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Filtered is shameful if you ask me. A somewhat significant amount goes to waste, and all it really does, is make it look somewhat cleaner. Worst part is, what's also removed contains various B vitamins and also C, so it's not even bad for you. It just doesn't look pretty.

Sounds like draught ales. Not too big a fan of that style. The taste is pretty good on its own, but the whole thing combined just makes the beer taste..... well, dry.
Dark beer does taste great though. Even more so if the dark malt is added late in the mashing process, or removed earlier. It allows the beer to get most of the flavour and sweetness of the darker malts, without making it taste "burnt".

Dark lagers, like the ones I think you described, often don't taste burnt however. At least none of the ones I've had, did. Usually it's just porters that has that.

Only one game. Can't say I liked it. Although I only succeeded during the introduction mission, then failed the second quest I got due to time constraints
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No, I got hung up in other things.
Maybe I'll just put aside all of today to play WW, unless I get pulled off for anime and the like.
What games did you guys play today?
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No, would need to be at least 50% off.
Although I did hear there's a mod to remove the woke stuff now, but I doubt it rewrites the entire third act, which is what would truly be required to accomplish that.
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I still have a ton to go, I still haven't gotten around to daily grinding.  I still have no idea what the fuck is even going on in the game, or really narrowed down WHAT to do to advance at all.
And I'm poor as fuck in terms of just about every resource or material.  It's time for some SERIOUS GRIND.
Haven't heard of the last two at all.  Did ya win at 'jong?

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I just grinded out the level up materials at first, then moved on to the ascension materials. 
Avalon was fun, Murder in Hong Kong was kinda meh.
I got bodied in the first two games, but won the third one.
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That's sooo meeech...  this is one of the reasons I HATE these types of games now.  There's TOO MUCH to do...
Yeah, board games be like that.  Is this like a weekly thing you guys will do now?
Nice, Mahjong forever proving it's all luck.

How would I know, I've never played it, I just know from memes that it attracts the worst.
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Yeah, I did consider starting over as one. Will if I ever play it again.
Yeah, it is, same.
Maybe. I did get invited to play some again next week by one of the guys I met, but she won't be going because she has work :(
Well, a lot of it is luck, yeah. But also I'm sure just getting used to actually playing it in person and not online, which brings a lot of QoL aspects with it, helped too.

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