely a good job of capturing the scene or no in your opinion?
That is true, I'll look into it.
Alright, I will finish it but probably gonna do Hiro first.
I did see a Ganyu kigu at the doujin event.

Any gacha game that has more than one gacha currency is simply annoying. I remember PGR being really bad about that too.
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Man I can't believe this game is starting off with a M*LE banner character, and the only kemonomimi in the game is a twink fagboi.  That said, his lil' ears twitch and wiggle, so he has cute points.  But if you pick Metal Gear Raiden you're an actual homo. ...oh wait I'm talking to a Dan Heng simp, nvm.

They're nice, you do seem to have a natural eye for composition.  You get the layout and position mostly right.  I noticed that all your pics are vertical, which is eh but lol phone camera.  Also noticed some of your personal grooming habits are lacking, telling...  So you've got the right start, but still look into it, do research, and take MORE pictures.  And start posting them and get the opinions of other people deeper into the hobby.  Just like your art, it's gonna take practice, criticism, and a slow building up of the hardware, right?  But, it's an excuse to stick your nose in people's area, and poke them about it too.
G-Ganyu kig!?  And you didn't tell me!?

Woulda been nice to know going in, but ah well.
Also the Echos system is confusing to me, and I'm not sure how to build it out.
They take the place of Genshin/Houkai/Star Rail artifacts, but you can just get em in the wild, and you can't have an off-piece?  But they also do seemingly random stat things, and give you an extra Burst mechanic, but none of them are "great"...
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Nah, I'll just keep it set to the green loli.

Yeah, that was cause I was just using my phone camera. I'll try to take more horizontal ones on my next hiking trip.
True. And there's definitely a correlation between art and photography too, so it does appeal to me.
This girl.
Sorry, got my wires crossed, the kigu I saw was from Kancolle. 

I'm just finding this out, but not surprised coming from PGR.
Its Pokemon!
Yeah, I'm kinda confused by it too. I assume the good ones will all be from boss stages that require you to actually burn stamina, and all the ones you can just get in the wild are trash.
I will boldly stand with the 99.9% of people and say that kigus are just fucking weird, man.
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This convo has made me semi depressed, because it means there really was just noone around me for that whole era.
A lot of puzzle pieces are starting to fall into place.

She do be cute at least.

What kinda phone u got?
That there is, taking pics will allow you to get your own reference material, or just straight up incorporate real backgrounds into things like some mangaka do.  :3
Oh, she cute I guess.
Which Kancolle, and how did you confuse her for cocogoat?

Also the protag can literally parkour wall run, he's now infinitely better than Tabibito.
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To my attempts at the contrary, the online friends I met on the original Xbox online are the relationships I have set ablaze constantly and yet, the eldest always ended up rebuilding it. 

And a majority ended up in Florida for some reason.
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I haven't talked to my XBL friends in literally ten years.
Who hasn't ended up in Florida yet?
Did you see the map of all the places the Californians fled to over just the past 4 years btw?

Not exactly a rare feeling and phenomena for you, so.
I got one of the worst blowjobs possible by one in the last year so you're not missing out on much.
I have never enjoyed any of my time there. Barring whoever I'm visiting, every single person and location there sucked. 
Yeah, it's depressing.

Even without knowing they're all dudes, it's still one of those things where I would just get a baseball bat if I saw one following me.
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I'm missing out on blowjobs apparently!  Bad or not!
Someone commented- does the Left have an intensive to actually improve California if keeping it as bad as it is basically ensures a yearly exodus of Democrats to 25 other states to dilute the politics there, too?

Not all of them are dudes!  There is actually like an even split of people into the hobby.
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A Galaxy.
True, true. Time to start drawing anime girls in places I've been!
Uh... I would know her if I saw her but I don't know her name. I was thinking of characters you might make a kigu mask of, and the wires between that and thoughts of the kigu I saw got crossed.
Also not a kigu, but I did see a tall and very obviously male Sara cosplayer at the same event.

I was wondering if wall running was something they added in a later Genshin update or if that was something actually original to this game.
Good night, Horse.
That required random times of them asking me to read books to them so they could sleep. A terrible payoff. 
I love the retards that say "rural California is totally conservative that's just diluted by the cities" but when they end up other places, it's just 00s libtard views.

I don't believe you.

May your dreams consist entirely of horse burgers.
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A Galaxy what- I'm just trying to find out what kinda camera you got, I'm not here to make fun of you for having like a 6 year old phone, I'm still rockin' a Pixel 4 for fucks sake.
Yeah!  Especially Im@s.
> tall and very obviously male Sara cosplayer

The parkour and wall running seem semi unique to WW, though Houkai had something similar in on rails segments.

Have a seat over there.
Yeah, I don't think a single Californian is actually redeemable.  That will be the real "what kind of American are you" question, and Californian will be the most incorrect answer.

I know.
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A53. I think its recent but its one of their budget models. 
With how big the new game is, I am wondering if I should try posting some art I draw of the girls to twitter, even if it is low quality. Would be one way to potentially connect with other otaku like we were talking about earlier.
Did I not mention that at the time?

Running up the walls definitely feels better than the BotW style climbing.
I'm pretty sure the grappling hook thing was taken from the wirebugs from Monster Hunter Rise.
I hate how literally every attempt to google information is just met with AI written slop completely wrong about everything. 

The future fucking sucks.
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Yeah, that sounds like something you would.

"Men" eh?

Time to do some research in phone cameras!  The A53 definitely seems to spell out "budget" even in it's digital camera, but to be expected.  Still, it's about on par with my lil' outdated Pixel 4 in some ways, and the hardware isn't always what makes or breaks.  Time to just start snappin' pics~
Bro, have you seen some of the "art" out there?  You could put up crayon drawings and start a Fanbox with it.
Besides, you gonna really let the AI faggots occupy the space?
I honestly don't remember if you did or didn't...

It also fits the aesthetic of this game way better.  Movement in WW feels really jank though, so actually getting him to wall sprint can be a bit finicky.
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The internet truly gets worse with every passing year. I agree the future sucks.
I'll try to start taking more whenever I see something kinda neat.
Oh, I know its bad, but that doesn't mean I have the confidence to put my bad art out there. Part of the reason that idea popped into my head is cause I saw some artists I follow retweeting some pretty low quality art just cause it was Gakum@s.
I may or may not have.

Yeah, it definitely does, although I wasn't sure how much that had to do with me running on a machine that struggles to run it even on the lowest settings.
Is the glider animation really jittery and unsmooth for you too?
Also, after rewatching that video from the first test of Chixia I sent you yesterday, I had forgotten that they completely changed the glider's design to look much more like the one from Genshin. I definitely prefer the weird metal umbrella glider thing they had in the technical test, wonder if you can unlock it in some way, but I doubt it.
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I still think that was one of the funniest experiences in my life.
Legit would not let me pick them up at their house, that was the only place they would accept.

Weeb's gonna turn into one of those weirdos with a big ol' camera slung around his neck, and a backpack with more photography crap worth more than a car.
So do it then.  If you already saw em retweet it.  Y'know Weebathan, some of the meme accounts making the lil' cutesy simplistic art are some of the most well liked.  Like the lil' Genshin meme comic account that gets posted a lot, or those chibis Tsuchi posts.
Well damn, shit, damn...  My Sara is out there walkin' around somewhere.

