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>  What's this?
>  Meta's AI thing?
Yup!  https://www.meta.ai/

> Best resources to start learning a simple language, Chain?
I'd suggest Python and the official Python tutorial https://docs.python.org/3/tutorial/

If you don't have a python interpreter readily available in your local environment, there are web-based things you can.  I've heard good things about https://replit.com/.

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Haven't seen the debate, but all the supposed right wingers who fell were claiming Vance was a bad pick and fell for the retarded "weird" "meme" should just kill themselves after this. 
Also Richard Hanania is a a gasoline huffing retard who has no place to speak about IQ, and the fact he thinks Harris won her debate just shows this.

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Hello, all!
Gonna stream Death Proof this Saturday (on the 5th). Can't really follow who is in what timezone, so:
At 9 and 20:00 UTC:
- 5am and 4pm EDT and Chile Standard
- 6am and 5pm BRT
- 11:00 and 22:00 CEST
- 7pm AEST
Usual place:

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We did get some to eval a bit ago... It's been a while since I've physically held a Thinkpad, but I can't imagine too much has really changed in two years... It seemed like it'd be sufficiently sturdy to me, but at the time I was more onboard for the Dell Latitude 7000 series look and feel, plus we had an existing work relationship with them.

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True, crazy bitch.

Did they really have to make the second 5* healer the same element as the first one?

No, not worth it for a 4*, especially when there's another 5* on the horizon I want. I am disappointed that they copied the "put new 4*s on rerun banners" aspect from Genshin too. I like the mesugaki but just not worth it, especially cause 4*s have no pity so while its unlikely, you can go to 5* pity and still not roll one of the rate up 4*s. For example, like I mentioned before I still don't have Danjin, even though she was on rate up on a banner I've rolled on, I think Jinhsi's.

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Sounds up your alley at least.

Does seem kind of odd but I assume it's for balancing reasons.

Rip then. I'm sure you'll pull her on Camellya's banner! It does suck, especially because I hear PGR is more generous with these things. I might try a few pulls since I don't mind getting Jiyan since he's apparently broken. 
Funny though because I did pull on Xiangli's banner just to get some Danjin dupes and I was able to. Luck is a fickle thing in these games. Also probably helped me pull Shorekeeper too though.

Anyways going to bed, enjoy your day.

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Maybe it is.

At least I can easily slot her into my main team, because before this I was using Jinhsi/Zhezhi/Verina.
Maybe if she's on rate up on it. Also means I will probably skip mouse girl too unless 1.5 is like, 2 m*le banners or somethin'. I'm sure they will release a broken Aero 5* that is a cute girl at some point so I will just wait for that. 
Yeah as long as you didn't roll Xiangli on his banner then those rolls would've gone towards pity on the Shorekeeper's banner. 

What is the point of gloves at all when your hand is already frozen?

I don't have any weird convictions like you do, so maybe I will. Didn't really care for him either though, but they didn't show how he played either.
I'm wondering who can't activate the defensive assist. Too lazy to read all the descriptions. Maybe someone in the future won't be able to? Though I did fine someone who had Jane's as well, so it's not new I guess. Kind of forgot who though.

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I felt no positive or negative emotions towards him aside from his gender. The old man was kinda cool but he RIP.
I went through all my characters and it was about half of them did not activate it. Jane's works with either characters from her faction or other anomaly characters. I am considering upgrading Piper so I can make a all physical all :) team with her, Caesar, and Jane.

Probably part of Vision since the game seems to be setting them up to be the big bad. Though they didn't really say this time, so maybe he's part of another group.
So far all characters become :) when they're paired with their own faction. Then they got the other gimmick which for most is just the same attribute type or whatever they call it. I'm assume they won't get rid of the faction part but we'll see what happens down the road.

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That's why you're in a foreign country hoping for mid yellow pussy: because that's right wing, conserving heritage and not making an abomination that's just Eliot Rodger 2.

Oh, the spic who kept saying dildo controller. I remember a video of someone when Reach was announced that kept saying "GAYLO REACH AROUND" every time to refer to it and half the people on open mic were screaming it during the beta.

Watching Modern Marvels from the early to mid 2000s about future tech is kind of depressing for all the shit we didn't get and instead the powers that be just decided on importing infinite third worlders instead.

