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We've known since D1 the origins of the Fallen and the Hive. We learned the origins of the Cabal in the first few parts of D2. Did any of the latest actually reveal what the Vex truly are and how the timey wimey bullshit works or how it relates to Darkness?

The actual universe itself was the cool part of D1 to me. It was threadbare until the Dark Below with how much was cut or scrapped but got interesting when they started giving a little bit of answers. D2's constant use of OC DONUT STEEL tier characters just made it all the worse. The answers given starting in Rise of Iron all got stupid quick. In D1, all the random Fallen houses you only encountered in very limited areas (like the Kings only being at the one door that House of Wolves would open) and limited info from finding the random Ghosts was kind of annoying but neat to track down. D2 just kills them all and says "here's the good ones and here's the bad ones". There's still not an answer of how the fuck Shin Malphur became a Guardian without dying or never dying since. That's a neat mystery but it's always just about the literal faggot Osiris and Saint.

Yeah, before I quit I basically just stuck around for the gameplay and frequented the Strike playlist, same as D1. I always wanted a Fiesta type Strike were it was always just random modifiers instead of just retarded burn ones where it was just only use that element. 

Sparrow Racing was pretty fun back in D1, too. Kind of hated how the racing suit couldn't be Light adjusted to meta levels.

I get them cutting down on some activities due to queuing times getting absurdly large for them (like the shitty dungeon idea in the Moon D2 DLC) but the seasonal shit was always just the same thing as normal gameplay, just with more retarded grind. The Guardian Games has been going forever and it always sucked. The Halloween one was just goofy and fun because it just was a funny mask for a while and you could do anything for the event.

All of the "D1 raids in D2" sucked, too.

I went to a few bars around it and it was full of "trying so hard to look manly that they just look like a faggot instead". The women were all fake blondes with those shitty hats.

The first two major raids (VoG and Oryx, fuck you Crota's End you suck and are barely longer than two strikes) always had so much little things to fuck around and find that it took a little bit to get all the secrets and fun out of them. All of the D2 raids are meant for the mentally retarded to complete without wipes and nothing particularly rewarding for repeating.

Domain wall motion refers to the movement of the boundary (or "domain wall") between two regions (domains) in a material where the alignment of a certain property—typically the magnetization or electric polarization—differs. This concept is particularly important in ferromagnetic, ferroelectric, and multiferroic materials, where regions of differing magnetization or polarization are separated by domain walls. 

Here’s a more detailed breakdown:

### 1. Magnetic Domain Wall Motion
In a ferromagnetic material, the magnetization within each domain points in a uniform direction, but this direction can vary from one domain to another. The domain wall is the transition region between two such domains. Domain wall motion in this context refers to the movement of this boundary when an external magnetic field is applied. This motion occurs as the domains aligned with the applied magnetic field expand at the expense of oppositely aligned domains, reducing the system's magnetic energy.

There are two primary types of magnetic domain walls:
   - Bloch walls: Where the magnetization rotates within the plane of the wall.
   - Néel walls: Where the magnetization rotates perpendicular to the plane of the wall.

### 2. Electric Domain Wall Motion
In ferroelectric materials, domain walls separate regions with different orientations of electric polarization. An applied electric field can cause electric domain wall motion, where domains aligned with the external field grow at the expense of others, changing the material's overall polarization.

### 3. Factors Affecting Domain Wall Motion
- External fields: Magnetic fields drive magnetic domain walls, while electric fields drive ferroelectric domain walls.
- Defects and pinning: Imperfections in the material, such as impurities or dislocations, can pin domain walls, making their motion more difficult or requiring a stronger external field.
- Temperature: Increasing temperature can provide the energy needed to help overcome pinning effects and facilitate easier motion.

### 4. Applications
Understanding and controlling domain wall motion is crucial for various technological applications, including:
   - Magnetic storage devices: Domain wall motion is a key mechanism in modern memory technologies like racetrack memory, where data is stored in magnetic domains and read/written by moving domain walls.
   - Ferroelectric memory: Domain wall motion is also important in ferroelectric random-access memory (FeRAM).
   - Spintronics: Domain wall motion plays a role in devices that utilize the electron’s spin, which could lead to more energy-efficient technologies.