That poor laptop lol
No, the game runs buttery smooth, and defaulted to max settings too, I'm sorry.
When I say movement is jank, it's just that it feels very rigid, and the auto tracking/lock-on sometimes amplifies how bad that is.
Now I need to go look at the old glider, because this new one is edgy and gay.
I just remember your threads' biggest export to mine was Darwin and he was a literal pedophile to the point I'm sure he has hard drives full of the obvious.
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Oh he absolutely did.

What color?  I want it to be as loud and obnoxious as possible, or as gucchi as possible, legit to piss off a Zoomer.

Gucci, tons of selection options that go all the way up to $700 for some of the prettiest wood you've ever seen.

Obnoxious faggot, literally has rainbow laminate, or that gay "camo wood" coloration.
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Hopefully I won't go that far...
Maybe I will!
I wouldn't exactly say he was a looker...

Ah, okay, I was wondering how much of it was just on my end.
Yeah, the auto locking just seemed completely broken/useless to me.
I think it should be near the end of the video I sent you yesterday.
Pretty sure that was the majority of your threads that weren't minors or otherwise under 20ish.

I just straight prefer American walnut stocks; I have no other context for this.
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You'll look like a tourist even if you live there lol.
Not many of em are.  But I gotta keep up with the shitposts regardless.

Seemingly unfortunately a lot.
It's funny because the lock on is something hotly demanded of Genshin, and now I'm not sure I want it.
Alright the umbrella thing is a lil' goofy, I don't like it.  I don't like the way any of these games handle ""wind gliders"" honestly.
Fuck, FarCry was bad enough where you literally walked around in a wingsuit you could just deploy whenever.

I mean I damn near stuck my laptop in the microwave when Kitty finally said how old he was.

You ready for this?
It's for an Arisaka.  I don't know which one yet, because they haven't shown me pictures of any of the markings, and it's literally missing pieces, but what they HAVE shown me is legit an Arisaka, either a Type 38 or a 99, that has been Bubba'd to Hell and back.  Cut down sporterized barrel, they lopped off the original rear sight, drilled and tapped CROOKED weaver mounts for a scope, and even chopped up the original stock~

I want to rescue her, but I also want to piss off an autistic Zoomer at the same time that's one of those "all historical pieces should be forever preserved in their original form!" to the point where they even consider modifying M91/30s to be sacrilege.
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I mean, by virtue of not being white, or at least Asian, I look like a tourist here no matter what.
Okay, first time to get back to drawing even if I can't find a particularly comfortable position to do it.

Auto lock on can just take away a lot of the nuance of combat.
I like it cause its goofy. Its at least definitely better than the one in the current version of the game. Blame BotW.
Wait. How old was he?

Someone presented a similar Mauser 98 abomination and my heart wanted to save it but no, I just couldn't bring it back into God's light. The lopped off barrel makes it worse than any other damage. I genuinely don't know what the proper course is here outside smelting it back down and forging a sword from the steel.
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Oh no, I've been found out! t. Weeb.
But yes, you're a permanent tourist.  But I hear the population numbers are bad enough it won't be that way for long.  :^)
Well hey at least now ya have a goal!

> blame BotW
I mean sure, blame it for this iteration of the concept, but it's by no means new to have this goofy map navigation style.  I hate it no matter how it's done.

Like 14 when ponies kicked off, or something stupid.

Do what I'm doing, just find a really pretty stock for her, and lean into it.
I kinda like this company, I may even do a matching, or similar M91/30 stock for my nugget.
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Would it though? It's been years now, and you don't just turn black over a single night.
Liked you yesterday, so I don't see why that's just change like that. It'd be nonsense!
MLP came out in 1981 according to wikipedo. So that makes him 57 now. What the fuck.

Is the barrel still a normal length barrel by today's standards and not just "short" circa 1910?
Weeb being a nigger after all this time is disgusting but accepting Weeb as a nigger is even worse.
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> would you have it done?
I wouldn't.  No legit, people would hate my game, there would be no flying or gliding, or deploying gay ass wingsuits out of your ass.
Your monkey ass wasn't built to fly!  Yo' feet poundin' the ground, bitch!  Vehicles, sure, but helicopters don't exactly scream fantasy setting, y'know?  Even though Genshin canonically has blimps, and straight up zeppelin like dirigibles and giant fucking hovering/flying NAVAL SHIPS- so whatever.
Did you like the lil 4 legged buggies all around WW?

Crazy dawg.

I have no idea, I'm trying to squeeze info out of them about it between their unironic VR grooming sessions.
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Bro you literally have to walk into a room where one is takes up half the room in the Academe.  The road on the way into the lil' town is lined with them.
I'm going to laugh if like your graphic settings are so low, it basically doesn't even bother rendering them.
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But what's more is that there's all these trucks and buggies sitting idle, meanwhile these goobers are humping boxes up and down that hill, and all around the outskirts of the town (the name of which I cannot for the life of me commit to memory).
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> and get as an echo.
brb, mecha hunting

Jianxin will actually probably be an easier one for me to remember.
The names Kuro uses are way more harsh to Westerners than some of what HoYo goes with for some reason.
Just change your language settings, and commit their Kanji to memory instead.  :^)
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> Jinzhou is the name of the fort/city
Yeah RIP my brain will not commit space to this unless it's repeated at least a hundred more times.
I wonder, do Chinese have as difficult a time with English names/titles?
Do Japanese?
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I genuinely cannot help but wonder if that was not some kind of consideration, yeah.

Oh that's funny.
Yeah, you'd think all the kanji would basically be a breeze for them, right?  :3
Hell, half the words too.  But damn, now niggas gotta learn words from ten different languages, but spoken with a stereotypical Jap accent. lmao
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I mean, Mihoyo clearly had the western audience in mind when making Genshin, even if not as their main priority. So it would not surprise me. Meanwhile Kuro just went, "fuck it we're makin' a chink game with the chink names."
Which, as hard as it is for me to remember some of them, I do actually like. Seems like most characters in most chink gacha games have either western or Japanese names.
Oh, also speaking of western names, don't you wonder what country the "New Federation" is the future counterpart of? Or as it is called in Japanese, NEO UNION.

Yeah, they definitely got the easy end of the stick as far as which language Japanese takes more from, but its still funny. I also have figured out that some of them breezed through the placement test by being able to read the kanji and their speaking is not quite on the same level.
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They didn't just have the western market in mind, they legit had Western MYTHOLOGY on the mind, clearly.  Even the non-western regions of Genshin have deep western mythos ties, it's crazy.  It is legit red string on a corkboard tier.
It was hysterical when Genshin blew up big though, and Chinese youtubers were actually making pronunciation videos to educate the giant influx of non-Chinese speakers that couldn't say "Liyue" to save their lives.  The irony that most of these videos were themselves full of weapons grade engrish was absolutely lost on everyone.
Yeah, I also like all the Chinese names in both games.  What I like more is the Japanese pronunciation for some of them that doesn't even marry up to the English sub, OR the actual Chinese original, those ones make me giggle.
Well, so far every character from Nueva Federación all have spaghetti names, it stands to reason that New Federation may actually be "Nuova Federazione" in her native tongue.  Wich means green Qiqi is actually a greaser and I hate her even more now.
That said, what all do we even know about the Neo Union other than they were obliterated by their own tech expansion?