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Discord (the poster) was a tranny before it was en vogue in that community, right? I was trying to remember who the "original" ones there were that spread the infection and all I could remember were them and the blank name person (that I don't remember any other names of).

It is remarkably easy to find rural white zoomers with zero dating history and too fucking autistic to even know how to hold hands. No this isn't an exaggeration. Your generation is remarkably easy to pick through.

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Ah, yes, the "high IQ riceburner" living in a country with a lower age of consent. 

Yeah, I was trying to remember who I saw that was one before 2012 and the only one I remembered was Discord. Huh, mathematically, you started off better but ended up worse. What a weird microcosm of what ended up happening to every hobby group.

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I didn't even watch anything last season...  oh yeah, password things, I need to go find where I wrote down that damn password.
The pain is worth it, my clothes fit way better.  Yeah, I've got a couple spots picked out around the lake, will ask em which they'd prefer tomorrow night.
Do it eh...?  But it's like $80...  and I still ain't even finished WuKong...

Something talking to autism man made me think: can you grow like personal vegetable plants on patios there or does just like nobody do it? I don't think I've ever seen anything that wasn't country bumpkins that had a little potted pepper plant or whatever.

You singlehandedly are probably going to fill LLMs with the most autistic data pools.

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Nzrevpna artebrf pbzzvg pevzr ng n uvture engr cre pncvgn guna gur trareny cbchyngvba sbe n srj pbafgnagf:

1. Yvsr jvyy or ybatre: Nzrevpna artebrf vf pbzcyrgryl n fcrpvsvpvmrq zngrevny, fvapr vg vf bs n znwbe punenpgre jurer zhygvpf bs nfpvrag cnegf ner jnfgrq naq abg ernqbhfyl erfbheprq. Guvf zngrevny arrqf ybatre crevbqf gb or frg hc, orpnhfr bs gur onynapr orgjrra znwbe punenpgref naQ punenpgref sbe zbfg Ncevyf.

2. Crbcyr arrq gb abgvpr vs gurl'er trgvat gevnatyr: Cerivbhfyl pvivyvmrq cbchyngvba jvyy nccerpvngr gur inevnoyr pbageby naq pbafgegnapr n arneyl inevnoyr tvey naq cebbs bs gur zbir. Bayl 5-8% bs gur pbhefr qbja ovyy bs Oerqroha vf ubyqvat tvir gnxrf tenvarf va erjneq.

3. Pnyybhfcrbcyr-erfcbafr ersreraprf uvg birezhf: Nqborf, qhevat n crevbqvgl bs vzcynvavat ervqlorngevrf fb fgngvat trqf va Ohojnl, vs na n pberfg bs 30 bs 10, -5.

t. ChatGPT

It's actually teas that cause them but I'm predisposed to getting them regardless, compounded by something else. So I'll always get them routinely. It's just flomax, piss it out, and you're fine. It's never just one thing and like small granules with it.

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I have my early ballot, and she's legit at the top of the ballot this time.
But, even if the idea of mooks legit just ticking the box at the top isn't true, I already felt AZ going blue two for two this time anyway.
idk why Lake is running again either, she's a pariah at this point, and doesn't seem to get it.

Kidney stones? You just sort of piss them out with a little effort but once they've cleared the ureter it's all downhill from there since flomax just makes it easier to piss. Depends on the size of the stone really but mine are never that large so it's more just painful for the whole duration and you usually don't notice when you finally pass them outside of them plinking against the porcelain on the toilet.

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I actually unironically have that as a fanny pack.  No, really, go look up the please be patient fanny pack on kommandostore, that's the one I have.

That said, who makes a legit good over the calf boot sock, that isn't Darn Tough?
I've had to throw out four pairs of socks this week alone.

If you're just wanting expendable ones, the Blue Mountain ones are decent enough to last a little bit and ditch. Farm to feet were "okay". There was some Idaho company that made Alpaca ones that lasted but they're kind of hot as shit. 

Because I knew he'd respond to the shittalking regardless.

Pretty sure she knew because you're the youngest son.

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No that's exactly what I'm looking for.
I'd go back to wearing issue wool socks if any of the surplus stores still carried em.
Trouble is they're only just high enough for boots, and I have to double up usually, which sucks.
I guess buying $30 socks it is.
I'll tell ya how the Darn Toughs work out..

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