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It's getting a little annoying actually, I was playing WW yesterday, and again the UI in some ways is so identical that I swear Kuro and HoYo really are the same company behind the scenes.
...that or Chinese software development suffers the same problem as development of everything else in China.

Do you know why things from China actually look like they all come out of the same factory?
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That's a very funny observation of you, but let's digress-
When you go to have a product made in China, and lets say you approach a design manufacturer there with your proposed part, they'll sit down with you and literally pull up giant lists of all the companies in like- Shenzhen, and say "okay, this company makes the rubber buttons that are kinda similar to what you want, this company makes the aluminum housings, this company makes the tempered glass, this company makes the ABS plastic clasps, this company makes the rubber... etc... etc... etc...
Basically what they do is look you dead in the eye and ask you to alter your product so that they can sub-contract out to about 50+ companies that churn out a fairly uniform part, that they can then cobble together into your desired product.
Sure, you can custom order things to look different, but that's really expensive, and usually one of those Shenzhen/Qingdao/Shanghai manufacturing hub companies will only have tooling or dies to make like one, or a handful of variations that you can order.
So you end up in this scenario where finished products LOOK like they all came out of the same factory in China, but in fact they all came from like 1,000 different factories, that just all pump uniform parts by the metric ton.
Americans aren't really used to this style of manufacturing, because it used to be that most things were made in house, and hand fit, or a company would actually demand that you order something in excess of X-thousand, or x-million parts to justify them buying or making all the tooling to make your highly specific special snowflake part.

Those contracts aren't as juicy as they sound btw, there's nothing worse than someone contracting your little no name shop for a special snowflake one-off, it's incredibly expensive for YOUR shop to make, you usually lose profit on that.
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So to some extent I wonder how possible it is to just...  order pre-made assets to slap together into a game.

I know that every game engine basically does this already, they come pre-packaged with a ton of built in assets that you can use, but I'm starting to wonder if there isn't just bigger, and bigger, expansions to these.
Like if there isn't totally just a way to keep ordering pre-made asset packs, and keep tacking them on, and occasionally higher an artist and a code monkey to slightly edit the masks, and tweet the AI a bit...
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> AI
I meant to type UI, but AI actually works, too.

MiHoYo actually bragged about using AI to generate assets and character outfit concepts.
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> Pajeets and Poos are making my coomer weeb addiction game models that are just having the textures edited by underpaid Chinamen
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Huh, yeah I knew nothing about that.
Wasps don't even make honey!
I get your point, but are there any other chink games where even the UI is this much of a rip off of Mihoyo's?
I really do think the main factor here is simply that Kuro has a large amount of former Mihoyo staff, and WW is them trying make their Genshin.
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It was pretty wild when I learned about it, everything suddenly made a lot of sense.
The more I learn about the ways China actually works, the more interesting it all becomes.  There's A LOT wrong with China, but there's also a lot that's really very interesting and efficient economy wise.
If there were a way to eliminate the low trust aspect, and the authoritarian state hanging over their head, China is arguably more capitalist than even the U.S.

I don't know...  I haven't played enough of them to know.
That plays into it for sure.  There's genuinely so much of WW that is basically one to one copied from Honkai Impact that it feels like I'm right back at home, in Honkai.  It's great.  It's like if someone just made Honkai open world like Genshin.  ...which MiHoYo promised they'd do this year.
I do love it though.

I lost the image I was going to make the new thread with, brb while I find it again.

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