Oh that's funny.  But figures.  In the same way that Hu can read English, but push come to shove I bet he still has a hard time hearing and speaking it.

How well does Tamamo handle JP?
Do most of your Chinese classmates also know a good bit of English, or JUST Chinese and what limited Japanese they have?

It's that particular type of tattoo, you wouldn't understand.
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I see, I see.
That is pretty funny.
Yeah, I like how in Japanese translations of Chinese games they just use the Japanese pronunciation of the kanji in their names instead of trying to match the proper pronunciation. I guess this goes back to old Japanese translations of Chinese literature. Actually I was briefly talking about Genshin with one of the Chinese guys in my class, and when I mentioned Keking, he corrected me that, since we were speaking in Japanese, her name is in fact, Kokusei.
Oh yeah, them being Italians is possible too. So far I know literally nothing about them other than what was mentioned when we met Mortefi.

Most likely.

She seems to be doing fine in class but her speech is a bit clunky.
I haven't really heard many of them speak English. The guy I mentioned above actually can hold a conversation in both English and Japanese.
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It was comical, yes.
Oh that's funny that he corrected you on that.  I love Ningguang's name, but I love that the JP reading of it is Gyoko.  It sounds nicer, it's easier to remember, and for some reason it's cute when they say "Gyoko-sama".
And Ganyu's name is said as Kan'u, while birb momma is read as Kan'un, so her name sounds like a cute diminutive version of her mommas, it's the best.
Goddamn guidos.  I knew they were trouble.

Really?  Maybe she needs a uh...  oral partner, for some good uh, practice.
Well now that's interesting.  He's the spy, obviously.

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Yeah, I thought it was pretty funny when he said that too.
I did not know that about Ganyu and birb momma's Japanese names, that is cute.
Why all these Italian immigrants coming to China, huh?!

Um... yeah, you're right, maybe I should offer my services.
He said he learned English to shit talk people in CoD.
Damn, Spongebob is dark now. Sounds like a logical progression for Sandy's character.
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ChatGPT hallucinations are fucking amazing.

You should continue to butcher the Chink names just to annoy him.
It's incredibly cute, I have no idea if it happened intentionally or happy accident.
You know how Japan has a weird cultural fixation on the Romans countries (Spain/France/Italy)?  China seems to have a similar Euro-Roman fascination.
What I find incredibly comical however is that Chinese seemingly know NOTHING about like- the middle east, Africa, or South America, those are legit blank spots on their worldly knowledge it seems.

Pfffft, you won't.
LMAFO well then he for sure not only knows, but has used in anger, the Gamer Word~
Back in 2020 when we were playin' CoD with Ran, Cato, and Horse my in game name was in katakana and people legit raged, called me a chink, and reported me for hacking if I did too well.
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Maybe I will!
Do their Chinese names use similar kanji or somethin'?
Makes sense, the Roman empire is a pretty cool part of western history!
Literal who tier areas of the world, who cares what those barbarians do?

You don't know that!
I bet he has. Based.
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No, Ganyu is literally sweet-rain 甘雨, and birb momma is 閑雲
Eeehh...  maybe it really is my eyetie hate bleeding through, but I honestly take no interest in the Roman era.  Everything after it?  Hella cool stuff actually happened- outside of Italy.
Me.  I care.  Especially when I LIVE NEXT DOOR.

Past relevant behavior is a good predictor of future relevant behavior.
And red pilled.
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Ah, I see. May have just been a sweet coincidence then.
I think you're just biased!
Caring because they are literally barbarians on your doorsteps is different from actually caring about their stupid and worthless culture.

Based on the political talk we had, he seemed mildly based.
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A very sweet coincidence heh.
NO SHIT!  Hate Roma!
I dunno, I kinda like some aspects of the culture tbh, I just hate the obvious repugnant aspects.  If some mutual marriage of my standing, and the parts I love about them could be met, I'd pay for in blood.

:)  Well prove me wrong~
Yeah, that's kinda what I got from what you told me.  Poor bastard, he doesn't know that Pooh was listening in the whole time.  Next time he goes home- BAM -straight to gulag.
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> hates Rome
> loves beaners
I rest my case.

I was honestly surprised by how immediately open he was about it, kinda figured most Chinese had it beaten into them to not criticize glorious leader to the point they wouldn't even do it in a foreign country. RIP if he ever goes back.
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Now hold on, I never claimed that.

Huge emphasis on the maybe, mhmm.
Depends on where he's from, I image dissent there is pretty rampant just not open.  And we'd never hear about it anyway, for the obvious.  Y'know what I mean?
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You may as well have!

It seems to me that living under a regime where dissent is heavily punished would have a mental effect on them that would make them hesitant to criticize even if they were somewhere they knew they couldn't be got, and were actually critical deep down.

Also, speaking of real life Bocchi.
So- is Yuma posting videos of her actually getting fucked now?
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Nah, happened in the Soviet era too.  There's lots of comments about that, where people basically figured out you just had to shrug it off where you knew it wasn't safe, and then live life normally when you knew you could get away with it.  Up to and including being critical of the powers that be.

Jesus Yuma...
I mean considering every single one of her shoots is done in some love hotel, I wouldn't be shocked at this point!
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I'll get you for this.

Uh huh.

Yes, I know, I have.  I've noticed it since her Fern cosplay, and one before.
I have no idea, her stuff stopped being uploaded on the usual places, and whoever, or whatever she's banging is conveniently out of shot.
Yuma is a master of cropping, and camera placement though, she could just be doing the motions because she knows simps will pay to jerk off to the perfect angle of her throwing her ass back, so they can imagine it's onto THEIR dick.
Convenient, dontcha thinK?

At least this is a step up from her other "videos" which were literally just her sitting down in a chair, and standing up again.
I think that was one of the points that really hammered home how badly coomers could be manipulated.
That and some other dude that was literally uploading ""pictures"" of an actual sexdoll, and pretending it was totally, legitimately, a real woman with fucking Z cup tits, and a rail thin waist.  Sure asshole.  What a genius way to pay off a several thousand dollar sex toy though, eh?  Make a fucking Fanbox and Fantia page for it.
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Yeah, which is why I want to see the full videos. It does kinda come off to me as if she's faking it and just doing the motions but I can't say for sure.
Her patreon actually is pretty up to date on kemono, but I couldn't find the videos. :>>/kanojo/54100@53928
Yeah, but Spec wants her to have bouncy fat in the not right places...
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I mean she's fucking someone irl, but would she film it?  Maybe.
Huh, really?  Might be under a payment tier no one is willing to shell out for.


> in the not right places
OI- well...  I don't know if I can actually fight this, what are "the not right places"?
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I mean, there's also a picture on that account of her getting cum on one of the costumes, so...
What if she's not just fucking one?
The super sekrit Yuma sex tape tier.

Truly youtubers will sink to any depths for clicks and money...