In essence, domain wall motion is the dynamic process that controls how different regions of material respond to external stimuli, and it plays a critical role in both fundamental physics and emerging technologies.

t. ChatGPT

There's been like single digit instances of someone I was in any form involved given unfettered access to any computer with the ability to find my smut folder (it's just the download folder and never sorted and just endlessly sprawling into the abyss amongst backups). Not a single time was it ever commented on. I consider that a sign it's normal.

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I find it weird how news articles here nowadays are like "A person was stabbed by an perpetrator", instead of stating that it was an immigrant or a gypsy, yet in the article they spell out the name of the guy, and it's like "hagert, nyman, blomerus" Ah, welp, the most common gypsy name..

Oh yeah and the same news agency will have no problem saying "WHITE MAN assaults poor [whatever flavor of minority] and publish two dozens articles about it happening but ignore three dozen instances of third worlders killing white people.

Move there.

I ran out of very loose homonyms for your name already.

It never mentions race unless it's a white perpetrator here and a nonwhite victim. Otherwise you can just easily guess if black or brown by name. They'll still constantly refer to them as "American victim" or whatever even if they're illegals. It's fucking obvious and all the weirder because who is even fooled by this?


There was a local story here a few months back: illegal with a warrant out for his arrest for a rape drunk drove and hit a white woman. Local paper accurately described what the guy was and his history. The mass media market (nearest major city news organizations in the US) awkwardly kept referring to him as "the American driver" for some fucking reason (propaganda).

The nigger horse.

I liked fighting games for the PS2 era but sort of fell out of playing them in the 360 generation. Every time I debate going back to it, it's just a constant reminder of how much the genre's fell. Every tournament I've seen in the last decade was spics, trannies or both.

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If you spend too much time on Twitter, maybe.  Like even the irl people I know that know of Genshin don't care/don't like niggers anyway.
Actually encountering that with my family lately, they're kinda going off the rails, and I of all people, have to tell them they're terminally online.
Also did you see I got the Genshin colab thing?  I might have to do it again, because I think I didn't sync my email with McDonald's shitty app or whatever, because I never got the email for the glider and apple pie.
Anyway, see ya, and have fun.

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I mean, my only interaction with the Genshin community is you and youtube recommending me videos about the latest on the brown controversy, so...
How exactly are they going off the rails? Like Qanon shit? I assume you're asleep now but I'm interested so I'll ask you again tomorrow. 
Yeah, I saw it.
> has to eat the goyslop twice to get his glider

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9 - nine years ago I could easily get remote, okay paying job without actual exeprience, now that I have experience, I cannot get a job and everyone wants me to do tasks for them for free, what the fuck happen and how is it acceptable?
contemplating about going back to selling self made porn and drugs

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It takes like 5 minutes to run through a days worth of stamina in both WuWa and ZZZ, and doing so nets you pretty much all of the daily rewards in both. I have no idea how it takes you so long in. 

Yeah, there were none in the new main story quests. They were just regular combat stages and one motorcycle segment. 
Granted, they didn't have any in the Jane story either, but I thought that was maybe just because it was a side story thing that Paethon are barely in. 
Still haven't finished it? 
The other Jap is Spec phone posting.

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I was thinking more like: Is the popularity of buying stripped lowers purely an artifact of ATF regulations, or is it a thing that would naturally be bought separately?

Hmm, I forgot that some European countries make it difficult or impossible for ordinary people to buy AR-15s.  Have you ever looked into acquiring one in Denmark?

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No no no, I forgot my image of 416!
I'm CONSERVING precious bandwidth and data!

Yeah it seems like this is something you'd know or have experience with.
My ""assigned reading"" is Serious Cryptography by Jean-Philippe Aumasson.
But right now I'm reading Capitalist Realism by Mark Fisher.

Chain, have you heard of CCRU?

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