Remember the chink I sent you on discord who lives in Canada? She was quite bouncy in a place other than just her boobs, no?
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Could be fake!  You know how many of these sluts use just like cum lube to fake it for pics?
Only the thirstiest of simps may enter...

Yes, actually.

. . . yeah, yeah she was uh "bounce" alright.
Damn, I been got :/
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Hevosen ääni suomeksi voidaan kuvata sanalla "ihahaa". Tämä on ääni, jonka hevonen tuottaa, kun se hirnahtaa. Hirnahdus on hevosen yleinen ääntely, joka voi ilmaista monenlaisia tunteita ja tarkoituksia, kuten ilon, tervehdyksen tai huomion hakemisen.
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It's written in Finnish!  In English, it says:
The sound of a horse in Finnish can be described with the word "ihahaa". This is the sound that a horse makes when it neighs. Neighing is a common vocalization of horses, which can express various emotions and purposes, such as joy, greeting, or seeking attention.
Once upon a time, there was a muffin who lived in a toaster.
This muffin wasn't an ordinary muffin; it had a cheerful face and a sweet personality. Every morning, it would watch the bread slices pop in and out of the toaster, waiting for its chance to shine. One day, the toaster had a problem, and no bread could be toasted. The muffin knew this was its moment. It jumped into the toaster and warmed up, bringing joy to the kitchen with its delightful aroma. The family was surprised and delighted by the warm, fluffy muffin that brightened their morning. From then on, the muffin became the household hero, always ready to save the day.

How did the muffin warm up when the toaster had a problem?

The toaster's problem wasn't with the heating elements but with the mechanism that held the bread slices down. The muffin, being small and nimble, managed to wedge itself into a spot where it made contact with the heating elements without needing the mechanism to hold it down. The warmth of the elements gently heated the muffin, making it warm and inviting. The family was amazed at how the clever muffin found a way to spread its warmth and cheer despite the toaster's malfunction.
In a small village in Japan, nestled between rolling green hills, there lived a spirited young horse named Kaze. Each morning, as the sun painted the sky with the colors of dawn, Kaze would greet the day with a joyful "hihiin" echoing through the misty fields. One crisp autumn day, a gentle breeze carried the scent of adventure, and Kaze felt a tug at his heart to explore beyond the familiar fences.

With a bold "hihiin," Kaze galloped across the meadow, leaping over a small brook and racing against the whispering wind. He reached a hilltop where the village seemed a miniature model of itself, and the world stretched wide and wonderful before him. As the sun set, painting the sky in strokes of orange and purple, Kaze stood there, his mane fluttering like silk ribbons in the breeze, feeling as vast and free as the horizon.

As stars began to twinkle, the sound of distant "hihiin" called him back, reminding him of home and hearth. With a heart full of tales for the quiet stable, Kaze turned around, his hooves drumming a rhythm of return on the soft earth. Every step was a beat in the melody of his adventure, a song only the wind and the wilds would fully know.
""" t. ChatGPT
That or the owners are just trying to make it look like someone lives there to deter thieves. Thieves are easily deterred by the thought someone is in the house.
Leaving them unlocked seems weird, but if any daring thieves give it a try they will just see there's nothing easy and expensive to steal and just book it. There are probably some hidden cameras around.
thumbnail of DALL·E 2024-05-27 15.55.14 - A Shiba Inu and a horse interacting playfully. The Shiba Inu is jumping around energetically, while the horse looks down and gently stomps its hooves.webp
thumbnail of DALL·E 2024-05-27 15.55.14 - A Shiba Inu and a horse interacting playfully. The Shiba Inu is jumping around energetically, while the horse looks down and gently stomps its hooves.webp
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A Shiba Inu walks up to a horse and says "ワンワン". The horse looks down and responds with a friendly "ヒヒーン". Curious about each other, they start a playful conversation. The Shiba Inu jumps around energetically, while the horse gently stomps its hooves. Despite their differences, they enjoy their time together, communicating through barks and neighs.
t. ChatGPT
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Do you have any strange routines, Horse?
Something you do ritualistically/habitually/religiously every week, that you've forgotten the reason for?
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You haven't been dragged kicking and screaming back to Destiny 2 yet?
Staring at my screen trying to think of something to do.
Slept till fucking 14:00 today.  Not excited for tomorrow.
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Played it Saturday for a while. It was alright I guess after a few months off.
No games or anime on the menu for the night? I did watch another two of Kaii to Otome to Kamikakushi earlier today, so those are up now.
Inability to sleep tonight intensifies?
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Yes, but unironically.
Do you know anyone that knows anything about Arisakas?
I'm specifically looking for info the the differences between late era Type 38 and early Jinsen Arsenal Type 99, and if a Type 99 action will fit in a Type 38 stock bed, or if the tang, recoil lug, and magazine are just so different it's impossible.
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Not even in Jap museums, they basically just destroyed all of it.
It's funny for how seemingly big the gun otaku crowd is in Japan, they only care about airsoft, and American military special operator LARPing, but real guns, and anything of historical significance even out of Howa, Arisaka, etc... they legit don't care for.

It's kind of funny to look back at 70s-80s retrofuturism about Japanese guns, thinking they'd somehow tech their way above everyone else when no, they just made shitty stamped steel like everyone else.
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Look up Dasan.  Look up what they make.
Legitimately all they specialize in is making Korean clones of anything else on the market.  They're literally just Korean Norinco.

And ironically enough, the only cool Far East firearms development lately has legitimately come out of China, with the new QBZ191 rifle being an actual marriage of AR and AK.  With actual improvements to the AR15 and AR18 design employed into a legitimately neat lil' rifle.
Still in the shitty 5.8 chink meme round though.
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I've not, I even missed out on a whole day of Genshin dailies so...  you?  Progressed any further?

Is he even still around?  I feel like we conveniently stopped hearing about anything Turkey related.
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I progressed a bit more in the main story, yeah. Got to the part where you meet both lolis.

Pretty sure he is. They don't want us to know that Turkey is the real next superpower.
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I guess I SHOULD get up the the part where my new green loli actually has lore.
What do you spend the stamina on?  I don't think I've gotten to that yet.  Is there domains, and shit like Genshin/Star Rail?

Sometimes I do wish I had a crystal ball to fast forward like 200 years and find out who won.
Or just live long enough to see who the "next super power" really ends up being.
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There's a military dude you can talk to in town to do the equivalent of the basic domains that get you like, character and weapon level up items. And then other than that, yeah, pretty much just this game's equivalent of domains and boss fights. 

I think it probably will be China at this point. If not them Russia. I don't think the BRICS alliance will really last after America is out of the picture.

Speaking of though, did you see the entire media apparatus freaking out over Xi and Putin hugging?
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Ah, I'll have to go check those out.

There is legitimately no path forward for Russia to be any kind of power at this point...  like not even siding with the Reddit Ukraine crowd, just kind of recognizing what the Ukraine debacle has spelled out in terms of Russia's actual capability of anything.  The domestic production thing was a lie, what ended up happening is they're still buying everything from their old suppliers, just under new names to hide the embargo.  Their demographic decline is irreparable.  Even if they win the Ukraine conflict, they will be drowning in debt for the next two hundred years.  Their internal politics in still horrendously corrupt, and only getting worse.  Russia has knowingly and willingly stuck it's foot in a bear trap, and they're never getting out.  Super power?  No...
China?  Maybe.  Still have the same issue that no one seemingly wants to refute in that taking first place is actually economic suicide for them.  As of right now their entire economy still depends on the world, and mostly the West, being dependent on Chinese plastic.  When you're top dog, you kinda have to enforce rule by way of gun, which America does well.  China literally can't afford to lose business clients, their way of life depends on being No. 2.
India...  do I really need to say anything there?
Even then, all that said, with the demo decline happening in literally every country on the planet, it'll be interesting to see how weird the world is when it goes back to only being like a mere 7 billion in 2100.

I did not.  Was it as awkward as it sounds?

Have these.;&#95;&#95;mugi0/media
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Why do Poos refuse to build and maintain even basic infrastructure, for anything?
They will literally manufacture contact lenses with their bare feet after walking a mile through literal sewage- they'll construct entire trucks out of pot metal, and acetylene torches, in an empty clay lot, wearing little more than a loin cloth, than erect even basic utilities.
But like I really gotta wonder- why?
Man, it's fucking wild (and nasty) to see the conditions of the generic drugs manufactured there. Like they're literally herded in like cattle to the pill plant and forcefully bathed and sanitized just to be in the factory to begin with. It was the fucking strangest thing. I guess it's the closest you can find to forcing the injuns to mass with how it's just animals in pants so plainly laid out.
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No...  I think that there are worse fates out there.  I think that the analogies made to the US and Rome may end up being more akin to each other than anyone wants, and I think that for a third time in history "super power" may outright cease to be a thing, and we go back to a world of constantly warring, feudal states, and mini self proclaimed empires for a time.

He looks less uncomfortable and more surprised like "God damn it, he's already made the physical motion to, and the cameras are on, so I HAVE to..." lol

I thought maybe you'd like at least one of em.
The coming death of America will be more akin to the fall of Rome: no poles will exist for things to align to, it'll simply collapse.
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Its pretty funny. And even funnier was the western media absolutely pissing their pants over how this hug is a threat to the American Empire.

There were some pretty hot videos in the first two, but they're not a single girl.
I've seen the third one before.
Fourth is hot.

Have another real life Bocchi.;maou/status/1794838922184257978
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Yeah, but the world over...

Which Western media?  The Chinese owned one?  The Russian owned one?  The leftoid owned one?  The NeoCon one?  Yeah, no shit they'd all piss themselves over it.  Must have been a slow news cycle day, Hunter wasn't buying hookers, blow, and midnight specials.


Oh fuck, she's just the right kinda chubby.
She needs to stop using so much filter though, her moon face is actually cute.
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The current American ruled world is better off ending.

The latter two, obviously.

Yeah, maybe this is just the yellow fever speaking, but most of these girls would be cuter without the filters.
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Well...  yes, but no, but yes.  It's difficult man.  Why can't we just fix the retarded Boomer through Zoomer problem, and move on?  Shit blows.

I mean actually which one, 'cause you are aware that there's like actually a significant portion of Western media that is actually Chinese State owned, right?  Like it's fucking wild when actual CCP state propaganda makes it's way into ARIZONA newspapers, I have to shake my head and hope no one actually reads it seriously.

Same.  I actually legit do like some of the moon faces, they cute.
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Depends on the content of the article, and how this "threat to the west" thing is framed.  But I could see it happening, yeah.  Regardless, I haven't actually read the articles, and don't care to, because from your description alone it sounds like intentional inflammatory bait regardless who it's from.

Now find her and ask her out.  :3
It's funny how when America falls, it'll just be carrion for the third worlders who existed entirely off our gibs, commerce, and projection of force. It'll be some attempt of vultures to take parts of what they're incapable of understanding as their homes sink further and further into squalor, famine, and pestilence. Populations are kept artificially sustained right now by our generosity. Imagine the world where all the tribals can only regress back to their savagery as they pile corpse upon corpse as an offering to the ancestral gods who ignore their pleas.
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It essentially is! Getting rid of the boomers and every generation after would basically mean going back to the time before the boomers were born, and then the boomers would be born again and proceed to screw over every future generation again.

They hate everything.

I don't wanna be a stalker...
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What the fuck- that's not what that means at all???  Now I feel like you're just projecting what you wanted it to mean, you just filled in the blanks with your own boogeyman.
Hell I almost would have agreed with you calling me a progressive if you had stretched the "move on" bit to mean "move forward", but you didn't even go for that.
I never said "let's go back to the Greatest Generation, and jerk off to ancestor worship like actual Chud fags that bought into 1950's propaganda advertisements" I said let's do away with the RETARDED portions of the Boomer to Zoomer demo, and course correct.
And now that includes you!


Just get in her twitter DMs
Just be like こにちは、僕はアメリカ人。それに貴方は丸顔はもっとかわいいですよ! 僕は好きやつくてください。Full send.
What could go wrong?
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Maybe I am just filling in for my own boogeyman, but like over 90% of the boomer to zoomer demo are retards who still believe in shit like democracy or women's rights. Are you saying we get rid of all of them? Would that not simply lead to an even worse population collapse than the one you say is going to hit Russia, which we couldn't possibly move on from?
Also, I was not calling you a progressive, I was calling you a liberal. Despite how most people on the right these days use these terms interchangeably, they do actually mean different things.
Also, I do actually believe we need to move forward. The irony with progressives is that they essentially believe the opposite of what their name implies, as they want to tear down every single social norm, and social norms are something we gained over time by progressing as a society and figuring out what worked to keep said society together.


I mean, I guess realistically the worst, and also most likely option, is I get ghosted...
Close enough.
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Well, "fix" the problem doesn't have to mean "get rid of" but since they're keen on dying off anyway...
I didn't conflate the two terms either, I even said I'd have conceded to the point if you'd made the argument differently.
Ah, Weeb is in his "Classical Liberal" phase, I see, I see~  :3

Yeah yeah.

More than likely you'd earn yourself the fastest Twitter block you've ever seen.
And part of the joke has to be that it's in broken Japanese so "close enough" fits the bill.

It's breakfast time.
Talk to ya more tomorrow night.
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I don't see how you can say I'm in my classical liberal phase when in this very discussion I said that liberalism will always lead to our current situation.
I went through that phase like 3 years ago or so. 

Good luck staying awake.
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Huh- so just these last five minutes I've found out that some liquorice is "fake", in that it's made with star anise oil, which causes the bitter taste, and numbing effect that I hate about "liquroice".
I'm now under the assumption I've never actually had real liquorice, and probably can't actually speak to if it's good or bad.
I've heard of conservatism, but Mot are you ACTUALLY satisfied with this status quo?
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Oh yeah forgot about that. Star anise is suppose to be similar enough to it though, but who knows. You'll just have to go find some authentic liquorice now. Get some of that salty kind. Ask Hu or SD to send you some.
No, it will just have to do however.

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I used to listen to some, I particularly liked Gee by Girls Generation, back when lots of internet nerds were obsessed with it.
There's a song by Lim Kim called Awoo I think you'd get a kick out of it.
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Yes, star anise is similar in taste, but in some people it tastes bitter, and causes temporary numbness when used in candy, like liquorice.  I honestly have to tone back on star anise when certain recipes, especially Chinese ones, call for it.  Like I really like red braised pork and fish, but it calls heavily for star anise for the actual glaze, and the flavor can sometimes be overpowering, and yuck.
Hu or SD probably would, too.
Why are you the way that you are?
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Sounds like a genetic defect. I bet you think cilantro tastes like soap too. It must suck to suck.
Probably not worth the shipping expense though. I'm sure you can find some locally. Just go to Sprouts or Natural Grocers or some shit.
A question only God might be able to answer.
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Well I've got plenty of those, so that tracks.  Cilantro tastes nice, I put that in quite a bit.
Oh I just won't, because I'm not big on candy anyway.
Will there be time to ask Him, I wonder...
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Can't believe some poor bastards be out there eatin' Irish Spring.
What do you mean?
Kill yourself.
It was a day of food and beer, so it was good, but boring.  Yours?

That's the one.
There's another Kpop song I used to really like a lot, and ofc now I can't remember the name or the group.
The more I look back, the music was only ever okay, I was just in it for the really cute/hot Korean girls.

I see, and that somehow brought up kpop?
If they won't sleep with Korean men, how does anyone else have a chance?
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I don't see why not. As long as there isn't a secret beak at the end of the tunnel.
What if you find a qt3.14 girl who checks most of your boxes but hates the smell of cilantro? Might even just hate cilantro all together.
It's a shame God allows your continuous existence, but He makes the rules.

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It took me a moment to get what you meant.  Wasn't there some movie with that as a concept?  And I don't just mean vagina denta, like actual full on octopus like beak that just snipped it off.
What if your cock and balls just fell off tomorrow, and you had to repeat the last five years of school all over again?  Has about the same probability.
Kinda provides evidence He just doesn't care.
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Not that I have heard of, wouldn't doubt its existence though. Sounds like a B type horror movie.
So you would just kill yourself? Cause that's what I would be doing in that case.
He does, you just need to open up your eyes. :) Also realized that statement was about the liquorice thing so forget what I said.
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B ha, that's generous.
Mot you wake up tomorrow and it's January 1, 2018.  What do you do?
It was a bit of a floating statement, ambiguous enough to apply to basically all three last lines of response.
But we'll go with that.
Plans for the evening?
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I still can't wrap my head around how or why they allowed this to happen.  Like it doesn't make sense.  The corruption and ineptitude is reaching Chinese Communist comical levels of bad.

Kill yourself.
What game?

The Lord tried to call him home from bed, damn.
You alright?
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One was a sixty year old oak. Cut everything off the roof in chunks and tossed it. Just straight up smothered shit with tar patch after cutting above the roofline. Fell off a ladder, bruised my hip, fell off a roof, (probably) bruised a rib. Everything's solid until the whole roof gets redone and homeowner's means I'll be out basically nothing.
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We're gonna have to start tying you to the roof. Well at least the insurance will take care of it.

Pretty sure that was meant for you and your x post.
Maybe you could be if you got off twitter and stopped messing with LLMs all day.

I just worked. It really shouldn't have been two years, technically only three semesters worth, but it happened.
That it is, and it's good at it from what I can tell.
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Can you ask Iara what the fuck you're supposed to use Manzano peppers for? Ended up with a fuckload of them and no idea outside of "just like a kind of fruity tasting serrano". They're from the Andes.

I wasn't drunk by then since I just stayed awake and sobered up over the 36+ hours awake. I was being a redneck and working with tar shirtless and smoking perpetually to not stress myself out too much after sitting in the pitch black and hearing giant ass limbs go into the roof. 

Pretty sure my aversion of death at this point means I'd just have everything miss me atop the roof in a fucking tornado.
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Like four and then had to meet with some people and helped out a few neighbors: one is a centennial and the other was a mentally retarded spic who gave me said Manzano peppers and chayote(?) squash as a thanks for just cutting up a tree to clear her driveway and fixing the gate.
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My life is a constant trials of Job. 
They were almost too good to waste in a salsa. Ate one fresh to test the spice levels and she seemed like that was weird.

Just ask her whenever. They're not even wilted stalks so I have a few days. Presumably something I can can with them. 

What's that supposed to mean? Brown average IQ is below a SD low for whites. As a child, I got tested and would be MENSA if I wasn't consumed by cynicism.
Old lady is nice. I mow her yard and whatnot and tell her to not pay me because after doing that a few times, she just gave me a few dozen silver dollars from the 19th century and said her kids would just sell them. That was a few years back.
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Log off forever. Delete your account. Make a python program to do it for you.
Sleep well.

Still have to get some things figured out. I also need to go over some stuff or I'm going to bomb any interviews left and right. 
Should try to make some programs too. Yet so far I just default to vidya now that my torture is finally over, but it's only been a couple of weeks so far.

Who the fuck decided Job should be pronounced like Jobe anyways?
I don't see why salsa would be a waste. You just need to use like one or two.
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Short o job is newer of a word than long o Job. 
Flavor of peppers as a whole doesn't come through much in salsas, as in traditional peppers, tomatoes, onion types. 

It will sound like bullshit but 146. Out of the people in my GT class throughout elementary school, I'm the only one without a PhD or a conviction. 
She's given me more shit over the years but it's that level of "neat" old stuff I would have zero reason to sell anyways, like old razor collections of her husband, watches, and French lighters.
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So why DIDN'T you continue to make anything out of it?  Comfortable in your lane as is eh?
Might as well throw my name in one more honeypot no?  I don't get enough spam calls as is, might as well.

Always an excuse with you.
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If you want me to not to give a blase, bullshit answer, I hated expectations being put upon me and the only person to ever understand it was my gift to squander was my grandfather who completely taught himself engineering after dropping out of school barely double digits in age.
Slightly related to previous point, the only person who didn't show up was in federal prison. 

Yeah, Texas "cowboy" is less tomato and more just large chunk peppers and onions. It's liquid but not that part. The tomatoes aren't crushed either but like just chopped and everything, juice included, added.
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I just try my best to contain my misanthropy and cynicism. 
I still have his hand drawn schematics of a variety of things he wanted to attempt to build that I can't bring myself to attempt. Every time I visit him, I just have a smoke and a drink and tell him I haven't forgotten.

OH. I'm not. I don't ever put corn in salsas.
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No, you don't.  And even if you did, why would you?
Why not?  Don't tell me there's some lame sentimental reason you haven't built it, and just say it's too expensive, or you don't trust sending the plans off to some cut and send shop that will absolutely steal them.
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Part of me wanted to see if it'd catch the interested of anyone other than CP spam.
So far...  just CP spam.

That kid you're totally going to have.
Tell me Tsuchi, what hunting grounds are left of the Aryan trad wife?
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I mentioned the nonzero chances to you, I think. Best to never involve myself.
My particular views lead to the worst outcomes to that and I have to stop myself from thinking up my own plans to burn myself into this world.
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Corn deities don't exist, they can't hurt you.
Just make stuffed peppers out of them. You get the flavor of the pepper plus more that way. Or send some my way.

Should just start making these threads on /b/ again at that point.
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Yeah, but brown shitskins south of the border believe in them with the rest of their retarded pantheon. 
If I don't get Chain's gf to respond, I'll probably just ferment them like I do with everything I don't know what to do with.
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All of my chances are with retarded brown people so probably. 
Oh, it's going to happen. Especially considering the judge utterly fucking jury instructions where it's almost impossible to not convict.

They're a variant from the South American Andes. Just wanted to know what a brown person from the peppers' home area would do with them. Simply just to try something new.
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Even the pony threads are still a thing.  On /trash/ at least.

What about the not retarded yellows?
Are there no white people left in Texas?  have they officially died off, or been replaced?
I realize half the "white" people in DFT are so steeped in negroid culture they may as well be purple, but goddamn, how can there be NOTHING there?
It's great isn't it?  Ah man, I genuinely want to see it.  If only because that little part of me does subscribe to the notion that going to jail will only actually make him more popular.  Plus someone's going to have to figure out how the SS is supposed to accompany him to Rikers (that part won't actually happen, but can you imagine?)
Damn this song started out really strong, and went way too heavy on bad synth behind the beat.
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If there is, they already shat out 4 kids in the trailer park by a guy with no teeth by the age of 25.
I can only hope it leads to [redacted] politicians regardless.
It's better in the album. Try the whole album and just let it long play. It just had the funniest tracklist.
I'm 2/3 of a bottle in since starting to post.
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Then what else are we going to do with the billion dead cannibal shitskins south of the border and that have infested our once great nation?

My love of rye comes from grandfather who used to sing Tex Ritter's Rye Whiskey at random.
"If the ocean was whiskey and I was a duck, I'd dive to the bottom and never come up."
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Can't believe Americans get a chance to vote for an actual criminal.
Welcome to the club, burgerbros
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Støjberg got impeached, voted unfit to be part of the folketing, and ended up with a prison sentence. She was voted guilty in illegally rejecting refugees and taking their properties. 
Shortly after she got out of prison, we had an election. She ended up getting the third most amount of votes during the election, despite not even being one of the voting options in the capital, and immediately soared right back in where she was voted "unfit" by all her colleagues.

I survived my two flights on Boeing aircrafts

It'll be amazing if he does.
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I think what really did it, was actually the separation of young couples. Cause you know how men in the middle-east, have underraged wives.
Although she was literally Hitler when she was taking the refugees jewellery.

Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if the trial and judgement of Trump would actually have an adverse effect
> child brides bad
> except when it's the middle east, it's just part of their culture :)
They probably stole it anyways.

Yeah guess we'll see what happens.
Can you even look at porn 24/7 in prison?
Or would he just have to settle for Tyrone al Hayid
Why do the two main girls in the new MonHun trailer look like California hipsters?
They all look so fucking off, especially the mystery meat ones but the girl with glasses at the start just looks like she's not even from the same era.
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It's the weird hoodie armor.
I was not impressed by the trailer. The GREATsword had like no hitstop on the big hits, felt like the monsters were made of water. If it didn't have monster hunter in the title I wouldn't even care.
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No idea what it's from, just thought the screenshot was funny.

They're reverse engineering the multiplayer servers. I think you could connect on a real wii if you wanted.
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I'm busy!

Akiba's Trip 2. You're an oktaku who gets turned into a vampire-like being by a cute vampire-like being girl. Lucky you! Also that girl is your sister.
Oh and you defeat the other vampire-light beings by stripping them of their clothes. It bought it when it was new on the PSVita.
I meant the girl in your screenshot is the sister. Or as some would call it, imouto. Not the one that turns you into whatever it is. I don't think you had to suck in blood so only vampire quality there was is the sensitivity to sunlight.
I know more javascript than I'd like to know, but I'm trying to just grab some info from a website without having to write it down myself so it's coming in handy at least.
Web devs can make a surprising amount of money for a website that is broken half the time since they duct tape shit together.
Alternatively, you can just kill all the brown people and resource scarcity goes down since it's not all artificially inflated to supported infinite shitskins and politics don't matter when it's just white people left.
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Hello. Streaming Clerks tomorrow.
June 1st
At 9 and 20:00 UTC:
- 5am and 4pm EDT
- 11:00 and 22:00 CEST
- 7pm on the 1st and 6am on the 2nd AEST
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There's no such thing as a good furry. Would you trust a nigger if someone said "but he isn't a crackhead on EBT"? No, he's still genetically predisposed to violence with a 60 something IQ.

Does that mean just bringing a Dan Wesson and shooting all the trannies that show up?
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Can't believe Mot's getting out of New Dehli.

Got that Biden brain.

> All of Myth & Roid's songs are bad.
Some are okay in context but the Tanya one is just genuinely unlistenable. I haven't really watched anything in years so I don't know how much worse they've gotten.
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Goddamn it Weebathan.
Draw at all?
Tell me something, did most of Asia visit Vegas lately?  Again...?
Why are all the weeb trash mobages making Vegas/gambling/bunny suit themed shit rn?
> Why are all the weeb trash mobages making Vegas/gambling/bunny suit themed shit rn?
Sphere marketing shit is fucking everywhere here so I wonder if it's even being shilled by the tourism board over there.
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C'mon man!
So Biden is DQ'd in two states, and Trump will be in Rikers for the RNC- who tf is even going to run this November?

Well what'll ya do for the weekend?
Wanna play video games?

Probably.  Honestly I want to go to Vegas but from friends that have gone I'm hearing that it IS very crowded with foreigners right now, and scummier/trashier than usual.
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I still have to work the next two days.
Do you mean Helldivers? Been a bit since I did. Could probably do a couple rounds so I can pretend everything I'm shooting are customers.
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It's finally time.

I know someone who lives there and apparently it's just the whole "post-COVID" era of it being a fucking human dumpster where it's just BRIC shitters everywhere.

UTD and UTA literally smelt like curry and BO in any space people were. To the point no one would be around and the smell just lingered. It was nasty.
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I mean, I'm not watching that much each season anymore either, but feels like I haven't seen a new OP from them in a good while either, Seems like they were probably a fad that fell off. 
I hope that happens to Yoasobi soon.
Yeah I started working on a new pic, I'll send it to ya when its finished. Ended up deciding the best method was to just do it on my bed laying down.
I know NIKKE is doing another bunny event, but what other games are? Wait, now that you mention it, I do remember seeing that PriConne is also doing something along those lines.
No idea why all at once, but after the buns saved BA every other game has realized such an event is a huge money maker.
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RIP.  Have they been extra shitty this week?
I think that remains to be the only game we have in common still.  But I'm down if you want.

We're hosed.

Think I can find my Chinese wife?

NEW pic eh?  Where's Furina!?  Ah, that's definitely not ideal, but I do hope it works for you.
Have you bychance made a uh...  "clean" twitter you can post em on, if ya want?
> what other games
Honkai is still hot on the Penacony arc, which is now just playing cards and Vegas themes.
Go look up Azur Lane right now, specifically Cheshire's latest costume.
It was so lewd that Twitter took it down, and they had to put up edited versions of it.
Oh, and did you see that the NIKKE bunny girls are literally wearing vibrators?
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I told you before I was going to work on a different pic first before finishing it.
Not yet but I plan to.
Post the Cheshire.
No, I did not see the part about them wearing vibrators...
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You for the Chinx.

Is it just my imagination and lack of connection to the country but does all jrock and jpop sound absolutely abysmal now? It's worse than western "it all sounds the same" slop in terms of just how indistinguishable anything is from other "top" hits. 

Greg Abbott constantly shills for street shitters and how we need to import millions of them to "grow the economy".
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I'm white!  I'm white enough!  I am!

> I can already know that all the porn of this character will have visible pubes in the clear part of the outfit.
Oh God please yes.
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Sorry, Latinx, you're going back.

Like 90% of any decent Scathach always seemed to have it.

I don't mean worse music, I just mean it's worse about uniformity than western shit. It's all garbage slop regardless. Japanese electronic music and more experimental rock used to be tastemakers and now just sound like the same five songs over and over.
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Tsuchi, I'm kinda scared.  I might actually be too far gone.  A lot of the smol Hispanic girls around here are actually starting to look really cute and hot.

Watch this and behold the horror.

The mouse is p-cute, and smol.  But I'd nap with the tanuki.
Got anything new ya wanna talk about?
Any hot take on your felon president?
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He doesn't just button broach it by hand, with a hammer- HE MAKES THE BROACH WITH AN ANGLE GRINDER AND A HARDENED STEEL FILE
HE JUST EYEBALLS THE TWIST HE PUTS IN IT LIKE "yeah, looks good, that's what they look like right?"
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I like the shortstacks.
Not really, just playin' the new Im@s.
Uh- I think its kinda funny that of all the things they tried to get him with, this is the one that stuck. Although, its obviously because its the only one that actually made it to trial, and the jury were a bunch of New Yorkers who were obviously going to convict him no matter how flimsy the evidence.
I did get a call from mama saying the news made her day.
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> your state
> Gregg Abbott

It's really not that bad compared to like working at Walmart. I just hate dealing with people and sometimes we get some weird ones. Oh and the possibility of getting a felony just like that.
I don't see.
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For me the tanuki is short, and stacked.  :3
Are ya havin' fun?  Play anymore WW?
Eh, the evidence in this case legit didn't matter.  Did you see the jury instructions?  Or what the prosecution was allowed to say in closing?  There was legitimately no way he WASN'T going to be convicted on this one.  They just wanted to convict him, plain and simple.  It's hilarious.  I'm in a family of cops, lawyers, and legal adjacent people, and every single one of them actually can't believe this happened.  it's great.
LMAO!  Oh momma...

Tsk tsk tsk, sellin' to minors AGAIN Mot?
Oh, get some glasses.  And not the liquor kind.

Apparently he's making an airgun.  Might be the only thing legal for him to make.
But hot damn.  It's amazing to watch them get the theory basically perfect, but be absolutely devoid of any and all philosophy on the whole process.
Like- they're amazing at basically parrot style mimicking all the necessary steps, but just outright skipping all the necessary engineering as to WHY all of it is important, and how to make it actually work.
It looks correct, but it won't function.
Know what I mean?
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This is literally Chinese manufacturing processes: they ape the superficial and not understand the why for a lot of the steps involved. They don't understand the rifling isn't just to make shit spin but spin at a specific interval for stability.
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Yeah, any non-Amazoness will be short to you! How tall is the tanuki anyway?
Yeah, I am! I've been keeping up with dailies and got a bit farther in the story, yeah.
Yeah, thats what I was saying, there was no way he would not be convicted as long as it made it to trial. That said, no I did not see the jury instructions or what the prosecution was allowed to say in the closing.
I just didn't say anything and let her have this one.
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Did you catch a glimpse of his fucking nails?
Holy shit.
And, like every other Pajeet/Flip, he's doing it in shorts and sandals, while literally squatting.  Replete with a vice mounted to the floor.
My money would be on losing toes first.

It's fascinating.
I'm seeing a lot of these similar mistakes crop up in the 3D Print world too.
People are designing parts that they see, and understand a little bit of the concept on design, but they're still designing them like as if they were going to be injection moulded.  So the machine is making useless extra moves, with useless extra plastic, and geometry, and is actually making 3D printed parts less efficient to manufacture, and even less structurally sound.
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> How tall is the tanuki anyway?
162 cm, or roughly 5'3"
Kaede is 142 cm, or roughly 4'7" :)
I need to play it...  that way we can actually do co-op stuff and I'll actually have leveled characters.
Poor momma- no one will tell her she's crazy 'cause she's still the meal ticket.
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Yeah the tanuki is still short even to me.
You also don't unlock co-op until fuckin' level 22! Did you ever play anymore since we last talked? 
Haha- well, also because other than me most of the family agrees with her.
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I believe Hasumi is the tallest funny enough, at 180cm (5'11").  So I'm still a full head and some taller than the birb, so I'm happy.
Nope, I have not.  So if the level 22 thing is true (Genshin has a similar req) then I really need to.
Oh, right, I forget your family structure.  Man that would feel so alien.  I'm the fucking black sheep in my family, and it's because I'm not a literal Trump boot-licking card carrying Republican.

Two reasons-
One, they like squatting unironically.
Two, they can't build a bench sturdy enough to mount one too, and you know it to be true.
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I've used one a family member made entirely out of wood and I just made sure to douse it with water if anything is going to spark. It took full swings of sledges for most of an afternoon for something I'm going to leave unsaid because it was fucking retarded. 

Oh nice. Opened.
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Yeah, she probably is. Same height as me...
I'm at level 30 so I can confirm it is.
Mama was already embarrassed that her son turned out to just be a pretty run of the mill Republican, and now I've moved so far right that the Republicans are leftists by my standard.
The cat shitting was always my favorite scene. It has zero reason to be in the film. 10/10
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Eh. I mean, if it was the birb, sure.
Gotta play to get your elf mommy!
is kinda weird interacting with people now when their political opinions come up in conversation after having little social interaction for years during which time I was radicalized.
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...put the elf feets away.
She might, leaks of her supposedly popped up already.  As have leaks of Himeko.
Ah, yeah that's true.  So tell me, what kinda politics do your fellow foreigners got?
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I've met multiple huge lefties, unsurprisingly. Other than that, I've met a "moderate" and I've already told you about some of the things my Chinese classmate had to say about politics. Or I forget if I mentioned his takes on American politics.
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Ah, well post 'em when you do.
Oh. Said he thinks Trump should win, that California is a shithole and he wonders why all the people fleeing their will continue to vote dem, but on the other hand he said America was not doing enough to help Ukraine.
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Been to Cali before apparently.
Which, I do think its funny that every non-American born Asian I know who visited Commiefornia has basically had the same reaction.
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With foreigners there's also a disillusionment aspect, based on movies and stuff they think California, especially SF and LA, is some American paradise, and then they get there and there's shit on the streets everywhere you go and homeless encampments as far as the eye can see.

Also kinda like how all the Ukrainian refugees who got sent to NYC now want to go home, because living in NYC is worse than a literal warzone.
The grossest shit about feet of any nonwhite is the line between the sole of their feet/palm of their hand and the rest. I don't know why but it just triggers such a visceral disgust.

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